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YouTube: How to download YouTube videos without downloading and using any software?


any ANONYMOUS forum user 12-23-2008 01:13 PM

YouTube: How to download YouTube videos without downloading and using any software?

How to download YouTube videos without downloading and using any software?

any ANONYMOUS forum user 12-24-2008 12:57 AM

YouTube: How to download YouTube videos without downloading and using any software?

There are many web-sites that allow you to copy a URL of the page with YouTube video, paste it into the form on the web-site and hit the download button to save YouTube video to your PC, Mac or amy other OS.

I use the following web-sites:
p.s. Although you need a web-browser to use this programs, so you will need to use some software ;)

noob2001204 12-24-2008 06:36 AM

Re: YouTube: How to download YouTube videos without downloading and using any softwar

2 ways

1. after the video is done loading,go to this folder

C:\Documents and Settings\*YourACCName*\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
2. check these 2 websites

Stream Recorder 12-28-2008 12:32 AM

Re: YouTube: How to download YouTube videos without downloading and using any softwar


Originally Posted by noob2001204 (Post 8710)
1. after the video is done loading,go to this folder

C:\Documents and Settings\*YourACCName*\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files

This folder is for the Internet Explorer (and is different for Windows Vista). Please read our FAQ to learn how to find the cache folder for Internet Explorer, Mozilla and Opera web browsers:
How to record/download/capture/save Macromedia/Adobe Flash .FLV video HTTP stream from embedded player.

any ANONYMOUS forum user 04-02-2009 08:10 PM

Re: YouTube: How to download YouTube videos without downloading and using any softwar

I've been using KeepVid to download videos, but as of Friday evening this no longer works. Both regular and high quality download links result in a 403 error ("You are not authorized to view this page").

I've found and tried several similar sites with the same result. Has YouTube finally managed to block all third-party download sites, or is it just me? If the former, I'd expect more of an outcry.

noob2001204 04-03-2009 09:12 AM

Re: YouTube: How to download YouTube videos without downloading and using any softwar

where do you live?
those websites still work for me,at least i tested several videos
can you post the video that you cant get it downloading with those website?
also,its recommend to use their bookmarklet

any ANONYMOUS forum user 04-03-2009 11:45 PM

Re: YouTube: How to download YouTube videos without downloading and using any softwar


I have tried
and it redirected IE to this website
Once the IE is at the above website, Avast warning message pops up and indicates this website has the following virus/worm:

Anyone encounter this problem ?

Thanks in advance.

noob2001204 04-04-2009 09:14 AM

Re: YouTube: How to download YouTube videos without downloading and using any softwar

you can always try those websites,the first one is recommended.


Stream Recorder 04-04-2009 10:20 AM

Re: YouTube: How to download YouTube videos without downloading and using any softwar

There were lots of problems with such web-sites recently when YouTube started charging for video downloads and started banning web-sites from downloading. Some of them moved their web-sites to new servers and continue to work.

But you can always use other methods of downloading from YouTube
FAQ: How to record/download/capture/save Adobe Flash .FLV video HTTP stream from embedded player

Stream Recorder 04-04-2009 10:23 AM

Re: YouTube: How to download YouTube videos without downloading and using any softwar


Originally Posted by any ANONYMOUS forum user (Post 10175)

I have tried
and it redirected IE to this website
Once the IE is at the above website, Avast warning message pops up and indicates this website has the following virus/worm:

While it might be a good idea not to use these services after a warning like that, Avast gives lots of false alarms, so I prefer to use other antiviruses

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