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Any command line tools for splitting video files?


noob2001204 12-02-2008 03:38 AM

Any command line tools for splitting video files?

By video files,i mean wmv,avi,mpg,mp4,mov,etc
all those common video formats

Stream Ripper 12-02-2008 06:25 PM

Re: Any command line tools for splitting video files?


If you are comfortable with using the command line, FFmpeg will do this for you.

Your command might look something like this:


ffmpeg -i input.mpg -ss 00:00:10 -t 00:00:30 out1.mpg
-ss is the start point in hh:mm:ss from the beginning of your video file

-t is the length of time in hh:mm:ss of your new segment.

So, in the above example, you're starting 10 seconds in from the beginning of the original file and ending 30 seconds later.

If you want to create multiple parts in one pass then the following should work:


ffmpeg -i input.mpg -ss 00:00:10 -t 00:00:30 out1.mpg -ss 00:00:35 -t 00:00:30 out2.mpg
In this example, the first segment is the same as the first example, but you're also creating a second file starting at 35 seconds in and being 30 seconds long.

If you want some other NON-command line options, let me know and I can recomend a few..this is the only one of this type I know of.

noob2001204 12-05-2008 08:19 AM

Re: Any command line tools for splitting video files?

thanks for your response :)

nic.basd 10-19-2009 06:02 AM

Re: Any command line tools for splitting video files?


you also can try VideoCharge Studio.

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