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Merge and decrypt webvtt


Devil1 02-16-2017 03:28 AM

Merge and decrypt webvtt

From here you can get m3u8 of video file
Inside the video m3u8 file, there is a subtitle m3u8 file. There are 147 segmented (split) webvtt files and a .key file ( encryption method: aes-128). It is pretty much same as a m3u8 file with bunch of .ts files and .key file.

My question is how to join and decrypt all these webvtt file? I have tried ffmpeg but it is unable to do the job. Searched google but there is no method to available to decrypt webvtt files

#Indian vpn is required to download all these files.

ColdRain 02-16-2017 08:45 AM

Re: Merge and decrypt webvtt

what kind of website is that? it only gets you final m3u8 link? anyone can do that in browser or just with a browser addon.

Devil1 02-16-2017 09:13 AM

Re: Merge and decrypt webvtt

^^ go to the link I typed above and download the m3u8 file, open the m3u8 file and you will see another m3u8 file inside, m3u8 of subtitles. I need to download that subtitles.

ColdRain 02-16-2017 09:43 AM

Re: Merge and decrypt webvtt

i meant in general, what is the purpose of the site if it only gives you m3u8. let me see about subs in few.

Devil1 02-16-2017 09:46 AM

Re: Merge and decrypt webvtt

Hotstar is the original website, 9xbuddy will only help you in getting the m3u8 file (it will save some of your time)

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