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Help with livestreamer akamaihd with token


piratilla_bcn 01-25-2017 07:34 AM

Help with livestreamer akamaihd with token

Hi all!

I'm trying to catch up this mexican radio:

I've found this link b0b4

But when trying to use livestreamer for akamaihd:

livestreamer "akamaihd://*~hmac=770491639103ad55e6d257c5744c4b0aadebc13e5cb c3d219a4426e5264b3862&AkamaiAnalytics_debug=1&sd=1 0&set-segment-duration=smoothest&resellerId=56bb4788e4b01db401d1 b0b4" worst --yes-run-as-root
[cli][info] Found matching plugin stream for URL akamaihd://*~hmac=770491639103ad55e6d257c5744c4b0aadebc13e5cb c3d219a4426e5264b3862&AkamaiAnalytics_debug=1&sd=1 0&set-segment-duration=smoothest&resellerId=56bb4788e4b01db401d1 b0b4
[cli][info] Available streams: live (worst, best)
[cli][info] Opening stream: live (akamaihd)
[cli][error] Could not open stream: Unable to open URL: (403 Client Error: Forbidden for url:

It doesn't work.

How can I achieve it?

Many thanks in advance! :-)

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