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Help to record stream with livestreamer (linux)


piratilla_bcn 01-23-2017 07:27 AM

Help to record stream with livestreamer (linux)


I used to record via command line this stream:

It used to work like these:

livestreamer "hlsvariant://" best -o - | ffmpeg -i - /var/tmp/RTPAfrica.mp4

The URL seems to be the same, but when I do it know I receive this from livestreamer:

error: Unable to open URL: http://rtp-pull-wrtp-live.hls.adapti.../playlist.m3u8 (401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url: http://rtp-pull-wrtp-live.hls.adapti.../playlist.m3u8)

Any ideas?

Many thanks in advance! :-)

troller12 01-23-2017 10:08 AM

Re: Help to record stream with livestreamer (linux)


you need to use a referer paramter to get it work with LS.If you load the site and check the response in the webconsole of your browser then you can see it.

Just use it like this...

livestreamer --http-header "Referer=" "hlsvariant://" best

piratilla_bcn 01-23-2017 10:14 AM

Re: Help to record stream with livestreamer (linux)

Many thanks!! :-)

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