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Help-how to download m3u8 playlist?


aviergaz 09-16-2016 07:34 AM

Help-how to download m3u8 playlist?

Hi guys
Theres a streaming site that uses this methoud and i want to downlaod the video file.

thres a bunch of files (segments) and i want to know how can i download the entire video in one piece ,here are some of the files and thers many many more..
plese tell me what to do

segment103_0_av.tsts2 MB
segment15_0_av.tsts2 MB
segment14_0_av.tsts2 MB
segment13_0_av.tsts2 MB


troller12 09-16-2016 09:56 AM

Re: Help-how to download m3u8 playlist?


so to prevent downloading them all one by one you can use ffmpeg or livestreamer tool to download the video as one file.Just use master url you have for LS or look inside about other quality stream links and choose that one you like and use it with ffmpeg.Just test a little.


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