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Offline playback Netflix?


Alexa2000 08-08-2016 06:06 AM

Offline playback Netflix?

Hi peeps,
just heard that Netflix is currently thinking about an offline playback for its service. Sounds great!:) Does somebody know more about the planned feature? Do you think it would be possible to save Netflix movies on my hard disk? I am asking, because I want to expand my movie collection on my hard disk... :D

ManceRayder 08-09-2016 06:04 AM

Re: Offline playback Netflix?

Yes, that’s right. As far as I know it’ll probably be available by the end of the year?! Having a download button on Netflix is about 10 years to late :D But I don’t think you are able to save the movies and shows on your hard disk, because you’ll only be able to watch them offline on their plattform for a certain period of time. Therefore you’ll need a third party software like a screen recorder. This one does a good job: :)

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