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Play CNN stream in VLC


macintoshd 03-09-2016 06:26 PM

Play CNN stream in VLC

I got as close as this by copying another post, not sure how the poster got the other data. Wireshark?


rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "live" -f "WIN 19,0,0,226" -W "" -p "" -C S:OK --live -      y "cnnkxsm?id=46549&pk=7f829e2cc45201330a0c9f47466f245c68ab27c7bcb9f020d4eab8ae66bf6762"

-D3n1s- 03-10-2016 10:03 AM

Re: Play CNN stream in VLC

You can use my WIP app:

Edit janjua.m3u, replace old CNN url with:

Save, run the app and drag and janjua.m3u

Or just forget about this LQ stream and register on and you can use my streamlive app:

triple7 03-10-2016 10:30 PM

Re: Play CNN stream in VLC

Good stuff, -D3n1s-! Thanks.

Dude111 05-17-2016 09:37 AM

Very nice thank you!!

DanielLee5 08-01-2017 02:18 AM

Re: Play CNN stream in VLC

Very useful post, thank you!
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