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help me please with this streaming


Fetflix 03-06-2016 06:22 AM

help me please with this streaming

I Want to view in vlc , im newbie

i hope :)


shawn1122 03-06-2016 10:37 AM

Re: help me please with this streaming

Assuming you're on Windows, install Livestreamer -> test it out with a YouTube link to make sure its working.

Then it's just a matter of getting the link to the stream. If you don't have uBlock Origin installed, you can get the extension (it's available in both Firefox and Chrome and use the logger to search for channel.m3u8 . Copy that link and open a command prompt. Type in:

livestreamer "hlsvariant://[YOUR LINK]" best
in my case it is:


livestreamer "hlsvariant:// sljR2dXYmxuFg5GP/X7xcXFJi+OzfOAcMz6wGIDs6+L1N8R5vZgnj55H+d2MlbRv0gR F6hhDeAuBJnGiXggn1cDhgIit61HlrV9oYWRmWAOLIqugX3gcS 3dt8hCnrEfjCgBWAAskOYPA=|N4g8BxQ0eyF95QsjPzRlq766h mxc7gD/9QfL7xxQsvI=.m3u8" best
(though this will not work for you, you have to get your own link)
and it should start playing in VLC.

Keep in mind that the video must start playing in the tab in order for the its link to show up in the logger, so you will have to click the "I'm not a robot" checkbox and wait for the video to load. Make sure the logger is open prior to the video loading, so that it can catch the link.

uBlock Origin is probably the most efficient ad blocking plugin available today, so it is worth keeping. It can be disabled on certain sites if you want to ensure they get ad revenue. I usually advise to use it's logger since many people already have the extension installed and are not aware that it can serve this purpose as well. There are other apps that can catch the link also, but you have to install them seperately. Url Snooper is one example. If the uBlock Origin logger is not giving you the full link (eg. " sljR2dXYmxuFg5GP/X7xcXFJi+OzfOAcMz6wGIDs6+...") with just an elipsis at the end, make sure you click the double arrow pointing downward at the top left corner of the screen so that it is pointing upwards, and the full link should show up.

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