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iPlayer Radio rip help


seamiedev 03-03-2016 04:16 PM

iPlayer Radio rip help

I am using a cracked version of Jaksta Streaming Media Recorder V4.3.2.0

It used to be able to instantly detect and capture streams from BC iPlayer & iPlayer radio such as the audiothat plays in the link below

Of late it is not capturing the BBC streams though still works on other sites without any problems.

Any have any idea why ? have the BBC changed something ??

Appreciate any help...............

bat999 03-04-2016 05:04 PM

Re: iPlayer Radio rip help


Originally Posted by seamiedev (Post 82940)
... Jaksta Streaming Media Recorder...
used to be able to instantly detect and capture streams from BC iPlayer & iPlayer radio such as the audiothat plays in the link below
Of late it is not capturing the BBC streams...
Any have any idea why ?...

Probably will be difficult if you're not located in UK.;)
Try with youtube-dl program instead...

Look here --->

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