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Capture MY webcam while I am using it


coldroom 11-14-2015 08:29 AM

Capture MY webcam while I am using it


Is it possible to capture MY webcam flow, while I am using it ? I think no, but I still ask.

If not, do you know a all in one tool that can do this on the network layer ? A tool that allow me to capture ONLY video flow (wirehsark, but how to use it to filter only flash video cam ? And how to reassemble packet to get a viewable flow (xplico ?) ?


Stream Ripper 11-14-2015 01:16 PM

Re: Capture MY webcam while I am using it

Hard to say - i'd probably recommend Replay Video Capture to be honest with you (or another screen capture program)

angieral89 06-17-2016 04:17 PM

Re: Capture MY webcam while I am using it

If you want to record your call you can use a skype recorder that record all your conversations in differents formats and it has many tutorials

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