Is it legal to record audio streams? Can it be considered as a piracy?Streaming audio recorders (software capable of recording audio streams) are intended for use as personal archiving tools only. Please respect the rights of the copyright holders of any audio material you record.
If you like a broadcast you've recorded, please buy the media! Our web-site is not intended to be a replacement for the media stores, rather it allows you to listen/watch and make an educated purchase. There are many good reasons to buy music, audiobooks and other audio files:
There are a lot of means to protect streaming media from illegal copying and distribution including password-protection and Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems. You should also read the Terms of Service (ToS) carefully to make sure your stream recording will not violate it. Otherwise we strongly recommend not to make any recordings. Some of us used to record radio broadcasts to audio cassettes. And it was not considered illegal. Why stream recording from web radio stations should be considered illegal then? At the same time we do NOT support any illegal distribution of the recorded materials. 100% of audio streams we know can be recorded by capturing sound from your sound card. We just try to describe a better approach so that our visitors don't waste their time and HD space. P.S.: If you are a content owner/distributor and you want any information about stream recording from your web-site to be removed from or, please contact us. Please also make sure your visitors can easily find information prohibiting stream recording from your web-site. |
Answer on Legal question from ApplianApplian Technologies, the developer of Replay AV, Replay Media Catcher, Replay Music and At-Large Recorder, has the following answers to legal questions:
Re: Is it legal to record audio streams? Can it be considered as a piracy?Just for yourself.
Is it legal to record audio streams? Can it be considered as a piracy?This thread quotes the laws of the United States of America, and does not apply to users who live in some other country.
In England, for example, the law is governed by the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988:,_Designs_and_Patents_Act_1988 The basic position in England is that it is not a breach of copyright to make a copy of something you already own, for your own sole use. But almost every other type of copying is a breach of copyright. There are some exemptions for "fair dealing", e.g. if you are copying only a small part of a copyright work. There is a list of examples of what amounts to fair dealing. Mostly, breach is a civil matter, meaning you might be sued for the breach and have to pay compensation (to the copyright owner). This means, in effect, that you are not likely to be sued unless you are doing something that warrants the time and expense of a lawsuit. But selling a copy, or making a copy available to the public, is a criminal offence. There are other criminal offences under the Act too. This means the copyright owner is relieved of the cost and hassle, which falls instead on the police or another public body, so the owner is more likely to take action in the case of even a less serious breach. |
Re: Is it legal to record audio streams? Can it be considered as a piracy?Owner of this forum may be from The United States Of America if it is still Applian what I doubt very much.
Applian used to censor here including one my own post what was a rude comment about one of them when this forum was disfunctional. If it was USA owner he would be as scared as Assange and censor a lot. You don't know what is worse, to be treated as Assange or give a voice to spammers. So it is not about you and me but about who gives me a voice here and seeing no censorship here it is unlikely USA run. |
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