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Hls m3u8 encrypted


Hazrd 06-22-2015 12:23 PM

Hls m3u8 encrypted

Hi , i have a HLS m3u8 link that contain .ts files,

The principal url with all "qualities" is this
Inside that link , i found this link for example :

its encrypted so ,is there a way to decrypt it ?
Thanks in advance

wyatt_clayton 07-21-2015 04:18 AM

Re: Hls m3u8 encrypted

I use Streaming Video Provider HLS security encryption and highly recommend it. It is very strong, they made it almost impossible for any tools used to steal the content. It is really good in terms of protection:

surya987 07-22-2015 01:59 AM

Re: Hls m3u8 encrypted

you can get the key while playing the video.. mind giving link+login in PM....

i can help...

slim94 07-22-2015 12:43 PM

Re: Hls m3u8 encrypted


Originally Posted by surya987 (Post 78392)
you can get the key while playing the video.. mind giving link+login in PM....

i can help...

afaik this means the key resides on the device somewhere doesn't it? And that URI is a dummy url... if so, i'm very interested in how you find the key.

surya987 07-22-2015 10:33 PM

Re: Hls m3u8 encrypted

no its not like that... the url will fetch key during video p[lays.. as key is cokkie based..... :)

AlvoErrado2 01-22-2017 01:52 PM

Re: Hls m3u8 encrypted


Originally Posted by surya987 (Post 78412)
no its not like that... the url will fetch key during video p[lays.. as key is cokkie based..... :)

Do you know how to download videos from this site?


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