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how to install customized rtmpdump binaries !! PLEASE HELP


Saleh Amran 01-26-2015 03:29 AM

how to install customized rtmpdump binaries !! PLEASE HELP


I don't know what to do !

I have a linux DEBIAN 7 OS

and i'm trying to compile the ksv to my own preinstalled rtmpdump

i've downloaded the script

but don't know what to upload and where to upload it and how to patch it

please someone help me step by step !!

this is the script thread i'm talking about :

solarc 01-26-2015 09:24 AM

Re: how to install customized rtmpdump binaries !! PLEASE HELP


You read the first post of the link that you are referring to?
If you have Debian installed you just have to do what is explained there.


Originally Posted by KSV (Post 61390)

assuming you have all tools (gcc, binutils etc.) and dependencies (OpenSSL, Zlib) installed correctly for your distribution.

1. clone the repository

git clone git://
2. copy patch from package to rtmpdump directory and apply it

patch -p0 -i Patch.diff
3. then just compile and install normally

sudo make install prefix=/usr

And that's it.

Saleh Amran 01-26-2015 11:07 AM

Re: how to install customized rtmpdump binaries !! PLEASE HELP

first of all thanks for replying fast.

the problem i have is that i don't know what he means about
" assuming you have all tools (gcc, binutils etc.) and dependencies (OpenSSL, Zlib) installed correctly for your distribution. "

and then about the script should i upload all the files in it to rtmpdump or just Patch.diff.

finally when i do " patch -p0 -i Patch.diff "
it asks me about what file i want to patch ?

please explain all above to me sir.

solarc 01-26-2015 02:57 PM

Re: how to install customized rtmpdump binaries !! PLEASE HELP


Originally Posted by Saleh Amran (Post 73556)
first of all thanks for replying fast.

the problem i have is that i don't know what he means about
" assuming you have all tools (gcc, binutils etc.) and dependencies (OpenSSL, Zlib) installed correctly for your distribution. "

Please, do this:
apt-get update
apt-get -y install openjdk-6-jdk openjdk-6-jre ant subversion make build-essential libssl-dev

As for the rest you only have to do what is written above. Well written btw.
I can't be more explicit than that, sorry...

Hope this help you.

Saleh Amran 01-27-2015 12:02 AM

Re: how to install customized rtmpdump binaries !! PLEASE HELP

thank u man

i've done what u told me to do

but this was the problem.

" patch -p0 -i Patch.diff "

that what happens

help :D ?

biezom 01-27-2015 12:25 AM

Re: how to install customized rtmpdump binaries !! PLEASE HELP


Originally Posted by Saleh Amran (Post 73565)
thank u man

i've done what u told me to do

but this was the problem.

" patch -p0 -i Patch.diff "

that what happens

help :D ?

in normal terminal not in administrator terminal

cd /home/user/
with user the name of your session

git clone git://

cd rtmpdump

wget -c


rm -R *.exe *License.txt librtmp.dll

patch -p0 -i Patch.diff


enter your password to be root

make install prefix=/usr


Saleh Amran 01-27-2015 02:22 AM

Re: how to install customized rtmpdump binaries !! PLEASE HELP

biezom, This is great man. :D
Thank u so much.
one last thing, how can i make sure i'm using it right and it installed well?. :confused:

biezom 01-27-2015 04:47 AM

Re: how to install customized rtmpdump binaries !! PLEASE HELP


Originally Posted by Saleh Amran (Post 73568)
biezom, This is great man. :D
Thank u so much.
one last thing, how can i make sure i'm using it right and it installed well?. :confused:

post the results of these commands


find /usr  -name 'rtmpdump' -exec ls -l {} \;

find /usr  -name '*' -exec ls -l {} \;

Saleh Amran 01-27-2015 07:23 AM

Re: how to install customized rtmpdump binaries !! PLEASE HELP


I hope it's right :D

biezom 01-27-2015 12:48 PM

Re: how to install customized rtmpdump binaries !! PLEASE HELP

yes i think it's ok you can use rtmpdump now

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