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Buying Amazon Instant Video content outside of the USA


Franklint 01-25-2015 05:12 AM

Buying Amazon Instant Video content outside of the USA

Hi guys,

I'm still desperately trying to get hold of this Amazon Instant video. I'm keen to buy it, but unfortunately I can't do so as I'm outside of the US.

Can you think of a method to purchase it from abroad? I'll worry about recording the stream once I have access to it (although that's a second problem). Alternatively, if you have an account, would you be prepared to buy/download it for me in exchange for the purchase price (say PayPal)?

Any suggestions very much appreciated!


Paula1 03-25-2015 03:38 AM

Re: Buying Amazon Instant Video content outside of the USA

You can ask help for online customer service of Amazon ,Ebay, etc.

reydson 04-02-2015 05:59 AM

Re: Buying Amazon Instant Video content outside of the USA

Set up your credit card payment with an US address for billing.
Get a gift card with at least the value of the content you want to buy from Amazon VOD.
Use a proxy, VPN or a DNS service to acess in order to make the purchase. It will check your IP address and will charge the Gift Card balance instead of the credit card, so it will work. Remember you will still need a proxy to watch the purchased content.

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