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Should I use Windows Vista or uninstall it?


sectroyer 10-01-2007 02:57 PM

Should I use Windows Vista or uninstall it?

You can always uninstall vista :D It's not always easy but it is possible. Vista has some stupid "improvements" that make it hard to uninstall but not impossible :) Just google a little. There are many sites that explain how to uninstall vista in any conditions. Anyway good luck with your fight :)

Stream Recorder 10-01-2007 09:34 PM

Re: Should I use Windows Vista or uninstall it?

Do you mean that one can downgrade Windows Vista to Windows XP for free?

sectroyer 10-02-2007 07:29 AM

Re: Should I use Windows Vista or uninstall it?


Originally Posted by Stream Recorder (Post 3936)
Do you mean that one can downgrade Windows Vista to Windows XP for free?

You can uninstall Vista for free.
You can format your drive for free.
You can install your free/pirated version of XP for free.
I hope this explains everything :)

Stream Recorder 10-02-2007 10:36 AM

Re: Should I use Windows Vista or uninstall it?


Originally Posted by sectroyer (Post 3941)
You can install your free/pirated version of XP for free.

I especially like this line ;)

I've heard that you can officially downgrade Vista to XP. It might not work with cheap HOME versions.

sectroyer 10-03-2007 04:07 AM

Re: Should I use Windows Vista or uninstall it?


Originally Posted by Stream Recorder (Post 3945)
I especially like this line ;)

I've heard that you can officially downgrade Vista to XP. It might not work with cheap HOME versions.

I don't know about official ways but I just can't understand people who use Vista... Why use system which doesn't work correctly and doesn't support most of the apps?

Stream Recorder 10-03-2007 04:26 AM

Re: Should I use Windows Vista or uninstall it?


Originally Posted by sectroyer (Post 3959)
I don't know about official ways but I just can't understand people who use Vista... Why use system which doesn't work correctly and doesn't support most of the apps?

Many PCs come with pre-installed Windows Vista. And as of January the 1st, 2008 you won't be able to buy Windows XP anymore.

sectroyer 10-03-2007 03:29 PM

Re: Should I use Windows Vista or uninstall it?


Originally Posted by Stream Recorder (Post 3961)
Many PCs come with pre-installed Windows Vista. And as of January the 1st, 2008 you won't be able to buy Windows XP anymore.

Yes many pcs come with vista preinstalled but there is more and more people that are able to uninstall it. It's enought to google a little or ask your friends and you can have Vista out of your pc :D Besides MS has only someting about 3 to 8 years of "freedom" :) After that ReactOS will become stable and will "change the world" :) Just like Firefox... Now no one uses IE :D

Stream Recorder 10-03-2007 10:58 PM

Re: Should I use Windows Vista or uninstall it?

Why paying 150 bucks for the OEM software that you will uninstall?

I would like to buy a laptop with Ubuntu Linux or just with DOS, but I can't.

As for ReactOS, I'm not sure about the future of this project. Although I would like to see this project advancing.

templecity 10-10-2007 12:54 AM

Re: Should I use Windows Vista or uninstall it?

There's another option: Win 98.

When Win XP arrived, many Win 98 users said what many XP users say today: M$'s new OS is not quite ready for prime time.

In the past seven years, many of those people still say XP is not quite ready for prime time and have stuck with 98. As a result, they have stable, clean, virus/malware free, problem free systems that require very little maintenance.

Stream Recorder 10-10-2007 03:12 AM

Re: Should I use Windows Vista or uninstall it?

I haven't used the first version of XP. However I was glad to switch to it from 98 SE after getting a stable version (I thought most of the users as well). I waited for a year but I got XP SP1 that was rather good. As for Win98, it is not secure I suppose. It is good for old computers 'coz it is the only OS that works fine on them.

Vista is different. Lots of programs won't work on it. And it still has lots of problems with hardware. And my guess it that it will take more time to get a version that will be good for most users.

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