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Downloading .M3U8 Using FFMPEG


Karim AlHousiny 07-23-2014 11:08 PM

Downloading .M3U8 Using FFMPEG

Hi Everyone...

Without long intros, I need help from our experts to download this video in HD using ffmpeg...

I Know that AtresDownloader is able to download it ,
But i want to use FFMPEG for making a batch download to get the series quickly,
Because I'm afraid it could be deleted after the website admins
decided to sue some Youtube Channels for publishing that series !
and it's already deleted from many places because of this.. :mad:

Any Help Please..?

chap 07-23-2014 11:23 PM

Re: Downloading .M3U8 Using FFMPEG

1 Attachment(s)
try use

Karim AlHousiny 07-23-2014 11:46 PM

Re: Downloading .M3U8 Using FFMPEG

Thank you so much for your reply chap :)

I'm sorry to tell you that I couldn't understand what do I have
to do with these file... ''Forgive my ignorance''

Would you please help me more and tell me what exactly am I suppose to do, and what is that Reg file used for ?
Really appreciate your help...Thanks

Karim AlHousiny 07-23-2014 11:55 PM

Re: Downloading .M3U8 Using FFMPEG

Someone told me before that I can use this code :-
"ffmpeg -i M3U8 URL -c copy mpegts.ts"

But ffmpeg said "At least one output file must be specified"

and I didn't Know what to do ..

peterpan 07-24-2014 01:48 AM

Re: Downloading .M3U8 Using FFMPEG

I'm assuming you already have ffmpeg installed...

1. Save the zip file to your C drive
2. Open your cmd prompt and cd to the folder (i.e. cd c:\halal)
3. then type:

ffmpeg -i "playlist-4b2d059e84d01786e91d48717f0f72f89ca5c5f6.m3u8" -c copy "halal_1.ts"
This will download the file to your ffmpeg folder...

Enjoy ;)

P.S. Shahid is geo-blocked in the US, so if you're in the US, you have to use a UK proxy....

Karim AlHousiny 07-24-2014 02:51 AM

Re: Downloading .M3U8 Using FFMPEG

This is exactly what I'm looking for !!!
thank you so much for your help peterpan :)

I tried to do what you told me but it didn't work in the beginning

ffmpeg said "Unable to open key file 57c4bacb7ef9420f8e16ee3b0ca7f34a.key"

then I figured that I have to Put the key file in the same folder with the m3u8 file,
ant it worked perfectly, thanks to you and chap :)

But I still need your help please,

How to get that Key file, and encrypt it like that ?

And If I'm going to make a batch downloading,
Is it gonna work If I put all of the download commands, one after another in a (*.bat) file ?

finally, I know how to get the m3u8 file, but I think you may have a better way
So, Would you Please tell me how to get it ?

Thanks so much for your time, I am so grateful for your help bro :)

Karim AlHousiny 07-24-2014 03:28 AM

Re: Downloading .M3U8 Using FFMPEG

Can anyone please tell, what do I have to do with the key file ?
I Mean, do I have to add it to Registry in order to download the video file ?
and If so, Can anyone please Explain to me how to get that key file, and how to encrypt it like that ?

I know my questions might be silly for experts, but please forgive me as I'm still beginner and this is my first time to download a Live Video Streaming..

peterpan 07-24-2014 12:30 PM

Re: Downloading .M3U8 Using FFMPEG

You can sniff it out and search for it using any descent url sniffer (wireshark, fiddler, etc...)

Originally Posted by Karim AlHousiny (Post 69254)
How to get that Key file, and encrypt it like that ?

Don't know for sure, but you can try ;)

Originally Posted by Karim AlHousiny (Post 69254)
And If I'm going to make a batch downloading,
Is it gonna work If I put all of the download commands, one after another in a (*.bat) file ?

Stick to the method you know! There's no "easy way" or "free ride" when it comes to finding rtmp's or m3u8's... Just use your favorite sniffing tool(s) and get to work!

Originally Posted by Karim AlHousiny (Post 69254)
finally, I know how to get the m3u8 file, but I think you may have a better way So, Would you Please tell me how to get it ?

peterpan 07-24-2014 12:38 PM

Re: Downloading .M3U8 Using FFMPEG

No, just like "you said you did" when you download the m3u8 and key file, just put them in the same folder and download like you did for 1st episode...and Voila!


Originally Posted by Karim AlHousiny (Post 69255)
Can anyone please tell, what do I have to do with the key file ?
I Mean, do I have to add it to Registry in order to download the video file ?

Like mentioned in an earlier response, use any sniffer and you look for the key file :) The key is already encrypted, so just put it in the same folder as your m3u8 and download your episodes using ffmpeg!

Originally Posted by Karim AlHousiny (Post 69255)
and If so, Can anyone please Explain to me how to get that key file, and how to encrypt it like that ?

Karim AlHousiny 07-24-2014 06:02 PM

Re: Downloading .M3U8 Using FFMPEG

Thanks a lot peterpan for your reply...

I've Successfully downloaded the first ep. ,
but unfortunately after searching so much topics, I couldn't figure out ,
how to get the key file of any video :o

is there a specific program or technique that I have to use ?

I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you guys with my questions,
But I really don't Know what to do...

So, Any Help Please..?

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