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Play RTMPDump results through Flash (in webpage)


interac 07-03-2014 11:29 AM

Play RTMPDump results through Flash (in webpage)

I have the sample output:
rtmp:// playpath=ssnx swfUrl= live=1 pageUrl= token=%ZZri(nKa@#Z

When I try just the rtmp server through Flash player (JW or Flow) I get an error. There is somehow a need for other parameters to be added to the player but cannot find how!

Can anyone help??!

gnappo74 07-27-2014 12:49 PM

Re: Play RTMPDump results through Flash (in webpage)


i have the same problem with another rtmp but built in the same format, at the end r u able to solve the problem?

peterpan 07-27-2014 01:21 PM

Re: Play RTMPDump results through Flash (in webpage)

Post original link, which we can play in browser LOL

interac 07-27-2014 05:21 PM

Re: Play RTMPDump results through Flash (in webpage)

I got the link through iptv smart brain. I don't have the webpage otherwise I wouldn't have asked.

gnappo74 07-27-2014 05:42 PM

Re: Play RTMPDump results through Flash (in webpage)

i have link that i have tried to replicate in my jwplayer:

i have use rtmpdump and i have extracted this data:

rtmp:// playpath=skysupercalcio swfUrl= live=1 pageUrl= token=%ZZri(nKa@#Z

but i continue to obtain connection failed: application rejected connection.

i hope that u can help me :)

peterpan 07-27-2014 11:57 PM

Re: Play RTMPDump results through Flash (in webpage)

@gnappo74 Not sure if this is what you're looking for...


rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "redirect" -f "WIN 13,0,0,214" -W "" -p "" --live -y "calciosuper" -T "%%ZZri(nKa@#Z" | "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" -


gnappo74 07-28-2014 02:30 AM

Re: Play RTMPDump results through Flash (in webpage)

exactly, i have able to play in simple tv but not in jwplayer, r u able to do that?

the link that i have posted (.php) works with jwplayer

gnappo74 07-28-2014 02:44 AM

Re: Play RTMPDump results through Flash (in webpage)

i have posted a quick html with jwplayer

as u know doesn't work :(

gnappo74 07-29-2014 09:06 AM

Re: Play RTMPDump results through Flash (in webpage)

So i continue to have connection refused : application rejected connection

If you check here and you have plash player debug you see this:

JWPLAYERREADY ([PlayerEvent type="jwplayerReady" id="null" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295" message="null"]) VM1068:1
JWPLAYERCOMPONENTSHOW ([ComponentEvent type="jwplayerComponentShow" component="[object ControlbarComponent]" boundingRect=(x=0, y=421, w=906, h=29) id=null client=FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145 version=5.10.2295]) VM1070:1
JWPLAYERCOMPONENTSHOW ([ComponentEvent type="jwplayerComponentShow" component="[object DisplayComponent]" boundingRect=(x=428, y=185.5, w=50, h=50) id=null client=FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145 version=5.10.2295]) VM1071:1
JWPLAYERCOMPONENTSHOW ([ComponentEvent type="jwplayerComponentShow" component="[object DockComponent]" boundingRect=(x=0, y=0, w=0, h=0) id=null client=FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145 version=5.10.2295]) VM1072:1
JWPLAYERPLAYLISTLOADED ([PlaylistEvent type="jwplayerPlaylistLoaded" index="0" id="null" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295" message="null"]) VM1073:1
JWPLAYERPLAYLISTITEM ([PlaylistEvent type="jwplayerPlaylistItem" index="0" id="null" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295" message="null"]) VM1074:1
LOAD (Loading PlaylistItem: [PlaylistItem file=skysupercalcio streamer=rtmp:// provider=rtmp]) VM1075:1
JWPLAYERVIEWCLICK ([ViewEvent type="jwplayerViewClick" data="null" id=null client=FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145 version=5.10.2295]) VM1077:1
JWPLAYERVIEWPLAY ([ViewEvent type="jwplayerViewPlay" data="null" id=null client=FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145 version=5.10.2295]) VM1078:1
JWPLAYERMEDIABEFOREPLAY ([MediaEvent type="jwplayerMediaBeforePlay" id="null" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295"]) VM1079:1
JWPLAYERMEDIALOADED ([MediaEvent type="jwplayerMediaLoaded" id="null" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295"]) VM1080:1
JWPLAYERPLAYERSTATE ([PlayerStateEvent type="jwplayerPlayerState" oldstate="IDLE" newstate="BUFFERING" id="null" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295" message="null"]) VM1081:1
JWPLAYERMEDIABUFFER ([MediaEvent type="jwplayerMediaBuffer" bufferPercent="0" position="0" id="null" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295"]) VM1082:1
JWPLAYERPLAYERSTATE ([PlayerStateEvent type="jwplayerPlayerState" oldstate="BUFFERING" newstate="IDLE" id="null" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295" message="null"]) VM1083:1
JWPLAYERMEDIAMETA ([MediaEvent type="jwplayerMediaMeta" code="NetConnection.Connect.Closed" level="status" id="null" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295"]) VM1084:1
JWPLAYERMEDIAMETA ([MediaEvent type="jwplayerMediaMeta" type="close" close="true" id="null" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295"]) VM1085:1
JWPLAYERMEDIALOADED ([MediaEvent type="jwplayerMediaLoaded" id="null" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295"]) VM1086:1
JWPLAYERPLAYERSTATE ([PlayerStateEvent type="jwplayerPlayerState" oldstate="IDLE" newstate="BUFFERING" id="null" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295" message="null"]) VM1087:1
JWPLAYERMEDIABUFFER ([MediaEvent type="jwplayerMediaBuffer" bufferPercent="0" position="0" id="null" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295"]) VM1088:1
JWPLAYERPLAYERSTATE ([PlayerStateEvent type="jwplayerPlayerState" oldstate="BUFFERING" newstate="IDLE" id="null" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295" message="null"]) VM1089:1
JWPLAYERERROR ([PlayerEvent type="jwplayerError" id="null" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295" message="Connection failed: Application rejected connection."]) VM1090:1
JWPLAYERCOMPONENTHIDE ([ComponentEvent type="jwplayerComponentHide" component="[object DisplayComponent]" boundingRect=(x=428, y=185.5, w=50, h=50) id=null client=FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145 version=5.10.2295]) VM1091:1
JWPLAYERMEDIAERROR ([MediaEvent type="jwplayerMediaError" message="Connection failed: Application rejected connection." id="null" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295"]) VM1092:1
JWPLAYERMEDIAMETA ([MediaEvent type="jwplayerMediaMeta" description="Connection failed: Application rejected connection." clientid="1423340810" code="NetConnection.Connect.Rejected" secureToken="bdd3485249e0cbe930c1d8d2548659a921d49 b64376f763e3d675f5a3a3f99eb452ab43d" level="error" id="null" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295"]) VM1093:1
JWPLAYERMEDIAMETA ([MediaEvent type="jwplayerMediaMeta" code="NetConnection.Connect.Closed" level="status" id="null" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295"]) VM1094:1
JWPLAYERMEDIAMETA ([MediaEvent type="jwplayerMediaMeta" type="close" close="true" id="null" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295"]) VM1095:1
JWPLAYERCOMPONENTSHOW ([ComponentEvent type="jwplayerComponentShow" component="[object DisplayComponent]" boundingRect=(x=428, y=185.5, w=50, h=50) id=null client=FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145 version=5.10.2295])

i have decompiled original swf player :
HERE you can decompiled it
inside there is wowza encription.as3

so if you check the original web player that works here:

and rtmp dumped you obtain:

rtmp:// playpath=skysupercalcio swfUrl= live=1 pageUrl= token=%ZZri(nKa@#Z

in the decompiled you find exact the secure token but in the orginal PHP file that works
there is this rtmp (google chrome console flash player debug):

WPLAYERREADY ([PlayerEvent type="jwplayerReady" id="ply" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295" message="null"])

LOAD (Loading PlaylistItem: [PlaylistItem file=skysupercalcio streamer=rtmp:// provider=rtmp])

during play you have this:

JWPLAYERPLAYERSTATE ([PlayerStateEvent type="jwplayerPlayerState" oldstate="PLAYING" newstate="PAUSED" id="ply" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295" message="null"]) VM331:1
JWPLAYERMEDIAMETA ([MediaEvent type="jwplayerMediaMeta" reason="" description="Stopped playing rtmp://" details="rtmp://" clientid="548430956" code="NetStream.Play.Stop" level="status" id="ply" client="FLASH MAC 14,0,0,145" version="5.10.2295"])

so I DON UNDERTAND WHY WE HAVE REDIRECT? inside PHP there is some script that redirect?
i continue to have connection rejected but if i try in localhost first click on jwplayer not work, second click fast it works for 2 or 3 seconds.


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