Removing DRM protection from video streamsHi.
I wanted to ask if it is possible to undrm video streams (like tv) protected with wmv drm? As I understand it is the same protection as used in normal drm files so If I extract key using FairUse4WM it should be possible to undrm the stream and dump it to disk and/or pass it to mplayer? If such tool doesn't exist than I am willing to start working on it but I need help from someone who knows Fair4UseWM internals. Regards. |
Re: Removing DRM protection from video streamsYou can record DRM protected WMV streams with WM Recorder. Then it really depends on a license used. If the license allows you to play the recorded .WMV files at least once, then you can use FairUse4WM or say Tunebite. Otherwise screen video capture program should be used to record while playing the stream.
Re: Removing DRM protection from video streamsOkay I will try this technic to check if FairUse4WM is able to undrm my video. But it doesn't solve my problem. I would like to be able to watch tv in real time :( Not to download 1 hour , save it to file and then undrm it.
Re: Removing DRM protection from video streamsOf course I can do that but when (and I will try to check if FairUse4WM is able to undrm my video) but the problem is whether it is possible to undrm it "in the fly" There is no point in saving tv to disc and then wathing it :( I would like to undrm the stream in real time and then pass it to another program (i.e. mplayer) to watch it. I thnk it should be possible since WMP downloads the license for this program only once and then I can watch so whole stream is protected in the same way. If extract the key using FairUse4WM once I should be able to undrm the whole stream :D Unless I did miss something :)
Re: Removing DRM protection from video streamsI don't really know how to unDRM "on the fly" except for using screen capture software.
To watch your stream in real time you don't need to save it. If you wanna watch it on your TV you can use a video card with TV-out (you will probably want to connect your sound card with your TV or some speakers as well). |
Re: Removing DRM protection from video streamsI can't do that :( I want to use linux to watch stream video. And If you know where sources of undrm/FairUse4WM are or have access to someone who knows something about it that would be great :) I am progammer and I would like to create tool that would allow to watch drm protected streams (if you have valid license) by any software :) After undrming (If I understand everything correctly) I get just normal wmv/asf stream. Many programs are capable of playing such streams (i.e. mplayer). So we only need a piece of software to undrm the stream :(
Re: Removing DRM protection from video streamsIf I understand everything correctly Fair4UseWM is just a GUI for two programs: drmdbg.exe and drm2wmv.exe. drmdbg is used to get license key from windows media player memoery and drm2wmv uses this key strip drm protected files of drm. This means I may have to consider reversing drm2wmv.exe code. Or maybe the algorithm is explained somewhere ?
Re: Removing DRM protection from video streamsAutomate unDRM and DecryptIt are GUIs for drmdbg and drm2wmv. As for FairUse4WM, I don't really think it is just a GUI for these programs.
I haven't seen any sources for DRM removal software, except for the old freeme.exe that must be of no help here. FairUse4WM was developed by doom9 member called Viodentia. He hasn't visited the doom9 forum for a while. Also he hasn't released the source codes of FairUse4WM publicly. The source codes could be analyzed by the M$ developers so they can make patches easily. That is why they are not and shouldn't be available to the public. Here are some doom9 members that released fixes for the FairUse4WM: Divine Tao, Monkey Boy, milOtis. I don't think they had any access to the source codes. Also mayong has posted lots of interesting info about drmdbg so he might know more about DRM removal than many of us. |
Re: Removing DRM protection from video streamsOkay.
I was able to save 1 minute sample of stream to disc and it is also drm protected. WMP playst this file correctly I have: WMP: 9:00:00:2980 IndivBox.Key: 11.0.5497.6285. I have installled english version of WMP. How can I undrm this file? I tried many tools (but maybe wrong versions :() and nothing seems to work. |
Re: Removing DRM protection from video streamsWhat extension does the sample file have?
What error do you receive while using each unDRM software? |
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