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Webpage that records audio


faithkxpkv 09-03-2007 07:02 PM

Webpage that records audio

Hi folks,

I am a sponsor for singers overseas. Many of them do not speak nor understand English and have no experience with softwares. It is a complication for me while doing auditions to try to get a sample of their songs without having them to mail a CD over to me. One of my client just upload a few songs right from the audio CD and when I got it in my e-mail, there is no data to be play.

Is there a way that I can make a webpage or there is such a webpage out there that records audio and it can be saved online that I can go open and listen to it?



Stream Recorder 09-03-2007 10:22 PM

Re: Webpage that records audio

Read more about flash .SWF files. Probably it is the most simple technology you can use here. There could be some alternative technologies like ActiveX or Java that can do the same job, however I would use flash.

As with any other web or software project you can get professionals to the job at a freelance project marketplace. You can find lots of web-developers from Russia, India, China, Canada, US, UK,... there.

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