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VLC - Set as default for MP4 on Windows 7


gxdata 08-21-2013 12:40 AM

VLC - Set as default for MP4 on Windows 7

I'm having no success in trying to set VLC Media Player (v2.07) as the default player for MP4 files. I am using the control panel applet, Default Programs, and I have tried the both appropriate options there (default programs; set associations).

Is this "by design" in Windows 7? Can I get around it?

I should have said that I want this for when logged on as Standard User. If I log on as Admin, the cp app does work - ie, the changes "stick".

ami_go 12-12-2017 04:30 AM

Re: VLC - Updates

Hi ,

( As I don't know where to post , I put this here )

About the lastest versions of VLC :

Cheers .

AllenRuh 12-17-2017 08:59 AM

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