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The cheapest way to record gameplays from Xbox 360 for a tablet (no PC)


jinnyjots 01-21-2013 02:47 AM

The cheapest way to record gameplays from Xbox 360 for a tablet (no PC)

Hi all

I wonder if anyone can help me. I have had a look round the forum, but it's all a bit baffling.

My son has an xbox 360 and want to start recording his minecraft gaming sessions to make videos for his friends.

He doesn't have a laptop, just tablet. What is the best/cheapest way for us to get him what he needs to start making videos?

Many thanks.


alexthunder 09-06-2015 04:29 AM

Re: The cheapest way to record gameplays from Xbox 360 for a tablet (no PC)

Unfortunately I didn't have the answer when the thread was created, but I have it now:

Standalone HDMI and component HD video capture boxes requiring no PC for recording

However I still think that PC or Mac is much better for editing your recordings.

joshua1980 01-03-2017 01:21 AM

Re: The cheapest way to record gameplays from Xbox 360 for a tablet (no PC)

SEETEC HDMI to USB3.0 capture.
The beauty of the capture is that it doesn't require any installation of drivers,
and will work with most software across Mac and PC.
Allowing you to stream to OBS, LYNC, Skype, Facebook Live, YouTube Live, and many more.

It is compatible with UVC video capture and YUV 422 video output. Support the software that based on DirectShow.
Support the video with Full HD resolution.

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