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streamtheworld sound distortion


Egg 06-22-2007 09:36 PM

I'm using Replay A/V, i finally figured out how to even find the url to record the music thanks to this thread: - Record CBS radio online (Icecast MP3 audio stream)

I'm not sure if i got the right url, for
When i recorded about 10 minutes, i saved the file and tested it. It is very choppy, and it is impossible to enjoy the show.

I'm recording another show from a different stream, and it sounds perfect.

Anyone have any ideas? Did i use the wrong url? Is this a built in security feature to keep people from ripping the stream?

I also noticed that when i play a mp3 created in Replay A/V in Windows Media player it does not let me fast forward, anyone got a fix for that.

Thanks for any help you guys got....

Egg 06-22-2007 10:46 PM

Re: streamtheworld sound distortion

I found a fix for the fast forward problem, i just have Replay convert it to a mp3 when it saves it. Still no solution on the distortion.

Stream Recorder 06-24-2007 11:54 AM

Re: streamtheworld sound distortion

I saw only Windows Media .ASF files that I couldn't fast forward. Try to rename your distorted .MP3 file to .WMA and play again. Often it solves a problem.

Renaming .WMA and .RA files to .MP3 is a nice way of content protection nowadays.

FAQ: How to make a Recorded ASF File Seekable

Egg 06-24-2007 03:38 PM

Re: streamtheworld sound distortion

Yeah, the fast-forward has been fixed.

I still can not get the streamtheworld download to play without skiping and distortions. :(

Stream Recorder 06-24-2007 09:12 PM

Re: streamtheworld sound distortion

Here is the reply from Applian:

You should be using a newer version of Replay A/V - 8.21 is the latest. The streamtheworld stations actually broadcast in FLV format, and Replay A/V will save those streams as FLV files, which play back perfectly. (The FLV files actually have embedded MP3 data in them, which is why you can even hear them at all.)

You should be able to seek on an MP3 file - there's no indexing or anything special we can do to modify an MP3 file, so this depends upon the player.

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