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Online Greek TV channels for XBMC


opelcalibra 10-21-2011 05:48 PM

Online Greek TV channels for XBMC

the xbmc version of alpha tv would be:

rtmp:// playpath=kanali10.sdp app=kanali10 pageUrl= live=yes

save that as alphatv.strm from notepad or textedit

you can download all the greek channels below. you can open them with notepad to see the url format

let me know if you have any issues

hellasdds 11-21-2011 02:21 PM

Re: Online Greek TV channels for XBMC

Probably a silly question, but...

How would I go about adding these addon "channels" exactly to XBMC live? Do you have an addon repository? Thanks in advance kai euxaristo para poli!

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