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Are sound pops and pixelation normal?


KeyMs92 09-20-2011 11:36 AM

Are sound pops and pixelation normal?


I've seen quite a number threads related to recording radio streams from the BBC and this is no exception :D

While the quality of the videos I've recorded have been very satisfying, I have noticed two minor issues: Occasional and subtle sound pops and a slight pixelation every time the background/camera position changes. I presume these issues are just part of the recording (i.e. you can't change it), but still I'm not 100% about this... Is this indeed the case?

Stream Recorder 09-21-2011 03:00 AM

Re: Are sound pops and pixelation normal?

WM Recorder saves the streams digitally, so most problems with the recordings you see are related to the source of the videos.

KeyMs92 09-21-2011 03:32 AM

Re: Are sound pops and pixelation normal?

I see, thanks for the confirmation.

Stream Recorder 09-22-2011 12:36 AM

Re: Are sound pops and pixelation normal?

Also what player do you use for your recordings? Players can cause problems as well.

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