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ZeChico 06-29-2017 01:21 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by homah (Post 92372)
I've pretty much gone with the github one, but thanks to your one I've made it so I can see who is being recorded without going on the web client (can't say I'm a fan of the web client, I'd rather surf mfc and make any changes directly to the config). Also used your timestamp layout, just seems easier to read, as well as changing it from blue to yellow (dark blue on black, ewww)

Any idea whats with this code though


Seems to me it's trying to make the fps 60 and reduce the bitrate? bizarre. Doesn't seem to happen on the recordings anyway.

Maybe they found that with those ffmpeg parameters it could be more stable or something, don't know, my old main.js just have:

and seems to record fine.

EDIT: "-c copy" forces to copy the stream without re encode, it should ignore "-b:v 500k"

I know that MFC uses 2 streams when models are streaming at 640x480 or higher, one the original the other a low quality 320x240.

This change can be seem on a mobile device that supports multi bandwidth stream. This can be seem many times when you start loading a high quality stream and then a low quality kicks in and it can jump from one to other... Very infuriating actually that most mobile browser doesn't give you the option to force a high quality bitrate.

guestbuy 06-29-2017 04:40 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Hey horacio,
I was trying to use your branch but it keeps refreshing once and hanging. Any ideas? I'm using node 6.10.2.


Originally Posted by horacio (Post 92373)
I have finally published my version of @sstativa MFC Recorder at:
Filename format is in config.yml + 'picture preview' + recording in FLV format and some more improving.

supersonic80 06-29-2017 05:12 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

There was a complain that a new version of ffmpeg does not select the best stream from the playlist and by adding these parameters we kind of trick it to select the HD stream. Personally, I did not have any issues with or without this parameters using the old version of ffmpeg and have no issues now using latest ffmpeg with these params.

I've been recording some models in flv and ts simultaneously for a while, so far, I had only two cases when ts version had the lower resolution than flv one. So I'll say ffmpeg does a pretty good job in selecting HD stream, however, I cannot confirm that this is because of
these parameters, I only can say: It works, so why bother?


Originally Posted by homah (Post 92372)
Any idea whats with this code though


Seems to me it's trying to make the fps 60 and reduce the bitrate? bizarre. Doesn't seem to happen on the recordings anyway.

supersonic80 06-29-2017 05:36 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

You actually record the same HLS stream, but give a different extension to files. Recording flv is a way more complex and does not worth it (it takes more time to convert flv to mp4, and 99.9% there is no difference in quality between flv and ts versions).


Originally Posted by horacio (Post 92373)
I have finally published my version of @sstativa MFC Recorder at:
Filename format is in config.yml + 'picture preview' + recording in FLV format and some more improving.

Hermiod 06-29-2017 06:01 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by horacio (Post 92373)
I have finally published my version of @sstativa MFC Recorder at:
Filename format is in config.yml + 'picture preview' + recording in FLV format and some more improving.

Download link in instructions does not work.

Hermiod 06-29-2017 06:23 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by ZeChico (Post 92364)
This is my version of the index.html of MFC node:

It's ordered by viewers by default, since for me it's the most important . Camscore means nothing.
The m3u8 works great with media player classic from k-codec pack, it uses much less CPU than VLC (both using software decoding).

If any one of you wants it, you need to replace the files on your MFC node installation with the ones from this zip.
Any of you are free to include it on the MFC node project if you want it.
MFC node update:

Nothing happens when clicking m3u8

Preview link sends something to VLC, but VLC says it can't be opened.

horacio 06-29-2017 07:13 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by Hermiod (Post 92381)
Download link in instructions does not work.

Thanks, now I correct link:

horacio 06-29-2017 07:35 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by supersonic80 (Post 92380)
You actually record the same HLS stream, but give a different extension to files. Recording flv is a way more complex and does not worth it (it takes more time to convert flv to mp4, and 99.9% there is no difference in quality between flv and ts versions).

HLS stream is the same but saved file is different. You can compare files with VLC Media Information/Codec ... look my post:

supersonic80 06-29-2017 08:49 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

May I ask, why are you doing this?

At the end I convert everything to mp4, so the video container does not matter to me, however, different extension helps me to apply different settings for conversion.

But what is your reason to use flv?

I've just checked wiki, looks like the right extension at the end should be f4v. :)

BTW, the difference between rtmp stream and HLS stream is audio codec. Rtmp stream has speex, HLS has aac.


Originally Posted by horacio (Post 92384)
HLS stream is the same but saved file is different. You can compare files with VLC Media Information/Codec ... look my post:

tienhinhconcho2018 06-29-2017 10:13 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

tiá»?n 2 usd h?¬nh con ch?? - tiá»?n l?¬ x?¬ tá??t HOT 2018

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