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GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...


Kat 12-01-2010 03:57 PM

Problem recording HD streams from with GetFLV

It used to be easy. But, now the site seems to decide what is best for you and I don't have a new system and it always records the streams in non-HD (640 x 360 pixels).

Is there any way to circumvent this problem? This isn't a primetime show so I can't just google it and get links like I normally do.

I have both GetFLV which works on cbs and Replay Media Catcher which also works.

WHOOKIDSON 12-08-2010 12:43 PM

GETFLV trying to connect to IP

I looked it up and it was in Asia..does that serve as a proxy or something to send to tha actual videohost/link you're trying to download? If that why the downloads are slow when downloading with GetFLV...? Thanks..

Stream Recorder 12-08-2010 03:33 PM

Re: GETFLV trying to connect to IP

Many programs check for updates. May be this is the case. It is better to ask GetFLV support. Or you can use a packet sniffer to analyze the traffic.

getflv 12-08-2010 03:39 PM

Re: GETFLV trying to connect to IP


Originally Posted by WHOOKIDSON (Post 23506)
I looked it up and it was in Asia..does that serve as a proxy or something to send to tha actual videohost/link you're trying to download? If that why the downloads are slow when downloading with GetFLV...? Thanks..

No problem. GetFLV is checking for updates to onnect to IP

samantha00 12-18-2010 07:53 AM

Re: Problem recording HD streams from with GetFLV

I have this exact same problem!! I am trying to download the HD video stream from I can record using Replay Media Catcher4 (Jaksta) but the quality isnt too good.

CBS has changed it now so when you view a video, it detects how fast your internet connection is and displays the optimal video quality for your connection and you cannot change this.

My connection speed just isn't quite fast enough for it to automatically choose the HD.

I can download the stream with Replay Media Catcher 4 (Jaksta) no worries but it isnt in HD (I assume this is because of my internet speed).

Is there any way at all to force it to display/or download the HD video stream? Any apps or other methods? I have tried 'GetFLV' but it doesnt work either.

getflv 12-18-2010 09:50 AM

Re: Problem recording HD streams from with GetFLV


Originally Posted by samantha00 (Post 23831)
I have this exact same problem!! I can record using Replay Media Catcher4 (Jaksta) but the quality isnt too good.Is there any way at all to force it to display/or download the HD video stream? Any apps or other methods?

Latest GetFLV can download HD Streams from Please check it and give us feedback. Thanks!

samantha00 12-18-2010 11:19 PM

Re: Problem recording HD streams from with GetFLV

Ok I got GetFLV..
Is there anyway to use the inbuilt browser behind a proxy server?
Or use getflv to sniff stream straight from firefox (where i have my proxy settings enabled)
You sure this will get the HD stream? CBS has recently changed its video streaming setup so it will automatically choose the quality for you and theres no way to change it. My connection speed isnt fast enough for it to automatically choose HD. So will this still work?
Thanks :)

samantha00 12-19-2010 02:35 AM

Re: Problem recording HD streams from with GetFLV

Ok I figured out how use GetFLV behind a proxy server.
But when I watch the video on using the GetFLV browser it only captures the initial advertisement at the start of the vid. And he doesnt capture the video at all... I dont think this app will work especially when I just want the HD quality stream:


Originally Posted by samantha00 (Post 23835)
You sure this will get the HD stream? CBS has recently changed its video streaming setup so it will automatically choose the quality for you and theres no way to change it. My connection speed isnt fast enough for it to automatically choose HD. So will this still work?
Thanks :)

does anyone know of any other program or method to get High Definition video stream from
Thanks in advance :)

getflv 12-19-2010 07:26 AM

Re: Problem recording HD streams from with GetFLV


Originally Posted by samantha00 (Post 23837)
Ok I figured out how use getflv behind a proxy server.
But when I watch the video on using the GetFLV browser it only captures the initial advertisement at the start of the vid. And he doesnt capture the video at all... I dont think this app will work especially when I just want the HD quality stream:

does anyone know of any other program or method to get High Definition video stream from
Thanks in advance :)

1. Please install latest GetFLV.
2. Please install laetst Flash Player for IE. (no for firefox or chrome)
3. Please tell us the webpage url of your cbs video if you still can not capture it. We will check it and help you.

samantha00 12-19-2010 08:02 PM

Re: Problem recording HD streams from with GetFLV

Ok got latest flash player for IE..
Got latest version of GetFLV
Still no luck it only captures the advertisements (And even those arent in HD)
The webpage is:
Hope you can help :)

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