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GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...


getflv 07-09-2015 09:34 PM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...


Originally Posted by Jinjoni (Post 78096)
Hey. By any chance am I suppose to update flash within GetFLV? Or does it just work off of the flash you have installed normally. For example. I sometimes use firefox and with that you must add flash to it. Does GetFLV work on the same principal?

Please upload the screen of "video url list" of GetFLV main window.

Jinjoni 07-09-2015 10:17 PM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...


Originally Posted by getflv (Post 78097)
Please upload the screen of "video url list" of GetFLV main window.

Edit: I have to bow out on this completely. The video capture method does not even work. Much to your relief you will not hear me mention anything further in this thread.

Reporter 07-10-2015 04:15 AM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...

Have some patience dude, if some one is trying to help you, let them.

Hulu is known to kill rtmp(e) rippers, things which used to work might not work now and require fix.

getflv 07-10-2015 09:15 AM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Jinjoni (Post 78099)

Edit: I have to bow out on this completely. The video capture method does not even work. Much to your relief you will not hear me mention anything further in this thread.

1.Clear your URL list after you login.
2.Play your video. There URLs will be shown. 400k url is the right one. Others are preview videos. (like 1.jpg).
3.Select it and download it. We can download it no problem. (like 2.jpg).

Please let us know if you still have problem.:cool:

Jinjoni 07-10-2015 12:38 PM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...


Originally Posted by getflv (Post 78106)
1.Clear your URL list after you login.
2.Play your video. There URLs will be shown. 400k url is the right one. Others are preview videos. (like 1.jpg).
3.Select it and download it. We can download it no problem. (like 2.jpg).

Please let us know if you still have problem.:cool:

Same story. Failed on the exact stream you started. I even just downloaded the latest version a few minutes ago. I do appreciate you trying to solve this but, maybe it's something on my end since I'm the only one failing here.

getflv 07-10-2015 04:19 PM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...


Originally Posted by Jinjoni (Post 78110)
Same story. Failed on the exact stream you started. I even just downloaded the latest version a few minutes ago. I do appreciate you trying to solve this but, maybe it's something on my end since I'm the only one failing here.

What version flash player (for chrome kernel) are you running now? You can right click mouse on the player window of getflv to find it. Please upload the screenshot.
Did you still get error message of "GETFLV can not support your latest version of flash player now."?

Jinjoni 07-10-2015 04:49 PM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...


Originally Posted by getflv (Post 78111)
What version flash player (for chrome kernel) are you running now? You can right click mouse on the player window of getflv to find it. Please upload the screenshot.
Did you still get error message of "GETFLV can not support your latest version of flash player now."?

This is the result I got when I tried to download the 400K file just like you did. Hopefully my pictures will show you what I did wrong and we can finally solve this. I do not get a message about flash being unsupported. Thanks.

getflv 07-10-2015 05:51 PM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Jinjoni (Post 78112)

This is the result I got when I tried to download the 400K file just like you did. Hopefully my pictures will show you what I did wrong and we can finally solve this. I do not get a message about flash being unsupported. Thanks.

Try following steps:
1.Clear URL list.
2.Select HD stream from your flash player. Then 1500k stream URL will be shown. (1.jpg)
3.Try download it. (2.jpg)

Jinjoni 07-10-2015 06:13 PM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...


Originally Posted by getflv (Post 78114)
Try following steps:
1.Clear URL list.
2.Select HD stream from your flash player. Then 1500k stream URL will be shown. (1.jpg)
3.Try download it. (2.jpg)

NM. Apologies.

Jinjoni 07-11-2015 11:15 PM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...

Anyone have any luck getting the 3200K streams from ?

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