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GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...


getflv 06-30-2015 05:38 PM

Re: hulu subtitles


Originally Posted by iop890v (Post 77866)
Still got "&gt;&gt;" instead of "<<".

Try latest version.:cool:

DoctorRockzo 07-01-2015 04:47 PM

Re: hulu subtitles


Originally Posted by getflv (Post 77861)
Try latest version.:cool:

Okay, looks like subtitles are back to UTF-8 format in version

Thanks for the fix!

gamefe 07-04-2015 08:32 AM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...


Recently bought GetFLV but I'm in trouble. I'm using the latest version of GetFLV with Windows 7 32bit to download the videos. I can only push the play when I select Kernel IE and Chrome Kernel. He comes to recognize two options: M3U8 and F4M. Leaving checked or unchecked the option "Enable Record Mode RTMP" I select F4M with the best quality video and click on OK to start the download. In FLV Downloader tab already appears in the "completed" and the 4GB file size field is varying widely. It starts with 4GB and ranges up 0kb. When I look at the downloaded file he has only 1kb with the following content:
FLV ?? ? ? ?
onMetaData? ? @ ???? duration "of? @ Width?" Height @ @ ‡ † € videodatarate ÍO¤?¨, framerate @ = o2o ‡ ?ß videocodecid @? @ Audiodatarate O¬ © € <š>? @ Audiosamplerate çp? Audiosamplesize @ 0? stereo ?? audiocodecid @ $? Â| filesize · ,? ??

If I select the Safari Kernel mode (iPad) the message that Adobe Flash Player is required, although it is already installed and functioning normally.

When not face the file size of the problem with 1kb, sometimes the download appears with 170MB and "completed" 170MB, but it's never finished. By observing the Download the file folder that was to have 170MB (as stated in GetFLV) appears with 5mb.

What are the reasons for these problems? So far I could not download the video.

I appreciate any help.

getflv 07-04-2015 09:00 AM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...


Originally Posted by gamefe (Post 77954)

Recently bought GetFLV but I'm in trouble. I'm using the latest version of GetFLV with Windows 7 32bit to download the videos. I can only push the play when I select Kernel IE and Chrome Kernel. He comes to recognize two options: M3U8 and F4M. Leaving checked or unchecked the option "Enable Record Mode RTMP" I select F4M with the best quality video and click on OK to start the download. In FLV Downloader tab already appears in the "completed" and the 4GB file size field is varying widely. It starts with 4GB and ranges up 0kb. When I look at the downloaded file he has only 1kb with the following content:
FLV ?? ? ? ?
onMetaData? ? @ ???? duration "of? @ Width?" Height @ @ ‡ † € videodatarate ÍO¤?¨, framerate @ = o2o ‡ ?ß videocodecid @? @ Audiodatarate O¬ © € <š>? @ Audiosamplerate çp? Audiosamplesize @ 0? stereo ?? audiocodecid @ $? Â| filesize · ,? ??

If I select the Safari Kernel mode (iPad) the message that Adobe Flash Player is required, although it is already installed and functioning normally.

When not face the file size of the problem with 1kb, sometimes the download appears with 170MB and "completed" 170MB, but it's never finished. By observing the Download the file folder that was to have 170MB (as stated in GetFLV) appears with 5mb.

What are the reasons for these problems? So far I could not download the video.

I appreciate any help.

Please tell us the webpage URL of your video.

gamefe 07-04-2015 09:38 AM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...


Originally Posted by getflv (Post 77955)
Please tell us the webpage URL of your video.

The url that has to GetFLV is F4M

and M3U8

This information helps?

getflv 07-04-2015 10:19 AM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...


Originally Posted by gamefe (Post 77957)

Have you try download the m3u8 link?

gamefe 07-04-2015 10:23 AM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...


Originally Posted by getflv (Post 77958)
Have you try download the m3u8 link?

I tried to download the M3U8 but failed. It is locked and does not begin. Now the F4M the last time you tested it started to download with 200mb and it appeared that he had done 200mb, but the file was 100mb and appeared not completed. It seems to be an intermittent problem. The last few times I tried to download the same video gave the 4GB problem creating a file with 1kb.
The best is to download the F4M because it allows me to choose the video quality.

getflv 07-04-2015 06:56 PM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...


Originally Posted by gamefe (Post 77959)
I tried to download the M3U8 but failed. It is locked and does not begin. Now the F4M the last time you tested it started to download with 200mb and it appeared that he had done 200mb, but the file was 100mb and appeared not completed. It seems to be an intermittent problem. The last few times I tried to download the same video gave the 4GB problem creating a file with 1kb.
The best is to download the F4M because it allows me to choose the video quality.

Install latest version to check your problem again.:cool:

gamefe 07-04-2015 10:12 PM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...


Originally Posted by getflv (Post 77978)
Install latest version to check your problem again.:cool:

Now it's perfect! At least four of the downloads I made the four successfully completed! Very grateful for the great support!

LightOne 07-05-2015 08:02 AM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...

Can anyone confirm if this program will download videos from, for instance, their "on demand" section?

Friend of mine said he tried his paid version and only got to 99% and it fails every time. He is running

I would buy this for that capability alone. Specific feedback appreciated, thanks.

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