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GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...


wtinjalanugraha 06-07-2015 02:22 AM

9.8 55 18

The crash bug is now gone in 9.85518 (by moving the cursor off the window).

Yes, the bug is gone! Thank you so very much. Love the program!!! Thank you for a quick fix.

wtinjalanugraha 06-07-2015 02:40 AM

9.8 55 18 in Chrome mode

Further testing found that 9.85518 (by moving the cursor off the window results in a hard crash) is still there, but only in Chrome mode.

IE seems to be okay.

Thank you!


getflv 06-07-2015 09:29 AM

Re: 9.8 55 18 in Chrome mode


Originally Posted by wtinjalanugraha (Post 77238)
Further testing found that 9.85518 (by moving the cursor off the window results in a hard crash) is still there, but only in Chrome mode.

IE seems to be okay.

Thank you!


I can not reproduce the bug of Chrome. Can you upload some screenshots?


wtinjalanugraha 06-07-2015 09:27 PM

GetFLV 9 8 55 18

I create a 2 1/2 minute video of the steps it took to crash it.

This one is more stable in IE mode then the last, but using Chrome mode, it crashes when the cursor is moved to another monitor (in a dual monitor set up).

Windows 8.1 64 bit
32 GB
GTX 780
i7 4790

Thank you!

Reporter 06-10-2015 02:00 AM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...

Thanks @getflv, one of the bug is fixed, the other one still exist.

Windows 7 x64

getflv 06-10-2015 05:33 PM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...


Originally Posted by Reporter (Post 77318)
Thanks @getflv, one of the bug is fixed, the other one still exist.

Windows 7 x64

New version has fixed the "Txt Watermark" bug. Please reinstall and check it.
Thanks a lot!:cool:

Reporter 06-10-2015 06:34 PM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...

Thanks a lot, I don't see the bug anymore.

Just a tiny bug in all versions of getflv, black font color does not show up for text watermark in the final output and even in the getflv

It working fine for me on the latest version. Please mention your flash version, software version and OS to make it easier for the developer.

getflv 06-10-2015 08:40 PM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...


Originally Posted by lesor (Post 77345)
The program can not download from youtube (only < 2%) this rtmp video :(
Although "TG" download it without problems

Latest version can download this rtmp video no problem.:cool:

Reporter 06-11-2015 12:33 AM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...

Try unchecking 'Enable RTMP Record mode' at the top, it seems like record mode is broken


Also if you open task manager, the memory size keep on increasing for 'GetFLV.exe' even though the recording hangs some where around 0.5-2.5%. When I closed all the tabs in GetFLV, I could still hear video playing. (tried on Chrome and IE)

Crash while closing after trying to record. Normally don't happen if you do not record.


Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: GetFLV.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 2a425e19
Fault Module Name: rtmp.dll_unloaded
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 5569b7e8
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 057cd248
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 0f31
Additional Information 2: 0f3137665bbf0bb676c8a16f3fa76e52
Additional Information 3: 6852
Additional Information 4: 68526898dd8ce64950bb3a21178586e1
OS: Windows 7 x64

getflv 06-11-2015 10:31 AM

Re: GetFLV - Troubleshooting many problems with GFLV ...


Originally Posted by Reporter (Post 77347)
Thanks a lot, I don't see the bug anymore.

Just a tiny bug in all versions of getflv, black font color does not show up for text watermark in the final output and even in the getflv

It working fine for me on the latest version. Please mention your flash version, software version and OS to make it easier for the developer.

The tiny bug of black font color is fixed. Please help us check it.:cool:

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