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Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from


horacio 07-12-2017 04:25 PM

Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.


Originally Posted by Winstontoo (Post 91844)
Does anyone have a way to cap cam4 unattended? Was using Elgero's cam4 grabber but that no longer works and he seems to have given up on this site after it went offline for a bit.

Don't need anything fancy, just something to run in the background for a few models 24/7.

I make a batch script that uses the standard Cam4 Streamlink plugin.
Script is for:

- Model List = C:\Windows\C4_Model.txt
- Save Directory = C:\Videos\Cam4\

If you want to change it, edit lines 6,17 and 29
If you want to track multiple models at once, you can start multiple copies of this script


SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
SET n=0
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN (C:\Windows\C4_Model.txt) DO (
SET /A n=n+1
SET _fav!n!=%%A
ECHO !n! %%A
SET /P MODEL=Select Model (%M% %MODEL%):
FOR /L %%f IN (1,1,!n!) DO (
IF /I '%MODEL%'=='%%f' SET M=%%f
SET n=0
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN (C:\Windows\C4_Model.txt) DO (
SET /A n=n+1
IF !n!==%M% SET MODEL=%%A
ECHO #####################################################
ECHO ### C4-SL-R ###  R E C O R D I N G  -  2 4 / 7  #####
SET hour=%time:~0,2%
IF "%hour:~0,1%" == " " SET hour=0%hour:~1,1%
SET NOW=%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%%date:~10,4%-%hour%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%
FOR /f "tokens=1-2 delims=/:" %%a IN ('time /t') DO (set mytime=%%a%%b)
SET OUT_DIR=C:\Videos\Cam4\
SET FNAME=######## %FILENAME% ### %M% ##############################
ECHO #####################################################

wizard 07-12-2017 11:52 PM

Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.

Many thanks for the script Horacio :) I will try it as soon as I have some spare time.

Moonspell 07-14-2017 01:38 AM

Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.

no streamlink, rtmpdump script - standalone, is possible? :)

horacio 08-29-2017 09:16 PM

Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.


Originally Posted by Moonspell (Post 92742)
no streamlink, rtmpdump script - standalone, is possible? :)

It is possible, of course:cool:

Look at:

Download link for all files in zip:

uit 08-30-2017 05:08 AM

Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.

someone help me with installation with python?

horacio 08-30-2017 09:53 AM

Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.


Originally Posted by uit (Post 93709)
someone help me with installation with python?

If you don't have Python on your computer then you first need to install.
Link is my recommendation is to install Python 2.7.13.
After installation directory C:\Python27 should be added to the 'path', this should be checked and possibly manually added the 'path'.
Instalation must be in the directory C:\Python27. Choose custom instalation. I am used this instalation file for my Windows7 32bit:
For more information use Google ;)

The Bullfrog 09-02-2017 04:15 AM

Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.

Thank you so much horacio, respect! :cool:

uit 09-02-2017 03:42 PM

Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.

1 Attachment(s)
sorry but i have this error :(

error is: python:can't open file '': (errno 2) no such file or directory

many thancks

horacio 09-04-2017 12:12 AM

Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.


Originally Posted by uit (Post 93750)
sorry but i have this error :(

error is: python:can't open file '': (errno 2) no such file or directory

many thancks

All files from must be in C:\-c4-py\
except c4.bat who can be in C:\Windows\ together with all rtmpdump files
Those who need to install python should watch this video:
In this youtube video at the end you can see how to find 'Environment Variables' where you need to check if there is 'C:\Windows\' and ';C:\Python27\;C:\Python27\Scripts\;' in the path
At the beginning of the edit line should be:
%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%\Sy stem32\Wbem;%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShel l\v1.0\;
which in the translation means:
PATH=C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows\Sys tem32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v 1.0\;
Somewhere in that line should also be located also: ';C:\Python27\;C:\Python27\Scripts\;'
My recommendation is to put in the C:\Windows all rtmpdump and ffmpeg, ffplay and some other similar files that other programs and scripts often call, and there is no need to have them in each directory in particular.

uit 09-04-2017 01:55 PM

Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.

thanck you very much horacio :)

i use first metod of you writhe (message 7/12/2017).

last question. If possible save also private show in cam4? also in pm.

thancks horacio

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