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How to capture Elluminate live and player VCR files (VCR player included)


jkamat 11-05-2011 06:47 AM

Re: How to capture Elluminate live and player VCR files (VCR player included)

1 Attachment(s)
KSV - thank you for responding.

I was running JRE 6 update 27 when I got the error. Anyways, I uninstalled that version and tried with JRE7 update 1 but no joy. Same error.

I am attaching the jnlp file hoping you can help me. (attached it as .txt for ease of uploading here)

One thing, when I tried to download the vcr file off the link ( in the jnlp file (join_recording.jnlp), it actually came down as an .event file (load_recording.event). I renamed it .vcr (load_recording.vcr)

Hope I am doing this right.

Thank you :-)

KSV 11-06-2011 06:28 AM

Re: How to capture Elluminate live and player VCR files (VCR player included)

if you are unable to run Demo.vcr then there is something wrong with your current setup. you need to fix it before trying to run another files. have you installed php properly? try to install it from here


Vincenzo44 12-04-2011 12:42 PM

Re: How to capture Elluminate live and player VCR files (VCR player included)

KSV, you seem to be the resident expert when it comes to downloading Elluminate live recorded sessions :)

Need your help -

I've tried to follow the instructions provided so far but am unable to load the JNLP files of my classes offline. However, I am able to load the Demo.vcr file though.

Here are the steps I took:

1) Downloaded the PHP file and installed it.

2) Downloaded the latest KSV - Elluminate Player and installed it.

3) Updated my Java to the latest version available for my Vista PC (Version 6 update 6).

When I try to use load any of my JNLP files with the KSV player while the PHP application is running int he background, the KSV command prompt says "this file requires a different version of Elluminate Player"...a few seconds later the Jave Elluminate module starts loading only to give me an error that reads as "Unable to open the URL and unable to open file".

Any clues what I should be doing differently?

Appreciate your help!

KSV 12-04-2011 08:13 PM

Re: How to capture Elluminate live and player VCR files (VCR player included)

Read previous posts about renaming corresponding jnlp files with same name as vcr files and try again.

Latest script is in following post.
also make sure that Demo.vcr runs properly before trying with other files.

latest version of java available is JRE 7 update 1.

Vincenzo44 12-05-2011 05:39 PM

Re: How to capture Elluminate live and player VCR files (VCR player included)

KSV, thanks for the quick response!

I have installed JRE 7 and restarted my PC.

I re-installed the latest version of the KSV Elluminate player as well and the Demo.vcr works just fine.

However, I keep getting a "You need a different version of the Elluminate player to play this file" error with the play.jnlp files.

Can you help explain the jnlp renaming process again?? I found the path to the vcr file when I read the play.jnlp file via notepad but when I paste that path in the browser, I don't get an option to download a vcr file. Instead, I get the following error:

HTTP Status 401 - The recording JNLP may not be used more than once. Please click the Recording Link to generate a new JNLP.


type Status report

message The recording JNLP may not be used more than once. Please click the Recording Link to generate a new JNLP.

description This request requires HTTP authentication (The recording JNLP may not be used more than once. Please click the Recording Link to generate a new JNLP.).

Note: Normally I need to login to Elluminate to access my class recordings.

KSV 12-06-2011 06:57 AM

Re: How to capture Elluminate live and player VCR files (VCR player included)


Originally Posted by Vincenzo44 (Post 34948)
However, I keep getting a "You need a different version of the Elluminate player to play this file" error with the play.jnlp files.

This is not error. it's just informational message which tells that instead of the bundled player a different version of player will be downloaded and used to correctly play the file.


Originally Posted by Vincenzo44 (Post 34948)
Can you help explain the jnlp renaming process again??

already explained in

Originally Posted by Vincenzo44 (Post 34948)
I found the path to the vcr file when I read the play.jnlp file via notepad but when I paste that path in the browser, I don't get an option to download a vcr file. Instead, I get the following error:

HTTP Status 401 - The recording JNLP may not be used more than once. Please click the Recording Link to generate a new JNLP.


type Status report

message The recording JNLP may not be used more than once. Please click the Recording Link to generate a new JNLP.

description This request requires HTTP authentication (The recording JNLP may not be used more than once. Please click the Recording Link to generate a new JNLP.).

Note: Normally I need to login to Elluminate to access my class recordings.

Error message have already explained the reason and solution. log into your account then grab new jnlp file and try again.

Vincenzo44 12-07-2011 04:22 PM

Re: How to capture Elluminate live and player VCR files (VCR player included)


It worked just fine.. Main thing was to get the vcr address from a 'freshly' downloaded play.jnlp file while logged in to the system.

bernhagen 07-24-2012 01:31 AM

Re: How to capture Elluminate live and player VCR files (VCR player included)

KSV, you are truly a god-send. Can't thank you enough. Followed the thread from last year and everything works great.

Only one thing could me happier; do you have any procedure for capturing and playing Elluminate files on a Mac? Thanks.

xq1 10-05-2012 10:02 AM

Re: How to capture Elluminate live and player VCR files (VCR player included)

bumping thread for elluminate 10

with elluminate 10 there appears to be wrinkle.

in the previous version of elluminate I would take the vcr link from the jnlp file create an html link and save the web page. I would then do a save as on this link to save the vcr file.

In elluminate 10 - nothing downloads it just sits there and times out.


xq1 10-05-2012 10:16 AM

Re: How to capture Elluminate live and player VCR files (VCR player included)


Originally Posted by xq1 (Post 55000)
bumping thread for elluminate 10

with elluminate 10 there appears to be wrinkle.

in the previous version of elluminate I would take the vcr link from the jnlp file create an html link and save the web page. I would then do a save as on this link to save the vcr file.

In elluminate 10 - nothing downloads it just sits there and times out.


downloaded wget for windows and it downloaded file - will now try and work through process - will update results!

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