Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)Quote:
Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)Where can I download that?
Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)Quote:
Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)Quote:
Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)Where can I buy it then?
Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)Hey davll I know exactly how to record MFC streams using Linux. Here are detailed instructions on how I record MFC streams. Keep in mind that I will be showing you how I record MFC streams and if for some reason my way doesn't exactly work the way that you would like it to then tough s&%t. Please don't waste your time asking me any additional questions because I won't be able to help you. I use Debian Jessie in conjunction with the following programs installed:
1. tcpdump 2. rtmpSnoop 3. livestreamer Get rtmpSnoop from github tcpdump and livestreamer I assume you have those already installed by now. Follow these steps: 1.right before entering a cam show I start tcpdump in the terminal as root. tcpdump -w camhoe.tcpdump -s 0 -i eth0 This creates a pcap like file named "camhoe" in the home directory. Replace eth0 with wlan0 if you are using wifi. 2. Right after running the command shown in step 1 click and enter the cam show you want to record. Let your web browser finishing loading wait 5 or 10 seconds and close the terminal that is running tcpdump. Now you should have a .tcpdump file labeled "camhoe" in your home directory which you will use in the next step. 3. Analyze the camhoe.tcpdump file with rtmpsnoop in the terminal as root. First cd to the directory that rtmpsnoop is located. I use this command as root: ./ -f '/home/bostonkid9096/camhoe.tcpdump' if you forgot to chmod +x so that it is executable then run: python -f '/home/bostonkid9096/camhoe.tcpdump' once that is successfuly completed you will see something like this in your terminal: Reading packets from dump file '/home/bostonkid/camhoe.tcpdump'... * RTMP Stream found! ************************************* url: rtmp:// app: NxServer pageUrl: arget=main swfUrl: tcUrl: rtmp:// playPath: mp4:mfc_114220501.f4v flashVer: LNX 18,0,0,233 extra: N:105863501 S: N:114220501 S:DOWNLOAD N:14220501 3. Using livestreamer we can record and save the stream. This next step is important so pay attention: remove rtmp from the tcUrl and replace with hlsvariant. Also you need to take just: mfc_114220501.f4v from the playPath and add it to the end of the tcurl. It should look like this: Tcurl before your adjustment: rtmp:// Tcurl after your adjustment + adding the playPath at the end hlsvariant:// Finally you need to add /playlist.m3u8 at the end the tcurl. The final tcurl product that will be used with livestreamer will look exactly like this: "hlsvariant://" Take your newly adjusted tcurl and run it with livestreamer to save and record the show. livestreamer will allow you to choose to record the cam show using best quality or worst. Here is the commands for both. High Quality run: livestreamer "hlsvariant://" best -o moviename.ts Low Quality recording run: livestreamer "hlsvariant://" worst -o moviename.ts Final product is moviename.ts which can be converted to mp4 or avi format if necessary. Otherwise vlc can play it as is without any problems. Good Luck |
Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)Hey,
Just like another person i saw in this thread i have trouble getting the model list to show. I downloaded the zip, opened it and ran the program. Nothing happened so i added a modelID to the always record list, afterwards i removed the ID again resulting in a crash of the program. Then i opened the program again and this time it did show the model list properly after 30sec (as claimed it would.) I was able to record a model for a while, after which i closed the program because i wanted to see if it would stop recording. which it did. But afterwards whenever i open the program the modellist wont load. Even after waiting several (20+) times for the 30sec interval update. (administrator mode didnt help) In the log file (on debug level) i get the following: 2015-11-04 23:08:52,874 [1] DEBUG MFCRecorderUI.MFCRecorder: Starting Run 2015-11-04 23:08:53,854 [1] DEBUG MFCRecorderUI.MFCRecorder: _modelsJson download failed 2015-11-04 23:08:53,854 [1] DEBUG MFCRecorderUI.MFCRecorder: Ending Run (Running x64 Win7) I hope someone can help me :) |
Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)anyone pls can reupload
mega says error all the time |
Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)Hi everyone. I'm currently trying Replay Media Catcher on MFC but it only capture in 320x240 video. Is this because of the software or the status of basic member in MFC? How to record better quality video?
Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)Quote:
will be very nice if someone can reupload it, thanks |
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