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-   - How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


nullacht 06-15-2015 05:24 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by rambus8 (Post 74916)

How can you record the .ts stream instead of the Flash Video stream ?


livestreamer "hlsvariant://" best -o 111791923.ts

[cli][info] Found matching plugin stream for URL hlsvariant://
[cli][info] Available streams: 240p (worst, best)
[cli][info] Opening stream: 240p (hls)

ak74su 06-15-2015 01:24 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

I tried using the program but it uses so much ram, is there anyway to lower it to like what the Gurlz chaturbate uses up? I can get like 250 models at a time with that program for chaturbate, but only 5 or mfc models with MFCRecorder. With TubeDigger, which I'm trying to get away from since it uses too much bandwidth and cpu I can do 20 at a time.

AnonCapper 06-15-2015 09:41 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Which part is consuming lots of memory? mfcrecoder.exe or the ffmpeg instances?

For me MFCRecorder is taking 72MB Ram and each ffmpeg instance is consuming 4.5MB. I think this is reasonable, also ram is dirt cheap...

ak74su 06-16-2015 08:47 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

It must have been an error from my pc, I ran it as administrator and the program is running great now. Before it when I opened it, it was causing svchost to having a memory leak and shoot up to 1.3GB of ram usage.

dardo82 06-17-2015 09:37 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

I've done this to watch MFC on the Apple TV using a Mac

coalmorning 06-22-2015 09:36 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by AnonCapper (Post 77397)
Hey guys,

I am releasing MFCRecorder including the source code.

Pre Requisites:
Awesomium SDK
ffmpeg.exe and ffmplay.exe

The binary version has all the pre-requisites included.

ffmpeg sometimes doesn't terminate a recording when the feed ends, you will have to manually stop the ffmpeg process.
The Model status is not 100% correct, the app will re-try recording the Model every 30 seconds.


Source:!098EABKD!yJwJTu...jSpX1_H4 CLWU

Please note, I assume no liability for any lawsuits or damages that may arise in any way or form from using this application. I have created this application for fun as a technical challenge and not to infringe on any copyrights.

Hey, nice job on this, and thanks for sharing! Working well on Win 7.

A couple of questions.

First, the "record if camscore is..." option is broken. Even if I have this option unticked, it still records anything over the default score. I even set the score to 30000, and it still recorded anything over the default value you included.

Second, is the mobile feed the best quality? It seems the flv's recorded by RTMPdump a little higher quality. Just curious if what your program is recording is the same quality.

jabbath1987 06-22-2015 11:48 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Great tool. But I have one suggestion for improvement: Save the models to record and to ignore by the model id because the id does not change when the model changes her name.

davll 06-23-2015 04:39 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

I tried running MFCRecorder but it won't start properly. It shows up in the task list but I can't see it. Any suggestions?

ak74su 06-23-2015 06:24 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by davll (Post 77708)
I tried running MFCRecorder but it won't start properly. It shows up in the task list but I can't see it. Any suggestions?

I have the same problem sometimes, I just end it in task manager, and then restart it.

ak74su 06-24-2015 07:41 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Only a few models can be recorded now, the majority are saying No video in the program. It seems like they changed some of the servers to close the loophole.

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