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-   -'t download rtsp:// RealMedia .rm and RealAudio .ra files from BBC radio


any ANONYMOUS forum user 05-10-2008 06:48 AM

Re: BBC radio recording - Why don't you recommend BBC Radio Ripper?

I've always used "StreamBox VCR Suite" and never had a problem when giving the address in the format : rtsp://


There is also a "turbo" version which downloads considerably quicker than real-time... :D

I hope this tip helps someone ?

FYI - I am UK resident, I don't know how much this affects things...:confused:

BAW30s 05-11-2008 12:06 PM

Re: BBC radio recording - Why don't you recommend BBC Radio Ripper?

I was interested to hear of your success with Streambox VCR Suite, so I reinstalled it from your link, but alas, still to no avail. The firewall was set to grant access and the RTSP stream was detected, but not downloaded.

I am in the UK (London) and connect through a router (and now also a hub) via Blueyonder (now Virgin) cable. The router has also been configured to use a DNS server, but I don't really see that this matters, as I am getting BBC audio (mostly BBC7) via Real Alternative. I have tried replacing this with ther proper Real Player in the past, but that didn't work for stream recording either! The only success I had with most of the suggested programs (Replay, Net Transport and other downloaders) was with BBC Ripper in the past, but no longer. R7 did grab some content, but just snatches at the wrong speed.

So it's still recording through the sound card and trusty Sound Forge for the moment, then...

any ANONYMOUS forum user 05-11-2008 01:40 PM

Re: BBC radio recording - Why don't you recommend BBC Radio Ripper?

I also use Real Alternative... I'm connected via BT ADSL (2Mb)... I also use a router but the DNS is set automatically from the ISP (usually the default).
That's the only thing I can think is really different... whats the full story with this DNS server things ? are you using a local (caching) DNS ? using an "open" public DNS ?

any ANONYMOUS forum user 03-10-2009 06:03 PM

Problem recording BBC Radio 1 (UK) [capturing/downloading RTSP .ra audio streams]


I'm having trouble recording BBC Radio 1 (UK), live or listen again (on-demand). I used to be able to! Please help!

Stream Recorder 03-11-2009 12:31 AM

Re: Problem recording BBC Radio 1 (UK) [capturing/downloading RTSP .ra audio streams]


Originally Posted by any ANONYMOUS forum user (Post 9684)

I'm having trouble recording BBC Radio 1 (UK), live or listen again (on-demand). I used to be able to! Please help!

Please try WM Recorder, Replay AV.

You may also use any media stream recorder or audio stream ripper.

And of course direct sound recording software can be used to record anything produced by your sound card (with some quality loss).

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