Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)i could compile it for windows (32 and 64 bit),
but were i found the MFC patch source files??? |
Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)Quote:
Quote: Thanks. |
Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)I cross-compiled it, here is a static rtmpdump: I included a build of librtmp.dll just in case someone wants it, but the main executable static x86 (not 64-bit, I have no idea how to cross-compile for that, but it shouldn't matter). I also added a new command line option --mfc. It works like this: rtmpdump --mfc video275:107735752:?:5286689 -o hellohollie.flv or: rtmpdump --mfc video489:107735752:?:7366515:1 -o tatertot.mp4 Basically the format is: --mfc videoserver:sessionid:authentication:modelid:[hd] Where authentication is a single '?' without quotes if guest. The 'hd' parameter is optional and setting it to 1 will attempt to latch onto the MP4 f4v path. The default is FLV. This should be pretty self-explanatory, if you have no idea what sessionid is or how to get the video server you need to investigate MFC a bit more =] I provide no support or anything like that nor do I actually cap myself. Please note that you will need a socket connection to the chatserver or you'll get RickRolled. You can close it once you have the stream. E. |
Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)Addendum to the above post:
The code assumes that you're trying to grab a public room stream (mfc_*). It would be trivial to make it so that a parameter controls the type (grp_* and pvt_*) but I don't know or want to know anything about how that works, I'm not super interested in MFC. If someone wants the full source just ask and you can do it yourself =] It also makes the assumption that if the MFC model ID is >=8 alphanums, it should only get a "1" prefix in the room ID, not a "10" prefix. Is this correct behavior? I don't know, I don't care =] E. |
Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)Thank you very much, Edge. It works great.
I can extract the parameters just fine, only need to find out how to map the 'camserv' to the real video server, so I can do everything automatically without having to load the webcam in the browser first. Time to study MFC's source code... Yes, the prefix is correct. The room ID = model ID + 100000000. ::edit:: What is the correct command for the "RTMP_SetupURL" function in librtmp? Normally I call it like this, but I'm not sure how to do it now. Code:
RTMP_SetupURL(r, Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("rtmp:// app=live flashVer=WIN\2011,6,602,168 swfUrl=") Code:
RTMP_SetupURL(r, Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("mfc=video70:115013455:?:9384194")) |
Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)guys i have little problem :(
i cant record in HQ i tried many ways i only get 320x240 video even in HD rooms :mad: |
Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)In reverse order; The HD cams can be any resolution, the only thing that's actually "HD" about them is that they're MP4/F4V streams and need to be latched onto as such. They *might* be of larger dimensions than 320x240 but from what I've seen that's very rare.
E. |
Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)Right, Elegro, to clarify: What I did was hack the RTMPDump source to sort of shorthand the MFC-specific parameters so I wouldn't have to type the -C S:blablabla -C S:morestuff -C S:DOWNLOAD.... bits over and over.
RTMP_SetupURL is only called if fullUrl is filled in, which it will only be if you use -r rtmp://, which I never do, I set the variables "hostname" and "app" manually to videoNN.mfc and NxServer, respecfively. What you probably want to do if you're using LibRTMP is something like this: Code:
AVal mfcapp; Code:
typedef struct AVal { On a side note, a thing I've been tinkering with is to rewrite the timestamping code in LibRTMP to start at zero and tick up accordingly so the saved streams don't get all annoying, do you have any insight here? Aside from using FFMpeg which doesn't do a very good job with this in my experience. E. |
Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)Thanks, it works now.
I'm not a C programmer, so I can't help you with the timestamps, but the author of TubeDigger has posted the source code of a small tool that fixes these odd timestamps. |
Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)^^-- aren't you the one who wrote about how to fill in the videomap array some time ago? No need to investigate then is there =]
My method is slightly different, I connect to the chatserver, send hello, guest and wait for the giant videomap. The regex I use is /0\\[(.*?)\\]/ and then I split $1 with /,/ and end up with a giant array of numeric values. Even entries will be the cam server, odd entries the model ID, so if I have: ...79,1330746,80,10710877,81,13118455,82,3058461,8 3,1492467,84,11664080,85,10125943,86,10798883... It means model ID 1330746 is video79. If this turns out to be a miss, I take camserv, subtract 500 if >500 and check with the preset videomap from the JS (104:64,109:69... etc). This seems to work 90% of the time, the problem happens when the model is not in the first list received over the socket, ie. she's on page 2 or something. I have no idea how to keep receiving events or receive events for specific models so I don't know how to get around this. If you come to any conclusions or figure out a fool-proof method of resolving model->real video server I would definitely like to hear about it, I'm starting to take an interest in MFC =] Also the timestamp thing, might not be so easy to fix since all LibRTMP does is take whatever timestamp the server sends and stuff it into the outfile, it might just be better to let people fix the file post-download using whichever method they see fit. I am looking at a general patch/solution since this seems to affect pretty much all live streaming sites. E. |
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