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-   - - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos


supersonic80 06-30-2018 12:55 AM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos

Check your private messages


Originally Posted by dariusii (Post 96503)
1. Remove old files and dirs
2. unpack that archive
3. install modules (npm install) ok.
4. config file was changed with my settings
5. reloginning on the site. There're not any bans etc for me. Google captcha only.
6. run.

C:\Users\jim\bin\chaturbate\capturebate-node-master>node main.js
[06/30/2018 - 09:51:00] [DEBUG] Start searching for new models
[06/30/2018 - 09:51:00] [DEBUG] Login is required
[06/30/2018 - 09:51:01] [DEBUG] Found these live followed models:
[06/30/2018 - 09:51:01] Done, will search for new models in 60 second(s)
[06/30/2018 - 09:51:00] [DEBUG] Start searching for new models
[06/30/2018 - 09:51:00] [DEBUG] Login is required
[06/30/2018 - 09:51:01] [DEBUG] Found these live followed models:
[06/30/2018 - 09:51:01] Done, will search for new models in 60 second(s)
[06/30/2018 - 09:51:00] [DEBUG] Start searching for new models
[06/30/2018 - 09:51:00] [DEBUG] Login is required
[06/30/2018 - 09:51:01] [DEBUG] Found these live followed models:
[06/30/2018 - 09:51:01] Done, will search for new models in 60 second(s)


dariusii 06-30-2018 05:48 AM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos

Now I'm not see recaptcha one on login page, but app is continuing get nothing. I had check login/pass in config file. All're ok. Don't understand nothing.

dariusii 07-01-2018 02:22 AM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos

Can I copy a some token/cookies from browser, where I had check authorisation, to app? without authorisation with $CaptureBate-master simular apps.

dariusii 07-01-2018 08:55 AM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos

How to fight an "ERROR: Closing connection: NetStream.Play.Failed"? Does anyone know?

Error is with any captuirebute-node one. any version.

with other ones that app works normally:

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "ondemand?ovpfv=1.1" -y "mp4:/root/international_program_sales/b2b_site/trailers/01_11/225971_drake_and_josh_384x288_600.mp4" -o drakejosh.mp4
RTMPDump v2.4
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
Starting download at: 0.000 kB
INFO: Metadata:
INFO:  duration              141.66
INFO:  moovPosition          32.00
INFO:  width                384.00
INFO:  height                288.00
INFO:  videocodecid          avc1
INFO:  audiocodecid          mp4a
INFO:  avcprofile            77.00
INFO:  avclevel              30.00
INFO:  aacaot                2.00
INFO:  videoframerate        29.97
INFO:  audiosamplerate      44100.00
INFO:  audiochannels        2.00
INFO: trackinfo:
INFO:  length                4245000.00
INFO:  timescale            29970.00
INFO:  language              eng
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:  sampletype            avc1
INFO:  length                6247424.00
INFO:  timescale            44100.00
INFO:  language              eng
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:  sampletype            mp4a
10219.977 kB / 137.60 sec (97.1%)
WARNING: Larger timestamp than 24-bit: 0xfffffe74
10450.527 kB / 141.64 sec (99.9%)
Download complete

rtmpdump -v
RTMPDump v2.4

with node model it go to stopped and show "ERROR: Closing connection: NetStream.Play.Failed".

supersonic80 07-01-2018 05:23 PM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos

You need to have rtmpdump with KSV patches to be able to record chaturbate.

Use -V parameter to get all rtmpdump debug messages. I suppose the output will give you a hint about the origin of the problem.


Originally Posted by dariusii (Post 96508)
How to fight an "ERROR: Closing connection: NetStream.Play.Failed"? Does anyone know?

Error is with any captuirebute-node one. any version.

with other ones that app works normally:

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "ondemand?ovpfv=1.1" -y "mp4:/root/international_program_sales/b2b_site/trailers/01_11/225971_drake_and_josh_384x288_600.mp4" -o drakejosh.mp4
RTMPDump v2.4
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
Starting download at: 0.000 kB
INFO: Metadata:
INFO:  duration              141.66
INFO:  moovPosition          32.00
INFO:  width                384.00
INFO:  height                288.00
INFO:  videocodecid          avc1
INFO:  audiocodecid          mp4a
INFO:  avcprofile            77.00
INFO:  avclevel              30.00
INFO:  aacaot                2.00
INFO:  videoframerate        29.97
INFO:  audiosamplerate      44100.00
INFO:  audiochannels        2.00
INFO: trackinfo:
INFO:  length                4245000.00
INFO:  timescale            29970.00
INFO:  language              eng
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:  sampletype            avc1
INFO:  length                6247424.00
INFO:  timescale            44100.00
INFO:  language              eng
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:  sampletype            mp4a
10219.977 kB / 137.60 sec (97.1%)
WARNING: Larger timestamp than 24-bit: 0xfffffe74
10450.527 kB / 141.64 sec (99.9%)
Download complete

rtmpdump -v
RTMPDump v2.4

with node model it go to stopped and show "ERROR: Closing connection: NetStream.Play.Failed".

dariusii 07-02-2018 01:32 AM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos


Originally Posted by supersonic80 (Post 96511)
You need to have rtmpdump with KSV patches to be able to record chaturbate.

Use -V parameter to get all rtmpdump debug messages. I suppose the output will give you a hint about the origin of the problem.

Thanks. had compile it.

NerfHerder101 07-03-2018 11:02 PM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos

I just use youtube-dl in conjunction with ffmpeg to cap CB with the following .bat in the quote below.

Just download the most recent versions of youtube-dl and ffmpeg and have them in the same folder, as well as a CB_Model.txt file to add all the room names you want to capture (just the room names, not the full link. Make sure each name is on its own separate line).

You can set your refresh time to whatever you want. It is currently set to 30seconds.
It will refresh until the room goes live. Once the room goes offline. It will start refreshing again.



SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
SET n=0
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN (CB_Model.txt) DO (
SET /A n=n+1
SET _fav!n!=%%A
ECHO !n! %%A
SET /P MODEL=Choose or Enter Name of Model (%M%):
FOR /L %%F IN (1,1,!n!) DO (
IF /I '%MODEL%'=='%%F' SET M=%%F
SET n=0
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN (CB_Model.txt) DO (
SET /A n=n+1
IF !n!==%M% SET MODEL=%%A

set SECONDS=30

set model=%model:

set model=%model:/=%

set OUT_DIR=rec\%model%

if not exist %OUT_DIR% (mkdir %OUT_DIR%)

for /r %%F in (*) do if %%~zF==0 @del "%%F"
set ts=%date:/=-%_%time::=-%
set ts=%ts: =%
set output=%OUT_DIR%\cb_%model%_%ts%.mp4
color 2F && title %model% @ %time%
cls && echo Capturing: %model% @ %time% && echo.

youtube-dl -o %output%

for %%r in (%output%) do (
if %%~zr lss 1 del %output%
color 4F && title %model% - OFFLINE

timeout %SECONDS%
goto doCapture
What my folder looks like

marck120 10-11-2018 11:34 AM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos

Hi, is there a linux program to capture the video stream from chaturbate ?

Damianonymous 10-11-2018 04:20 PM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos

marck120 10-11-2018 11:44 PM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos


Originally Posted by Damianonymous (Post 96547)

Thank you so much :) it works very well, on linux I had to fight for hours before being able to install java jre, without java jre ctbrec did not start properly.

By chance do you also know any program to download Channels - Rampant TV from the site ?

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