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Horizon 08-05-2017 01:00 AM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos


Originally Posted by horacio (Post 93228)
It's all clear to me. I tried to fix the script but obviously is a more difficult case.
So the script currently captures 'ts' segments of about 14 seconds. These segments could be linked later but this is not a solution.
In addition I noticed that there are even three different resolutions in the same segment!
I put the ffmpeg in the script and the recording is done OK but this script has a very long code and it all matches it's almost impossible mission.
I just finished my script ( which recording in a very similar way as and can be a good substitute. starts with cba.bat and can record a specific model 24/7 if it has free disk space ;)
Recording is performed in flv format at the highest available resolution. It will not be a problem to make a 'ts' variant recording if it is necessary. If more than one 24/7 models must be recorded, more copies of cba.bat scripts should be started.

Download link for all files in zip:

I have played with the code & I think the problem is in "r1 = self.session.get(m)"

because the second count "c" now imediately counts to "5" & calls "self.ok = False"

if r1.ok:
c = 0
d1 = self.decode_m3u8(r1)
for i in d1:
self.pool.spawn(self.get_and_decode, i)
c += 1
if c >= 5 :
self.ok = False

I can change 'self.ok = False' to 'self.ok = True' and everything works as used to, which is ok as long as there is no error or cam reset. But it does give demo of how it should run while all is ok with the stream, although it wont close the stream and reset. Or increase 5 to 1000 for similar effect. But this is only a hack /work around in the crudest sense.

horacio 08-06-2017 09:18 PM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos


Originally Posted by Horizon (Post 93318)
I have played with the code & I think the problem is in "r1 = self.session.get(m)"

because the second count "c" now imediately counts to "5" & calls "self.ok = False"

if r1.ok:
c = 0
d1 = self.decode_m3u8(r1)
for i in d1:
self.pool.spawn(self.get_and_decode, i)
c += 1
if c >= 5 :
self.ok = False

I can change 'self.ok = False' to 'self.ok = True' and everything works as used to, which is ok as long as there is no error or cam reset. But it does give demo of how it should run while all is ok with the stream, although it wont close the stream and reset. Or increase 5 to 1000 for similar effect. But this is only a hack /work around in the crudest sense.

@Horizon correctly noted where to intervene for what he should congratulate. I managed to solve the problem of closing the file and at one point I thought the script was repaired but I noticed that the stream is being recorded in different resolutions, mostly at the beginning of the file.
So after recording I processed the files by converting TS to FLV and then remove about 11 seconds of file startup.
I also added colors for better visibility. For that must be installed:

pip install colorama
pip install termcolor

All of the above problems don't have my '' and '' scripts ( but I see most of you want just this '' script. In fact, I did not try this script at a time when it worked without problems, so I'm interested in what are the differences compared to this version?

Link for my version of is:

Horizon 08-07-2017 12:42 AM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos


Originally Posted by horacio (Post 93344)
@Horizon correctly noted where to intervene for what he should congratulate. I managed to solve the problem of closing the file and at one point I thought the script was repaired but I noticed that the stream is being recorded in different resolutions, mostly at the beginning of the file.
So after recording I processed the files by converting TS to FLV and then remove about 11 seconds of file startup.
I also added colors for better visibility. For that must be installed:

pip install colorama
pip install termcolor

All of the above problems don't have my '' and '' scripts ( but I see most of you want just this '' script. In fact, I did not try this script at a time when it worked without problems, so I'm interested in what are the differences compared to this version?

Link for my version of is:

Hello Horacio,

Well done my friend.... only on my system it seems to record in approx 2mb files still. I have increased 'c' to 500 in function Def run. Now at first glance it records in much larger files & with your added code when the cam goes offline, the process would appear to close and work fine. Should the cam come back on it restarts recording.

I find having one python file to run much simpler overall. I have had a quick look at your code.. Does it only record 1 cam at a time?? I am having some problems at the moment getting it to record.

root@k:~/Downloads/chaturbate-anonymous-master# python

=> START <=

=> 1 < I added this as i knew she was live.
=> 2
=> 3
=> 4
=> 5
=> 6
=> 7
=> 8
=> 9
=> 10
=> 11
=> 12

=> Select CB Model URL => 1

=> Selected CB Model => mayastings

=> RP => 81de782701539fcfdf03b316c35a2e6cbfe90ee516582a45c3 d2023690840526 <=

=> INFO => MODEL: mayastings * BG: female * EDGE: 112 * ORIGIN: 14 <=

=> Start RECORD => mayastings_CB_07082017-073725.flv <=
sh: 1: start: not found

horacio 08-07-2017 03:45 AM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos


I think resolution problem is with hls_url ending with: '_trns_h264/playlist.m3u8'
Link ending with '_fast_aac/playlist.m3u8' or '_aac/playlist.m3u8' do not have this problem

You can remove # in script, line 180 and see full url in frame.

My scripts is for single models but you can start scripts with batch file for more options.
You must have rtmpdump.exe and ffmpeg.exe in the path of your PC.
You can try 'remote' scripts, they work without a start option that raises a separate frame for rtmpdump.exe or ffmpeg.exe
But these two scripts work in collaboration with 'cba.bat'

Horizon 08-07-2017 07:09 AM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos


Originally Posted by horacio (Post 93357)

I think resolution problem is with hls_url ending with: '_trns_h264/playlist.m3u8'
Link ending with '_fast_aac/playlist.m3u8' or '_aac/playlist.m3u8' do not have this problem

You can remove # in script, line 180 and see full url in frame.

My scripts is for single models but you can start scripts with batch file for more options.
You must have rtmpdump.exe and ffmpeg.exe in the path of your PC.
You can try 'remote' scripts, they work without a start option that raises a separate frame for rtmpdump.exe or ffmpeg.exe
But these two scripts work in collaboration with 'cba.bat'

Nice one.... Thanks for explanation. Perhaps this changed at chaturbate only it used to work just fine. I am starting to like playing with python script as much as watching the cam models. I have the basics and trying to understand sessions/urls and reading/writing files.

This code is so easy, you leave it running the whole thing is automated. If any of the cams ( or even all of them) come online that are in the.txt file, it records them..... its so simple.

Thank you....

Damianonymous 08-09-2017 05:48 AM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos


Originally Posted by horacio (Post 93344)
@Horizon correctly noted where to intervene for what he should congratulate. I managed to solve the problem of closing the file and at one point I thought the script was repaired but I noticed that the stream is being recorded in different resolutions, mostly at the beginning of the file.
So after recording I processed the files by converting TS to FLV and then remove about 11 seconds of file startup.
I also added colors for better visibility. For that must be installed:

pip install colorama
pip install termcolor

All of the above problems don't have my '' and '' scripts ( but I see most of you want just this '' script. In fact, I did not try this script at a time when it worked without problems, so I'm interested in what are the differences compared to this version?

Link for my version of is:

You could describe each of the codes. When I try to run cbffr, cbffrts, cbr I get a message: has the plus that everything is in one window. What code should I add and in which line to have create the captures subfolder and save it?

horacio 08-09-2017 10:31 AM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos


Originally Posted by Damianonymous (Post 93401)
You could describe each of the codes. When I try to run cbffr, cbffrts, cbr I get a message:

Scripts ``, `` and ``(options numbers 0, 1 and 2) can be started separately without `cba.bat` but my recommendation is to use `cba.bat` to start all 5 scripts. However, if you want to record a certain model permanently, then it is obligatory to use `cba.bat` to start `` (option number 3), `` (option number 4) and `` (option number 5).

If someone for some reason does not want to use cba.bat in that case script ``, `` and `` must be started with model name at the end of command line, which can be seen in the script 'cba.bat'

python %MODEL%

This is the reason for the error shown in your screenshot above.

If you want to record more than one model at the same time then you need to start another copy of `cba.bat`.

It would be best to have these files in the `C:/-cba-py` directory

01.08.2017. 19:36 3.440
02.08.2017. 11:40 3.445 cba.bat
01.08.2017. 19:34 3.915
02.08.2017. 03:14 2.349
02.08.2017. 12:32 2.356
01.08.2017. 19:36 4.643
01.08.2017. 20:15 2.936
09.08.2017. 12:06 300 CB_Model.txt
07.08.2017. 04:07 615 CB_URL.txt
01.08.2017. 17:00 88 config.cfg
30.07.2017. 09:25 2.630
30.07.2017. 08:05 116 Requirements.txt

evapink 08-12-2017 11:26 AM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos


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horacio 08-15-2017 03:52 AM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos

This python script was released on October 30, 2016 by @mutation and was well done before a while when Chaturbate made some changes.
I've made some changes and I think the current script can record without problems over 90% of the Chaturbate model.
To be more accurate, 100% records well all models whose url ends with: '_aac/playlist.m3u8', while the model whose url ends with '_trns_h264/playlist.m3u8' may be a problem not to capture the maximum resolution (1280x720 or 1920x1080) Compromise 1024x576. In most cases, these models start recording at 640x480 resolution to switch to 1024x576 after about 10 seconds and remain at the end of the recording at that resolution. The worst variant is when the recording often switches between these two resolutions.
For this reason, I invite the author (@mutation) or anyone else to try to find a better solution than the current one.
As far as installation is concerned, it is simple and you can first look at the original post from the author of the script:

I have slightly spaced rows and placed colors for a quicker insight into what the script is currently recording. I also added the start and end time of the recording.
I've added also full hls-url so you know whether it's a classic 'aac' or a new 'amlst' system that does the actual problems.
More about 'amlst' can be found on this link:

In your existing Python 2.7.13 installation, you need to add this two modules with this commands:

pip install colors
pip install termcolor

As you see on the above screenshot if you do not want a model to be recorded enough to put '#' at the beginning of the line.
This will be accepted after the new start script, though I think it would be good to have it enabled during script work, such as adding new models to chaturbate.txt for new recording.
The most important feature of this script is 'no freezing'!

Download link is:

horacio 08-15-2017 12:49 PM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos

In the meantime, I made version 1.0.2 with even better visibility.
I sometimes also noticed the error in the print line so I hope it is fixed now.

You can also try 'Horacio_TS_FIX.bat' who all TS files in the directory where they are converted to FLV and fix any possible errors. After that, it is not a problem to edit the file. I use 'Machete 4.4 build 22' software for that.
I know we all have some 'own systems' but it's always good to try something new;)

Download link for above files is:

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