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-   - How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


antihero 05-02-2017 11:30 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by UserQ (Post 91322)
Thx, for the nice app.

Is it possible to record in another format? MVK, MP4 etc.?

TS is the video stream file format used by MFC.
You can easily re-mux (without transcoding) the TS file to a MP4 file with FFmpeg.

ffmpeg -i input.ts -acodec copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -vcodec copy output.mp4

The new MP4 file can be played in VLC smoothly.

dm9452 05-02-2017 11:37 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by antihero (Post 91302)
camgirlzREC 1.1.1

# when you close the app, all recordings will be stopped

downloads: (ffmpeg and ffmplay included)

exe only:

It would be great if models' recording folders contain their ID ala MFCRecorder.

For example:

WHOOKIDSON 05-02-2017 12:08 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

I like the idea of the ID + Modelname as folder name or have the model name in the left corner (Record list) so it'll be easier to remove the ones you don't want anymore.

mfmax 05-02-2017 12:30 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by dm9452 (Post 91334)
It would be great if models' recording folders contain their ID ala MFCRecorder.

For example:

I agree. Is there any method or configuration, that I have not yet found, able to change the folder's name to "ID - ModelName" format?
I would like this format for two reasons:
1. If you have any problem with your model's list, you can re-add the IDs using the folder names.
2. It's easier to find repeated models, because the ID never changes, unlike ModelName (also useful if your favourite model changes constantly her ModelName).

CristianoA 05-02-2017 05:54 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by mfmax (Post 91337)
I agree. Is there any method or configuration, that I have not yet found, able to change the folder's name to "ID - ModelName" format?
I would like this format for two reasons:
1. If you have any problem with your model's list, you can re-add the IDs using the folder names.
2. It's easier to find repeated models, because the ID never changes, unlike ModelName (also useful if your favourite model changes constantly her ModelName).

+1 :)

horacio 05-02-2017 08:50 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by antihero (Post 91333)
TS is the video stream file format used by MFC.
You can easily re-mux (without transcoding) the TS file to a MP4 file with FFmpeg.

ffmpeg -i input.ts -acodec copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -vcodec copy output.mp4

The new MP4 file can be played in VLC smoothly.

If you replace ffmpeg version 3.2.4 with version 2.8.3 and use this line in your exe:

ffmpeg -i (url) -c:v copy -c:a libvo_aacenc -b:a 128k (path + filename)

you can save in FLV format like with rtmpdump.exe ... that file not need fixing or converting.

antihero 05-03-2017 02:56 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by mfmax (Post 91337)
I agree. Is there any method or configuration, that I have not yet found, able to change the folder's name to "ID - ModelName" format?
I would like this format for two reasons:
1. If you have any problem with your model's list, you can re-add the IDs using the folder names.
2. It's easier to find repeated models, because the ID never changes, unlike ModelName (also useful if your favourite model changes constantly her ModelName).

ok, i will add this feature in the next release.

antihero 05-03-2017 03:32 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by horacio (Post 91349)
If you replace ffmpeg version 3.2.4 with version 2.8.3 and use this line in your exe:

ffmpeg -i (url) -c:v copy -c:a libvo_aacenc -b:a 128k (path + filename)

you can save in FLV format like with rtmpdump.exe ... that file not need fixing or converting.

thx, i will definitely give it a try.

Are you shure that this command will only work with the older FFmpeg version? Or is there also a solution for the new version?

horacio 05-03-2017 04:43 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by antihero (Post 91359)
thx, i will definitely give it a try.

Are you shure that this command will only work with the older FFmpeg version? Or is there also a solution for the new version?

This line does not work with newer versions of ffmpeg because they simply do not support this codec.
There may be some way for last version of ffmpeg but I did not work much on it.

mfmax 05-03-2017 01:06 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by mfmax (Post 91337)
I agree. Is there any method or configuration, that I have not yet found, able to change the folder's name to "ID - ModelName" format?
I would like this format for two reasons:
1. If you have any problem with your model's list, you can re-add the IDs using the folder names.
2. It's easier to find repeated models, because the ID never changes, unlike ModelName (also useful if your favourite model changes constantly her ModelName).


Originally Posted by antihero (Post 91357)
ok, i will add this feature in the next release.

Thank you very much! :)

mfmax 05-03-2017 01:21 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Does anybody know some way to get via browser (preferably) or script, a complete listing of MFC models that are currently connected? Their respective status - online, away, group, private, etc - and also the general data - name, id, age, ethnic, country, continent, topic, camscore, rank, tags, etc - with the possibility of saving it in a file like .csv or .xlsx (or even .txt)?

horacio 05-04-2017 09:40 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Can the file name be in the settings?
It is currently (model_name)_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-ss, and I prefer (model_name)_MFC_DDMMYYYY-HHmmss for example.

John1915 05-04-2017 03:52 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by mfmax (Post 91372)
Does anybody know some way to get via browser (preferably) or script, a complete listing of MFC models that are currently connected? Their respective status - online, away, group, private, etc - and also the general data - name, id, age, ethnic, country, continent, topic, camscore, rank, tags, etc - with the possibility of saving it in a file like .csv or .xlsx (or even .txt)?

You could pull the information from the JSONArray like all the "mfc recorder apps" do and output it into a filetype of your choosing. I don't really know how one would do this using a browser but it's definitely possible using an app or script. Somebody with a better understanding of websockets could tell you if/how this would be doable within a browser.

The JSONArray you would get for each model is formatted like this:
["nm","sid","uid","vs","pid","lv",{"u":["camserv","chat_color","chat_font","chat_opt","cre ation","avatar","profile","photos"]},{"m":["camscore","continent","flags","new_model","rank", "rc","topic","hidecs"]}]

vs would be a numeric value representing the model's status 0=online; 2=away; 12=private; 13=group, rc is the number of current viewers and everything else is pretty much what the name suggests.
Other data would have to be pulled from the model's profile; like: age, city, etc.

mfmax 05-05-2017 12:45 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by mfmax (Post 91372)
Does anybody know some way to get via browser (preferably) or script, a complete listing of MFC models that are currently connected? Their respective status - online, away, group, private, etc - and also the general data - name, id, age, ethnic, country, continent, topic, camscore, rank, tags, etc - with the possibility of saving it in a file like .csv or .xlsx (or even .txt)?


Originally Posted by John1915 (Post 91419)
You could pull the information from the JSONArray like all the "mfc recorder apps" do and output it into a filetype of your choosing. I don't really know how one would do this using a browser but it's definitely possible using an app or script. Somebody with a better understanding of websockets could tell you if/how this would be doable within a browser.

The JSONArray you would get for each model is formatted like this:
["nm","sid","uid","vs","pid","lv",{"u":["camserv","chat_color","chat_font","chat_opt","cre ation","avatar","profile","photos"]},{"m":["camscore","continent","flags","new_model","rank", "rc","topic","hidecs"]}]

vs would be a numeric value representing the model's status 0=online; 2=away; 12=private; 13=group, rc is the number of current viewers and everything else is pretty much what the name suggests.
Other data would have to be pulled from the model's profile; like: age, city, etc.

Thanks for the information. I was able to get this data through the webpage's source code when I accessed the mobile version using Chrome or Opera. After the recent MFC updates, it's no longer possible. I think the only method to get them is by using script through JSONArray, as you mentioned. Does anyone know how to perform this procedure?

horacio 05-05-2017 01:45 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by mfmax (Post 91433)
Thanks for the information. I was able to get this data through the webpage's source code when I accessed the mobile version using Chrome or Opera. After the recent MFC updates, it's no longer possible. I think the only method to get them is by using script through JSONArray, as you mentioned. Does anyone know how to perform this procedure?

Look my post in this thread ... this python script working ok after recent MFC changes ;)

John1915 05-05-2017 02:18 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by mfmax (Post 91433)
Thanks for the information. I was able to get this data through the webpage's source code when I accessed the mobile version using Chrome or Opera. After the recent MFC updates, it's no longer possible. I think the only method to get them is by using script through JSONArray, as you mentioned. Does anyone know how to perform this procedure?

I made a little Java-App for you! It will pull all the info you can get from the JSONArray and parse it into a csv file that's being output into the Folder you run the App from! Additionally it will add a column for the download url of the video feed, as i thought this could be useful!


and here's the source code so you can see how it works/tweak it to your needs

horacio 05-05-2017 03:27 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by John1915 (Post 91435)
I made a little Java-App for you! It will pull all the info you can get from the JSONArray and parse it into a csv file that's being output into the Folder you run the App from! Additionally it will add a column for the download url of the video feed, as i thought this could be useful!


and here's the source code so you can see how it works/tweak it to your needs

Good job John1915, Congratulations.
Some of the information below is missing:

"blurb":"I am a hot and sensual model always in the mood to have fun."

But I'm sure this can be fixed.
How to make exe from the java files?

John1915 05-05-2017 05:00 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Can you be a little bit more specific about what exactly is missing? I parsed everything there is in the JSONArray to the file. As i said before, additional information could be downloaded from
If you want, I can try to implement this as well.
I used launch4j to create the exe from jar.

UPDATE: I implemented the whole "get data from model's profile" thing but it takes forever to finish. I'll have another look at this tomorrow.
If you want to use this in a recorder app, it would probably be wise to download this in the background, cache it and when refreshing the model list only get the data from models that aren't cached yet. And maybe refresh the whole cache every 24h. FYI: It took me just over 7 minutes to get everything with 1497 models online.
Also it should be noted that not every model shares the same information on their profile.
Here is the csv with the newly added profile data:
Note that status, last broadcast/update and average rating are not being correctly parsed yet, that the columns don't correctly align and that there are some unnecessary commas in the csv.
I just wanted to share this so you can have a look at what data you can expect to get. Would this be what you mentioned was missing before?
Like i said, I will fix this tomorrow and upload a Version 0.2.

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horacio 05-06-2017 12:43 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by John1915 (Post 91439)
Can you be a little bit more specific about what exactly is missing? I parsed everything there is in the JSONArray to the file. As i said before, additional information could be downloaded from
If you want, I can try to implement this as well.
I used launch4j to create the exe from jar.

UPDATE: I implemented the whole "get data from model's profile" thing but it takes forever to finish. I'll have another look at this tomorrow.
If you want to use this in a recorder app, it would probably be wise to download this in the background, cache it and when refreshing the model list only get the data from models that aren't cached yet. And maybe refresh the whole cache every 24h. FYI: It took me just over 7 minutes to get everything with 1497 models online.
Also it should be noted that not every model shares the same information on their profile.
Here is the csv with the newly added profile data:
Note that status, last broadcast/update and average rating are not being correctly parsed yet, that the columns don't correctly align and that there are some unnecessary commas in the csv.
I just wanted to share this so you can have a look at what data you can expect to get. Would this be what you mentioned was missing before?
Like i said, I will fix this tomorrow and upload a Version 0.2.

For my taste I would just add existing data: Ethnicity, Age, City and Country. I know this information is on: But I also know that these data were available along with other data before the last MFC updates with this url:

url = '' + fileno + '&s=xchat20'

... and now must be used this url:

url = '' + fileno

but without Ethnicity, Age, City and Country data.

This is currently a problem for some MFC Recorders like MFCDump or mfc-node-recorder.

In my opinion, it would be necessary to analyze the python script I have upgraded (also in this thread) and which still displays all the data as before last MFC updates like on this image:

Otherwise I would reduce the number of data to the most minor:

nm, camserv, sid, uid, vs, flags, Ethnicity, Age, City and Country, continent, camscore and hls_url

And I would certainly add that the filename contains the date like:


Once again, I congratulate you because I see that you are professional and do not keep your knowledge for yourself just like many others ;)

antihero 05-06-2017 02:21 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by horacio (Post 91456)
In my opinion, it would be necessary to analyze the python script ...

the python script gets the JSON model data directly from the websocket-server - thats the big different to all the other MFC recorders!


              server = 0
        print(" => Connecting to MFC Server <= ")
        print ""
                xchat = [ 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
                          20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,
                          33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,
                          47, 48, 49, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61
                host = "ws://xchat"+str(random.choice(xchat)) + ""
                ws = create_connection(host)
                ws.send("hello fcserver\n\0")
                ws.send("1 0 0 20071025 0 guest:guest\n\0")
                print(colored(" => We're fucked <= ", 'yellow', 'on_red'))
        rembuf = ""
        quitting = 0
        while quitting == 0:
                sock_buf =  ws.recv()
                sock_buf = rembuf+sock_buf
                rembuf = ""
                while True:
                        hdr = (r"(\w+) (\w+) (\w+) (\w+) (\w+)", sock_buf)
                        if bool(hdr) == 0:

                        fc =

                        mlen = int(fc[0:4])
                        fc_type = int(fc[4:])

                        msg = sock_buf[4:4+mlen]

                        if len(msg) < mlen:
                                rembuf = ''.join(sock_buf)

                        msg = urllib.unquote(msg)

                        if fc_type == 1:
                                ws.send("10 0 0 20 0 %s\n\0" % camgirl)
                        elif fc_type == 10:
                                quitting = 1

                        sock_buf = sock_buf[4+mlen:]

                        if len(sock_buf) == 0:

horacio 05-06-2017 05:08 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by antihero (Post 91457)
the python script gets the JSON model data directly from the websocket-server - thats the big different to all the other MFC recorders!

Many thanks for your analysis @antihero. Can this method be applied to other similar recorders like yours camgirlzREC?

John1915 05-06-2017 08:17 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

I'm at home now and will start working on my little app. I'm gonna have a better look at the script posted to see if i can find a faster way for doing this.

Just to be clear:
I pulled ALL the data I could find because I thought that's what mfmax and horacio were looking for. I personally made my own "mfc recorder" last week, but because it was supposed to run 24/7 on a NAS, there was no need for a gui and pulling anything aside from name, uid, camserv and vs. If you only want data that's "relevant", I totally agree that my OnlineModels app is currently displaying way too much unnecessary stuff. I can change that easily, would just have to know what people would actually like to have it output and what could be discarded.

I got this to "work", but am not very happy with the result, so I'll keep looking.
It has reduced the time per model to ~250ms from ~350ms. That's an improvement but still a far cry from refreshing within the matter of seconds.

John1915 05-06-2017 09:32 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by horacio (Post 91458)
Many thanks for your analysis @antihero. Can this method be applied to other similar recorders like yours camgirlzREC?

From what I could tell camgirlzREC also doesn't pull the additional data from each model, only the "original list", like OnlineModels-0.1 does.
I'm guessing that it would just take too long to get all the data, since nobody(?) has found a way yet to speed this process up fast enough. As i said before, it could be accomplished by using a cache and loading the additional info when the app is already running. It's just a question if it's even worth the effort, because most people won't use the recorder app to find new models anyways but rather browse the website and then add models by name or id, please correct me if I'm wrong, but at least that's how I would do it.

SoCalGuy82 05-06-2017 09:35 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by antihero (Post 91302)
camgirlzREC 1.1.1

# when you close the app, all recordings will be stopped

downloads: (ffmpeg and ffmplay included)

exe only:

Will you be releasing a version for Mac OS X?

antihero 05-06-2017 10:13 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by John1915 (Post 91466)
From what I could tell camgirlzREC also doesn't pull the additional data from each model, only the "original list", like OnlineModels-0.1 does.

I'm guessing that it would just take too long to get all the data, since nobody(?) has found a way yet to speed this process up fast enough.

Yes, I'm parsing the data from this url:
'' + fileno

I think there is also a fast way, to get the data from all models at once from the websockset server. But i don't know how to do it...

mfc-node 2.0 ( parse the data of all models in about 2 sec.


List of changes:

WebSocket was replaced by MFCAuto package (with a recent update on myfreecams servers, it is hard to get data such as age, city, country, etc. by using WebSocket connection, however MFCAuto knows how to retrieve this data)

John1915 05-06-2017 12:56 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by antihero (Post 91468)
mfc-node 2.0 ( parse the data of all models in about 2 sec.

First of all, Thank You! for bringing this to my attention!
I downloaded and ran mfc-node but unfortunately, this is the result, that i got:

It seems like the latest MFC update did also affect this script.
For now, i will make the download of additional data optional via command line argument and handle it on a per model basis. IMHO the information you get from the standard query should be enough for 99% of use cases, and the people who NEED that extra data, should be okay with having to wait 5-10 minutes for it to be downloaded. (like I mentioned, caching this data and only pulling it for newly signed in models should give you refresh times of ~5 seconds while having this extra bit of information)

John1915 05-06-2017 04:57 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Here is version 0.2 of OnlineModels:


- you can download additional data over the websocket query by starting "OnlineModels-0.2.4.exe all" (usually takes around 8 minutes)
- additional data is: msg, age, blurb, chat_bg, city, country, ethnic, occupation, kbit, lastnews, mg, missmfc
- starting the program without the "all" parameter will output a file similar to version 0.1
- there is some more useful output in the console (progress when downloading additional data; total time needed)
- some "under the hood" changes to make the code less shitty
- added some javadoc entries and comments to enhance readability

Plans for version 0.3:
- add txt output
- add functionality to select output data (e.g.: only output name, userid, topic and download url)

If you have any recommendations/bug reports/feature requests, feel free to contact me either via pm or by replying in this thread.

supersonic80 05-06-2017 05:25 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by John1915 (Post 91470)
First of all, Thank You! for bringing this to my attention!
I downloaded and ran mfc-node but unfortunately, this is the result, that i got:

There are two versions of the script, the "master" version was affected by recents changes, however "v2" version (can be found in releases) uses MFCAuto package which returns "extended" data.

I don't know to much about MFCAuto, but in my opinion it extract basic data then collect additional data by monitoring changes and adding them to the list of the models (but this is slow process).

horacio 05-06-2017 06:01 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by John1915 (Post 91474)

- you can download additional data over the websocket query by starting "OnlineModels-0.2.4.exe all" (usually takes around 8 minutes)
- additional data is: msg, age, blurb, chat_bg, city, country, ethnic, occupation, kbit, lastnews, mg, missmfc
- starting the program without the "all" parameter will output a file similar to version 0.1
- there is some more useful output in the console (progress when downloading additional data; total time needed)
- some "under the hood" changes to make the code less shitty
- added some javadoc entries and comments to enhance readability

Plans for version 0.3:
- add txt output
- add functionality to select output data (e.g.: only output name, userid, topic and download url)

If you have any recommendations/bug reports/feature requests, feel free to contact me either via pm or by replying in this thread.

OnlineModels-0.2.4.exe working fine. Now, I'm clear why we should wait about 8 minutes if they want to have all the data.
Many thanks for accepting my proposal about the file name. I'm very glad what you're planning for version 0.3 so for now I do not have any extra requirement.
In version 0.3, everyone can choose exactly the data they are interested in, even in plain text file, thats super!

KillerBee 05-07-2017 03:41 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by John1915 (Post 91474)
Here is version 0.2 of OnlineModels:

Plans for version 0.3:
- add txt output
- add functionality to select output data (e.g.: only output name, userid, topic and download url)

If you have any recommendations/bug reports/feature requests, feel free to contact me either via pm or by replying in this thread.

Great work! More options to get the data are good.

I updated my Nodejs script using MFCAuto to get the data i needed for MFCer and now that is only 50 lines of code. Did run into an issue though due to my lack of nodeJS/Javascript knowledge ;) so had to alter one of the source files of MFCAuto instead of calling the external function to change the logging level.

When you bring out v0.3, I'll get OnlineModels working ok with MFCer too as it just reads in text data in a certain format.

I'm going to work on a few more features for MFCer I think. Thought of monitoring the topic for the countdown of the model event then start the recording when it gets to your entered value. Still plan to get it so you can control some program features remotely.

antihero 05-07-2017 03:53 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by SoCalGuy82 (Post 91467)
Will you be releasing a version for Mac OS X?

yes, camgirlzREC 1.2 will work with MacOS :)

mfmax 05-07-2017 12:18 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by horacio (Post 91434)
Look my post in this thread ... this python script working ok after recent MFC changes ;)


Originally Posted by John1915 (Post 91435)
I made a little Java-App for you! It will pull all the info you can get from the JSONArray and parse it into a csv file that's being output into the Folder you run the App from! Additionally it will add a column for the download url of the video feed, as i thought this could be useful!

Thanks for all help!
The OnlineModels tool has everything I was looking for, getting complete data and exporting them to .csv. I'm very grateful and excited to know that it will continue to be improved with new updates. Really great job! :)

antihero 05-07-2017 02:20 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

camgirlzREC 1.2.1

# the record-list contains the model names!
# auto-sort list if you add a model
# if the model changed their name then it get changed automatically in the record-list
# added auto-record if the model is new
# you can highlight new models in the main-table
# if a model is currently being recorded, it get automatically highlighted in the main-table and in the record-list
# you can change the recording naming
# added record-type (auto, manual, list)
# macOS support
# removed the donate button, because no one is willing to donate :( :( :(

sorry, the old setting.xml is not compatible with this version :-/

downloads: (ffmpeg and ffmplay included):
exe only:

terteq 05-07-2017 04:21 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Hey antihero, can you help me, after closed i have reset record list. How i can save him and not add every time after reload?

CristianoA 05-07-2017 04:25 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by antihero (Post 91487)
camgirlzREC 1.2

# the record-list contains the model names!
# auto-sort list if you add a model
# if the model changed their name then it get changed automatically in the record-list
# added auto-record if the model is new
# you can highlight new models in the main-table
# if a model is currently being recorded, it get automatically highlighted in the main-table and in the record-list
# you can change the recording naming
# added record-type (auto, manual, list)
# macOS support
# removed the donate button, because no one is willing to donate :( :( :(

sorry, the old setting.xml is not compatible with this version :-/

downloads: (ffmpeg and ffmplay included):

thanks :)

when i add model id 22568483 to record list it automatically change id to other model LiveSQUIRT - [483] please check it (i'm sure the id is correct because it have in previous settings) and there wasn't that problem

CristianoA 05-07-2017 04:29 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by terteq (Post 91489)
Hey antihero, can you help me, after closed i have reset record list. How i can save him and not add every time after reload?

click Settings tab then click Save Settings

WHOOKIDSON 05-07-2017 05:44 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by antihero (Post 91487)
# removed the donate button, because no one is willing to donate :( :( :(

Ohh, damn. The couple of days I was playing around with it I guess I didn't even notice a "Donate" button. :( Sorry about that. I just re-opened the last version and I see it. I don't have any BTC atm but I would glady donate some PP to you, if that's cool? Just let me know since there's a few models on MFC I'd like to record. I have no problem donating. PM me. Thanks for the update. Gonna test it tomorrow :D

antihero 05-07-2017 06:35 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by CristianoA (Post 91490)
when i add model id 22568483 to record list it automatically change id to other model LiveSQUIRT - [483] please check it (i'm sure the id is correct because it have in previous settings) and there wasn't that problem

i fixed this issue :) new version: camgirlzREC 1.2.1

antihero 05-07-2017 06:38 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by WHOOKIDSON (Post 91492)
Ohh, damn. The couple of days I was playing around with it I guess I didn't even notice a "Donate" button. :( Sorry about that. I just re-opened the last version and I see it. I don't have any BTC atm but I would glady donate some PP to you, if that's cool? Just let me know since there's a few models on MFC I'd like to record. I have no problem donating. PM me. Thanks for the update. Gonna test it tomorrow :D

Thank you, I appreciate it.

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