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Remove DRM from PDF ebooks (Adobe Digital Editions)


Stream Recorder 03-25-2010 12:19 AM

Re: Remove DRM from PDF ebooks


Originally Posted by Bl4ckSt0rm (Post 17590)
With "ineptkey.pyw" I'm able to create the "adeptkey.der" file. But when I run "ineptpdf.pyw" the "adeptkey.der" file is automatically selected, after that I browse my PDF and I choose the Output file and when I push the Decrypt button it says: "Error: String required: None". What is the problem?

This was tested on PDF version 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 .

Is your PDF file located in the "My Documents\My Digital Editions\" folder?

Bl4ckSt0rm 03-25-2010 09:38 AM

Re: Remove DRM from PDF ebooks

Yes, it is.

Stream Recorder 03-26-2010 01:01 AM

Re: Remove DRM from PDF ebooks


Originally Posted by Bl4ckSt0rm (Post 17616)
Yes, it is.

What OS do you use? What versions of "ineptkey.pyw", "ineptpdf.pyw", Python and PyCrypto do you have? What is the version of your PDF document?

Bl4ckSt0rm 03-26-2010 09:39 AM

Re: Remove DRM from PDF ebooks

I use Windows 7 64-bit, ineptkey.pyw version 4.4, ineptpdf version 7.2, Python 2.6, PyCrypto 2.1, and I don't know the version of my PDF.

Stream Recorder 03-26-2010 11:05 AM

Re: Remove DRM from PDF ebooks


Originally Posted by Bl4ckSt0rm (Post 17655)
I use Windows 7 64-bit, ineptkey.pyw version 4.4, ineptpdf version 7.2, Python 2.6, PyCrypto 2.1, and I don't know the version of my PDF.

Make sure you use pyhton x32 with pycrypto x32. And place ineptpdf and ineptkey into the "My Documents\My Digital Editions\" folder. Also try other versions of ineptpdf and ineptkey.

ineptpdf, version 7.4 (ineptpdf74.pyw)
If it doesn't help, redownload the PDF or reauthorize your ADE and the PDF with your Adobe ID.

Bl4ckSt0rm 03-26-2010 04:38 PM

Re: Remove DRM from PDF ebooks

It worked! I redownloaded the PDF and it worked. Thank you very much for your help.

sts70nl 03-30-2010 11:56 PM

Re: Remove DRM from PDF ebooks

:confused: :(

I use
- Win 7
- Python 2.6.5 32 bit
- ineptkey 4.3
- ineptpdf 7.4
- pycrypto 2.6

Everything seems to work ok except for the following
- the INEPT PDF Decrypter window doesn't close when pressing quit
- the PDF created contains errors
- can't print pages (no pages selected)
- when scrolling through the document at some point I get in Adobe Acrobat error 135 (this repeats itself a couple of times and results in blank pages)
- GSView error
- unknown operator "C"
- file has an unbalanced >> (close dictionary). gsapi_execute_cont returns -8
- File did not complete the page properlly and may be damaged
- warning: file has unbalanced q/Q operators (too many q's)
- gsapi_exit returns 0

Any ideas are welcome.

Stream Recorder 04-01-2010 01:23 AM

Re: Remove DRM from PDF ebooks


Originally Posted by sts70nl (Post 17764)
I use
- Win 7
- Python 2.6.5 32 bit
- ineptkey 4.3
- ineptpdf 7.4
- pycrypto 2.6

Try older versions of ineptpdf.

inept2 04-04-2010 08:00 AM

Re: Remove DRM from PDF ebooks

If I would have a copy of the file and the key I could look into the problem.

sts70nl 04-08-2010 12:19 AM

Re: Remove DRM from PDF ebooks


Originally Posted by inept2 (Post 17889)
If I would have a copy of the file and the key I could look into the problem.

Where to send the files?


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