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Start/Stop rtmpdump from your browser (chaturbate support)


ppeterppan 03-12-2014 06:36 AM

Re: Start/Stop rtmpdump from your browser (chaturbate support)


First of all thanks for job you have done! I have not been able to use your tool yet because i get an error "no player found" when i press record button.

I have python started the server and this came up:


Thu Mar 13 13:35:05 2014 Server Starts - :80
ok-PC - - [13/Mar/2014 13:35:13] "GET /record/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
Exception happened during processing of request from ('', 53556)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 284, in _handle_request_noblock
    self.process_request(request, client_address)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 310, in process_request
    self.finish_request(request, client_address)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 323, in finish_request
    self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 639, in __init__
  File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 337, in handle
  File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 325, in handle_one_request
  File "", line 103, in do_GET
  File "", line 81, in do_record
    if params['performer'] in recordings: return
TypeError: string indices must be integers, not str

icodestuff 03-13-2014 10:24 AM

Re: Start/Stop rtmpdump from your browser (chaturbate support)

Hi, and sorry for my late response. I was kind of busy the last days.

I don't really know what the error is, but i added a little debug flag. Could you run this code and poste the response (after trying to start the recording) ?

Also i got the request to add support for mfc. That is already on my todo list, but, honestly, i am still struggeling with getting the correct rtmpdump parameter.
If someone could help me with that, that would be greatly appreciated.

A little word about the auto record.
It is working only if you stay on the site and so far only if the host is away for a more or less short time. So if the host goes to prvt the record stops, and starts again after the host is again in the public chat.

I am still not sure how to do the auto record feature the best way. Maybe i put that stuff in the server. We'll see.

/me is goin to code some more and think about the auto record

icodestuff 03-13-2014 11:45 AM

Re: Start/Stop rtmpdump from your browser (chaturbate support)

Hm, i didn't know one can edit their posts here only for a limited time.
Guess i'll need to write the admins. But so far i'll post the update here:

I updated the server and chaturbate script.
Chaturbate changed an id ( I need to find some fallback ways in case that happens again (it will !) ).
You need both: the new server script and the new chaturbate script.

New server script ( more stable url handling / mini debug log )

New Chaturbate script.

@ppeterppan: Ignore the script in the post before. Use the new scripts.
@Roma Romanoff, thefan: Did it work ?

I try to check again in some hours. But it might be that i need till tomorrow.

jimbob9 03-13-2014 06:23 PM

Re: Start/Stop rtmpdump from your browser (chaturbate support)

Seems to be working better for me. now the greasemonkey script sends the data in but I keep getting this over and over in my window. edited: they are basically statuses:

[13/Mar/2014 20:21:43] "GET /status?performer=performername&cmd=base64 encoding for:

-v -r "rtmp://" -p "" -C S:****-C S:mothandrust -C S:2.644 -C S:pbkdf2_sha256$12000$06oBwEv2YMYQ$meYWOuQjYzhQHck itJ1Ko2eOYKsFWyqWyyCJh4TPEQg= -C S:yada -T "yada" -y "playpath"

I'm not really sure what the sytax should be for the path to the executable? for example, my python script and executable are in c:\rtmpdump\ (executable is rtmpdump.exe)

I'm not seeing any additional cmd window or any flv files getting created so it seems like it isn't executing the rtmpdump.exe

jimbob9 03-13-2014 06:30 PM

Re: Start/Stop rtmpdump from your browser (chaturbate support)

nevermind. it is working. i just needed to click the record button LOL

ppeterppan 03-14-2014 05:42 PM

Re: Start/Stop rtmpdump from your browser (chaturbate support)


Originally Posted by icodestuff (Post 66365)
@ppeterppan: Ignore the script in the post before. Use the new scripts.

Still not working, i'm pretty sure that i have something wrong with my OS (win7) or settings.

The server does not recieve the parameters from userscript like this one:

[13/Mar/2014 20:21:43] "GET /status?performer=performername&cmd=base64 encoding for:

-v -r "rtmp://" -p "" -C S:****-C S:mothandrust -C S:2.644 -C Sbkdf2_sha256$12000$06oBwEv2YMYQ$meYWOuQjYzhQHck itJ1Ko2eOYKsFWyqWyyCJh4TPEQg= -C S:yada -T "yada" -y "playpath"
I ll try to work on it but i think its my software issue. Is firefox able to interfere with this userscript?

icodestuff 03-14-2014 06:54 PM

Re: Start/Stop rtmpdump from your browser (chaturbate support)


Is firefox able to interfere with this userscript?
Yes, i guess it only works with firefox (and greasemonkey ofc.). But if you see the record button the userscript should be ok.

Just to be sure: you are using the new server and userscript from this post ?

How to install python 2.7 on windows:
1. Get and install python 2.7.
2. Press win+r and enter cmd.
3. In the new window write python --version. If the result is something like "Can't find python" python isn't in your path.
- First of all restart (as the python installer should make sure it is in the path).
- If that doesn't solve it see here for a resolution.
4. After python in installed and cofigured. (ie you can execute "python" in the command window (win+r -> cmd -> enter) you are almost ready to go.

How to start and configure the script:
Open the python server script. Now change the following variables according to your needs. To do this press ctr+f to find the variable and change the part on the right side of the "=" sign.
(I'll add a config file in later versions)
RTMPDUMP_PATH: Contains the path to your rtmpdump executable.
DOWNLOAD_PATH: Where to save your recordings. Leave like "" if you want to save to the directory where your server script lies. Else enter the path ending with an "/".
PORT_NUMBER: In case you allready have a service running on port 80, change this variable to another value. Don't forget to change it in the userscripts, too.

To start the script you should be able to just double click it. If that doesn't work put a file named "StartServer.bat" in the same folder as the python script with the following content:

If you named the script different from "" change that value.
Please follow this if you have have file extensions disabled or don't know.
Now start the server and you are good to go.

A little troubleshooting guide:
There is no record button on the top of the performer page:
-> This could have mutiple reasons:
- You didn't install greasemonkey
- You didn't install the script. In Firefox press tools -> Greasemonkey -> New user script. Then paste the userscript from the pastebin.
- If you have greasemonkey and the userscript installed, that means probably that the url is different for you (through localization etc.). Please post the url you see from any performer.

The record button is visible and the status label under the record button shows for more then some seconds:
- No player found and the performer is online:
-> The video detection didn't work. In most cases that means the id for the video object changed.
Please press ctrl+shift+k on the performer page, paste $('object').attr("id") and press enter. Please post the result in this thread.

- Update ... or Timed out
-> The userscript isn't able to reach your server. Some possile reasons are:
- Your firewall or firefox add-ons (like request policy) is blocking the request.
- You already have a service running on port 80. In that case change the port in the user- and serverscript.
- The server crashed. If there is some strange output in the server window containing the word Exception please post this (in a code tag) in this thread.

if i don't run in the edit timeout again, i'll edit this post and add some more possibilities and solutions.

Roma Romanoff 03-15-2014 01:50 AM

Re: Start/Stop rtmpdump from your browser (chaturbate support)

Dear icodestuff, where I can see the record button, and what should be the path to the directories with python and rtmpdump For example C:\python or another, it is difficult to think without knowing programming

icodestuff 03-15-2014 07:20 AM

Re: Start/Stop rtmpdump from your browser (chaturbate support)

I added some info to my last post.
I hope it is helping.

Caaz 03-23-2014 08:59 AM

Re: Start/Stop rtmpdump from your browser (chaturbate support)

Hello there!

I think I'm managing to piece together how to work the recorder, but yeah im having the "no player found" issue.

When i press cntl+shift+k and search for "('object').attr("id")", it can't even find that at all. As you're the knowledgable one about this though, i assume I am doing something incorrectly!

thanks in advance

edit: scratch that, i just scrolled up and found the new script thing, but when i press "record" it does it for about a second, then stops. How do i post the message from the server where i fails from the cmd window?

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