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-   - How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Edge 02-18-2017 04:06 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

I am, indeed, still here, what's up :)

I haven't had time to read the thread, just skimmed it, in fact I was googling for something entirely different and popped up in my results and I was like "hmmm I recognize that URL".

Are people still vexed by MFC? Isn't MFC pretty much going down the drain anyway these days?

j_cool 02-18-2017 05:28 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

I read somewhere in this thread that MFC admin banned one model for having
a bloke in the room, so he must be homosexual.

With homosexuals involved in site's content, my interest is vexed,as you said.

Streamlink is out and is about enhancement, so peep-show admins may threaten... streamlink!

korexaj 02-21-2017 08:07 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Hi guys, can you point me in the right direct for streaming and recording mfc on Mac OS.

Incognito 03-02-2017 11:44 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

A simple version


Install livestreamer or modify the script to use ffmpeg.

horacio 03-07-2017 02:49 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Thanks Incognito for nice Python code. I'm make a lot of changes and adapted for Windows7 and Python27.
My script exclusively use ffmpeg and ffplay who must be somewhere in path. For recording must be used ffmpeg v.2.7.2, ffplay is not critical but I recommend the latest version. BTW I am using ffplay v.3.2.2.
This script can record and play. This script takes care of the so-called NO MOBILE FEED models that most programs can't record.
These models can record with RtmpDumpHelper, TubeDigger, Jaksta or RMC (v.4/5/6).
Also working with our member @ruzzy method explained in this thread. BTW I made a script for Python27 which can record only first chunk but I don't know how to get python to record a complete stream so if someone knows can PM me :)
Both, ffmpeg and ffplay open for each model a separate window and we can easy record and watch the models in real time or stop recording or viewing. Recorded files are in FLV format and it is not necessary to fix or convert later.
I suppose someone will have a problem because no all necessary modules such as modules for colors.
Look at the top of the script which modules is used and than install with the command: pip install (modul_name).
Also you can edit path for recording or filename format what you like ;)

ruzzy 03-08-2017 08:36 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


url = "http://video"+str(server)+""+str(cid)+".f4v_mobile/playlist.m3u8"
This this not rtmp dump, m3u8 - HLS playlist


filename = camgirl + "_MFC_" + timestamp + ".flv"
command = "start ffmpeg -i " + url + " -c:v copy -c:a libvo_aacenc -b:a 128k " + path + filename

Then you save mp4 in flv format.

Why do you deceive us?

horacio 03-09-2017 01:46 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

The word rtmp in title of this thread I just now noticed and for that I am sorry.
I just upgraded python code of @incognito who use livestreamer for url="hlsvariant://http://video ...
In this case the @incognito first began to 'cheat'!
My and I believe the intent of incognito was to help people who want to record mfc stream.
The easiest way is to delete both thread or move it to the appropriate thread so that formally be all right.
I think it would be better to help people like me and @incognito rather than looking for the tiniest faults.
If you are honest and do not want to cheat you can explain your python/rtmp method here and not put link: and ask for money.
I hope that I will find very soon a way to record the MFC stream with RTMP and release that in this thread for free.

BTW I do not see the difference between 'my' flv files recorded using ffmpeg and other recorded with rtmp method.

This stream is recorded with: rtmp://

... and this is with ffmpeg with my python upgrade:

... no difference!

Incognito 03-09-2017 04:45 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Somebody said with mobile streams you can get only 320x240 so I post my code to show you can get better resolution with hls streams too.

Example FFProbe O/P

Input #0, mpegts, from 'CuteVera95-15588542-MFC-Mar-09-2017-03-36-55-PT.flv':
Duration: 00:00:29.79, start: 2081.069000, bitrate: 2400 kb/s
Program 1
Stream #0:0[0x102]: Data: timed_id3 (ID3 / 0x20334449)
Stream #0:1[0x100]: Video: h264 (Main) ([27][0][0][0] / 0x001B), yuv420p(tv), 800x600 [SAR 1:1 DAR 4:3], 30 fps, 30 tbr, 90k tbn, 60 tbc
Stream #0:2[0x101]: Audio: aac (LC) ([15][0][0][0] / 0x000F), 16000 Hz, mono, fltp, 30 kb/s

wizard 03-09-2017 11:00 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by horacio (Post 90115)
Thanks Incognito for nice Python code. I'm make a lot of changes and adapted for Windows7 and Python27.
My script exclusively use ffmpeg and ffplay who must be somewhere in path. For recording must be used ffmpeg v.2.7.2, ffplay is not critical but I recommend the latest version. BTW I am using ffplay v.3.2.2.
This script can record and play. This script takes care of the so-called NO MOBILE FEED models that most programs can't record.
These models can record with RtmpDumpHelper, TubeDigger, Jaksta or RMC (v.4/5/6).
Also working with our member @ruzzy method explained in this thread. BTW I made a script for Python27 which can record only first chunk but I don't know how to get python to record a complete stream so if someone knows can PM me :)
Both, ffmpeg and ffplay open for each model a separate window and we can easy record and watch the models in real time or stop recording or viewing. Recorded files are in FLV format and it is not necessary to fix or convert later.
I suppose someone will have a problem because no all necessary modules such as modules for colors.
Look at the top of the script which modules is used and than install with the command: pip install (modul_name).
Also you can edit path for recording or filename format what you like ;)

Many thanks for this updated and tweaked solution Horacio.

Really nice work !

rockingharder 04-03-2017 11:22 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by horacio (Post 90115)
Thanks Incognito for nice Python code. I'm make a lot of changes and adapted for Windows7 and Python27.
My script exclusively use ffmpeg and ffplay who must be somewhere in path. For recording must be used ffmpeg v.2.7.2, ffplay is not critical but I recommend the latest version. BTW I am using ffplay v.3.2.2.
This script can record and play. This script takes care of the so-called NO MOBILE FEED models that most programs can't record.
These models can record with RtmpDumpHelper, TubeDigger, Jaksta or RMC (v.4/5/6).
Also working with our member @ruzzy method explained in this thread. BTW I made a script for Python27 which can record only first chunk but I don't know how to get python to record a complete stream so if someone knows can PM me :)
Both, ffmpeg and ffplay open for each model a separate window and we can easy record and watch the models in real time or stop recording or viewing. Recorded files are in FLV format and it is not necessary to fix or convert later.
I suppose someone will have a problem because no all necessary modules such as modules for colors.
Look at the top of the script which modules is used and than install with the command: pip install (modul_name).
Also you can edit path for recording or filename format what you like ;)

How do I run the script?

TheUltraLisk 04-04-2017 01:22 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Here is some quick greasemonkey script that gives you livestream URL that you can copy paste into into the cmd and console if you have livestreamer installed.


// ==UserScript==
// @name        tersttest
// @namespace  ok
// @include*
// @version    1
// @grant      none
// ==/UserScript==


var myVar = setInterval(myTimer, 4000);

function myTimer()
        $('#fvideo').children('param').each(function () {
                var attr = this.getAttribute("name");

                if (attr == "flashvars")
                        var lastVideoID = 0;
                        var lastRoomID = 0

                        var re = /video(\d+)/;
                        var re2 = /roomID=(\d+)/;

                        var myArray = re.exec(this.value);
                        var myArray2 = re2.exec(this.value);

                        if (myArray[1])
                                var videoID = myArray[1];
                                console.error("Unable to get video ID");

                        if (myArray2[1])
                                var roomID = myArray2[1];
                                console.error("Unable to get room ID");

                        if ((lastVideoID == videoID) && (lastRoomID == roomID))

                                lastVideoID = videoID;
                                lastRoomID = roomID;

                                if ( $( "#mytest123" ).length )

                                        var para = document.createElement("p");
                                        para.setAttribute("ID", "mytest123");
                                        var node = document.createTextNode("");
                                        var aaa = $("#video_controls");
                                var newURL = "livestreamer hlsvariant://http://video" + videoID + "" + lastRoomID + ".f4v_mobile/playlist.m3u8";

                                // if the URL is new, update it (don't auto update URL as you lose selected text as a user)
                                if ($("#mytest123").html() != newURL)

j_cool 04-04-2017 02:38 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by TheUltraLisk (Post 86095)
I am really not used to looking at packets, or familiar with flash and its NetConnection(), but it appears that the new HD content is setup so the server sends some JavaScript code to the user, the user runs that code and generates a hash, and the user must send that hash back to myfreecams, otherwise it won't play the new HD video.

I could be completely wrong about all of this, but it seems it might be setup this way just to stop programs like rtmpdump. If that is the case, someone who knows c might need to change rtmpdump to compute this hash and include it in its request.

RTMPDUMPHELPER + Rtmpsuck still work on MFC.

About Rtmpdump...

Sadly, looks like that KSV dumped it long time ago.

RTMP Proxy Server v2.4 GIT-2015-12-14 (Compiled by KSV)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu; license: GPL

Streaming on rtmp://
ERROR: Handshake failed
Closing connection... done!

WARNING: Trying different position for client digest!
Processing connect
app : NxServer
flashVer : WIN 25,0,0,127
swfUrl :
tcUrl : rtmp://
pageUrl : arget=main
live : no
Playpath : mp4:mfc_119657061.f4v
Saving as : 2017-04-04_09-33-29_mp4_mfc_119657061.flv
WARNING: ignoring too small audio packet: size: 0

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://"
-a "NxServer"
-f "WIN 25,0,0,127"
-W ""
-p " arget=main"
-C N:580669623.000000
-C S:
-C N:119657061.000000
-C N:19657061.000000
-y "mp4:mfc_119657061.f4v"
-o "2017-04-04_09-33-29_mp4_mfc_119657061.flv"

j_cool 04-04-2017 03:33 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Here are mini videos.

Here are m3u8s and videos are as good as model's camera.



#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=1190486,CODECS="avc1.77.31,mp4a.40.2 ",RESOLUTION=800x600

#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=582000,CODECS="avc1.66.30,mp4a.40.2" ,RESOLUTION=320x240

Damianonymous 04-04-2017 10:34 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

I am using a plugin for Streamlink:


import random
import re

from streamlink.plugin import Plugin
from streamlink.plugin.api import http
from import HLSStream

    from websocket import create_connection
except ImportError:

DATA_URL = "{0}&s={1}"
HLS_VIDEO_URL = "http://video{0}{1}.f4v_mobile/playlist.m3u8"
WEBSOCKET_SERVERS = [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 39]

_session_re = re.compile(r"\173\04522fileno\04522\:\04522(?P<session>[\d_]+)\04522\175")
_url_re = re.compile(r"https?\:\/\/(?:\w+\.)?myfreecams\.com\/(?:\#(?P<username>\w+)|id\=(?P<user_id>\d+))")

class MyFreeCams(Plugin):
    def can_handle_url(cls, url):
        return _url_re.match(url)

    def _get_streams(self):
        match = _url_re.match(self.url)
        username ="username")
        user_id ="user_id")

        if not HAS_WEBSOCKET:
            self.logger.error("websocket-client is not installed")
  "You can install it with:")
  "pip install websocket-client")

        xchat = "xchat{0}".format(random.choice(WEBSOCKET_SERVERS))
        ws_host = "wss://{0}".format(xchat)
        ws = create_connection(ws_host)

        send_msg_hello = "hello fcserver\n\0"
        # FCTYPE_LOGIN = 1
        send_msg_login = "1 0 0 20071025 0 guest:guest\n\0"
        send_msg_ping = "1 0 0 0 0\n\0"
        # FCTYPE_LOGOUT = 99
        send_msg_logout = "99 0 0 0 0"


        loop_number = 0
        status_regex = False
        while status_regex is not True:
            if loop_number is 20:
                # quit script after 20 trys
                self.logger.error("Is your connection ok?")

            # send message to the websocket server
            data_ws = ws.recv()

                mfc_session =
                mfc_session ="session")

                if mfc_session is not None:
                    status_regex = True
                loop_number += 1
                self.logger.debug("-- RESEND WEBSOCKET DATA -- {0} --".format(loop_number))


        if username:
            re_uid = r"\d+"
            re_username = username
        elif user_id:
            re_uid = int(user_id)
            re_username = r"\w+"

        # regex for http data
        _data_channel_re = re.compile(r"""
            """.format(re_username, re_uid), re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE)

        # get data from http server
        cookies = {"cid": "3149", "gw": "1"}
        res = http.get(DATA_URL.format(mfc_session, xchat), cookies=cookies)
        data_channel =

        if not data_channel:
            # abort if the regex can't find the username
            self.logger.error("Stream is offline or username/user_id is invalid")

        username ="username")
        uid = int("uid"))
        uid_video = uid + 100000000
        vs = int("vs"))
        camserver = int("server"))"USER ID: {0}".format(uid))"USERNAME: {0}".format(username))
        self.logger.debug("VIDEO STATUS: {0}".format(vs))

        if vs is 0:
            # FCVIDEO_TX_IDLE = 0
            if camserver >= 840:
                server = camserver - 500
            elif camserver < 839:
                server = 0

            if server:
                hls_url = HLS_VIDEO_URL.format(server, uid_video)

                self.logger.debug("HLS URL: {0}".format(hls_url))

                for s in HLSStream.parse_variant_playlist(self.session, hls_url).items():
                    yield s

__plugin__ = MyFreeCams

Copy the code to the notebook, save as in the folder ...\Lib\site-packages\streamlink\plugins\ You also probably need to install "pip install websocket-client"

To work, you can use the modified ihryjfbd script:


@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion

set USERNAME=AnonymousUser
set PASSWORD=anonymous

set SECONDS=30

set /p model=Enter username:
set model=%model:
set model=#%model:/=%

set OUT_DIR=MyFreeCams\%model%

if not exist %OUT_DIR% (mkdir %OUT_DIR%)

for /L %%i in (1,1,99) do (
  set N=!time:~9,12!
  set /a N=10000!N! %% 10000
  set rand=!random!
  set /a rand=!rand!* 31/32768+1
  set /a rand=!N!+!rand!
  set /a rand=!rand!*31/131+1
set server=edge%rand%

for /r %%F in (*) do if %%~zF==0 @del "%%F"
set ts=%date:/=-%_%time::=-%
set ts=%ts: =%
set output=%OUT_DIR%\%model%_%ts%.ts

color 2F && title %model% @ %time% - %server%
cls && echo Capturing: %model% @ %time% - %server% && echo.

streamlink "" best --http-header "swfUrl=" --http-header "flashVer=WIN" -o "%OUT_DIR%\%model%_%ts%.ts

for %%r in (%output%) do (
  if %%~zr lss 1 del %output%
  color 4F && title %model% - OFFLINE

set /a rand=%random%*31/32768+1
set server=edge%rand%

timeout %SECONDS%
goto doCapture

Moonspell 04-05-2017 01:57 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by Damianonymous (Post 90748)
I am using a plugin for Streamlink:

To work, you can use the modified ihryjfbd script:


@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion

set USERNAME=AnonymousUser
set PASSWORD=anonymous

set SECONDS=30

set /p model=Enter username:
set model=%model:
set model=#%model:/=%

set OUT_DIR=MyFreeCams\%model%

if not exist %OUT_DIR% (mkdir %OUT_DIR%)

for /L %%i in (1,1,99) do (
  set N=!time:~9,12!
  set /a N=10000!N! %% 10000
  set rand=!random!
  set /a rand=!rand!* 31/32768+1
  set /a rand=!N!+!rand!
  set /a rand=!rand!*31/131+1
set server=edge%rand%

for /r %%F in (*) do if %%~zF==0 @del "%%F"
set ts=%date:/=-%_%time::=-%
set ts=%ts: =%
set output=%OUT_DIR%\%model%_%ts%.ts

color 2F && title %model% @ %time% - %server%
cls && echo Capturing: %model% @ %time% - %server% && echo.

streamlink "" best --http-header "swfUrl=" --http-header "flashVer=WIN" -o "%OUT_DIR%\%model%_%ts%.ts

for %%r in (%output%) do (
  if %%~zr lss 1 del %output%
  color 4F && title %model% - OFFLINE

set /a rand=%random%*31/32768+1
set server=edge%rand%

timeout %SECONDS%
goto doCapture

Hmmm... this is should be for rtmpdump? For me, it doesn't work though. Or it needs some specific things in the path?

ihryjfbd 04-05-2017 02:58 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by Moonspell (Post 90750)
Hmmm... this is should be for rtmpdump? For me, it doesn't work though. Or it needs some specific things in the path?

Yeah he changed my rtmpdump lines to streamlink.

Damianonymous 04-05-2017 06:03 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by Moonspell (Post 90750)
Hmmm... this is should be for rtmpdump? For me, it doesn't work though. Or it needs some specific things in the path?

Do you have the MyfreeCams plugin? Websocket-client in \Lib\site-packages\... in this folder where Streamlink is used?


Originally Posted by ihryjfbd (Post 90755)
Yeah he changed my rtmpdump lines to streamlink.


streamlink "" best --http-header "swfUrl=" --http-header "flashVer=WIN" -o "%OUT_DIR%\%model%_%ts%.ts
I'm using this script with Streamlink also for Chaturbate. It seems that MyFreeCams plugin works better with it, I do not see so many errors in the console. You could look at them or change something, I do not know myself completely ;)

ihryjfbd 04-05-2017 12:30 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by Damianonymous (Post 90761)
Do you have the MyfreeCams plugin? Websocket-client in \Lib\site-packages\... in this folder where Streamlink is used?


streamlink "" best --http-header "swfUrl=" --http-header "flashVer=WIN" -o "%OUT_DIR%\%model%_%ts%.ts
I'm using this script with Streamlink also for Chaturbate. It seems that MyFreeCams plugin works better with it, I do not see so many errors in the console. You could look at them or change something, I do not know myself completely ;)

It shouldn't be any different really since streamlink uses the rtmpdump.exe in it's programs files x86 folder anyway along with ffmpeg.

Damianonymous 04-05-2017 06:12 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Streamlink to Chaturbate with rtmpdump needs KSW compilation, so that plugin has not yet been created. Also, the official MyFreeCams plug-in was not created because it only works with Websocket-Client. In both cases, the user would be forced to install products from the outside.

trkient8 04-06-2017 08:54 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

B?© trai h??n 1 tuổi bị thang cuốn s??n bay k?©o đứt cổ tay

Chiá»?u 6/4, má»™t b?© trai 17 th??ng tuổi trong khi chá??y ch??i trong ph??ng chá»? ga quốc n?´i s??n bay T??n S??n Nhá??t - TPHCM Ä‘?? bị thang cuốn k?©o gá?§n đứt cổ tay phá??i.

Ná??n nh??n l?* ch??u b?© V.N.K.P., qu?? á»? H?* TÄ©nh.

Theo th?´ng tin ban Ä‘á?§u, l??c 15h13 ng?*y 6/4, b?© V.N.K.P. Ä‘i c??ng má?? l?* T.T.N. (sinh nÄ?m 1991) ra s??n bay l?*m thủ tá»?c cho chuyá??n bay Ä‘i Ä?ồng Há»›i (Quá??ng B?¬nh) l??c 17h30. Sau khi ho?*n th?*nh thủ tá»?c an ninh, 2 má?? con ch??u P. Ä‘i v?*o khu vá»±c c??ch ly Ä‘á»? ngồi chá»? chuyá??n bay.

Tá??i ph??ng chá»?, ch??u P. tá»± chá??y Ä‘i ch??i. Ä?á??n 15h55, nghe thá??y tiá??ng k??u kh??c, má»?i ng?°á»?i trong ph??ng chá»? chá??y Ä‘á??n th?¬ thá??y ch??u b?© ng?? xuống thang cuốn cá??m ứng tá»± Ä‘á»™ng, bị thang cứa gá?§n l?¬a cổ tay phá??i.

Sá»± việc xá??y ra qu?? nhanh, khi nghe má»?i ng?°á»?i k??u l??n th?¬ má?? ch??u b?© má»›i biá??t. Nh??n vi??n h?*ng kh?´ng Ä‘?? lá?*p tức c?? má?·t c??ng nh??n vi??n y tá?? há»— trá»? cho b?© P., c??ng s?? cứu v?* Ä‘?°a ch??u b?© Ä‘i bệnh viện.

Nh?* chức tr??ch s??n bay cho biá??t, vị tr?* xá??y ra tai ná??n đối vá»›i ch??u b?© l?* thang cuốn ná?±m á»? khu vá»±c cá»*a ra m??y bay số 3. Ä???y l?* khu vá»±c phá»?c vá»? cho nhiá»?u h??ng h?*ng kh?´ng kh??c nhau. Tuy nhi??n, tá??i thá»?i Ä‘iá»?m xá??y ra sá»± việc, khu vá»±c n?*y kh?´ng thá»±c hiện phá»?c vá»? cho chuyá??n bay n?*o n??n quá?§y Ä‘?°á»?c Ä‘??ng lá??i.

Ä??°á»?c biá??t, nh??n vi??n của h??ng vá?*n chuyá»?n h?*ng ho?? Ä‘?? Ä‘i c??ng má?? con chị N. Ä‘á??n bệnh viện Ä‘á»? há»— trá»?, chÄ?m s??c h?*nh kh??ch của m?¬nh.


supersonic80 04-17-2017 05:39 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

I assume that topic was created when there was no an FFMPEG option to record MFC. Since that time a lot has been changed. So the question is, do we still want to record using RTMP? I'm just wonder, why? Are there any other reasons that I don't know?

Imho, ffmpeg solution is twice simpler than rtmp one and conversion of .ts files to .mp4 is much faster than .flv.

It looks like ffmpeg was able to record only 320p videos, but it is not any more. I compared the quality of .flv and .ts files, they are almost identical.

So the question is why?

Damianonymous 04-17-2017 01:55 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

It has been 8 years, you can find many great projects on this topic, also your Sergey. Chaturbate servers are having a lot of problems with FFmpeg, and RTMP is recommended there. In MyFreeCams, FFmpeg is doing well, there is no reason to tire of flv.

Wacker66 04-18-2017 11:49 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

MFC updated there servers today and now MFCRecorder no longer works :(

poose22 04-18-2017 05:46 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by Wacker66 (Post 90976)
MFC updated there servers today and now MFCRecorder no longer works :(

yep, hasn't been working for me all day. even after restarting the application multiple times.

Wacker66 04-18-2017 09:39 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by poose22 (Post 90980)
yep, hasn't been working for me all day. even after restarting the application multiple times.

It was fun while it lasted, I need something easy like MFCRecorder was. The technical stuff people talk about in this thread is too much for me. It would be awesome if someone could make something similar to or fix MFCRecorder.

supersonic80 04-18-2017 10:44 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

mfc-node has a "temporary" fix to address the issue with the recent update of MyFreeCams.

Damianonymous 04-19-2017 03:19 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by Wacker66 (Post 90986)
It was fun while it lasted, I need something easy like MFCRecorder was. The technical stuff people talk about in this thread is too much for me. It would be awesome if someone could make something similar to or fix MFCRecorder.

There is no better chance of updating MFCRecorder. I'd like to introduce you to updated applications that support high-definition broadcasts. For example repaired after several hours by supersonic80:

From the application I have installed on my Windows, it still works:

Wacker66 04-19-2017 09:28 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by supersonic80 (Post 90988)
mfc-node has a "temporary" fix to address the issue with the recent update of MyFreeCams.


Originally Posted by Damianonymous (Post 90991)
There is no better chance of updating MFCRecorder. I'd like to introduce you to updated applications that support high-definition broadcasts. For example repaired after several hours by supersonic80:

From the application I have installed on my Windows, it still works:

Thanks, I will give this a try. Like I said I was hoping for something easy and I am confused on how to set it up but I will give it a go. Are there any simpler step by step instructions somewhere?

Wacker66 04-19-2017 12:17 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by Wacker66 (Post 90996)
Thanks, I will give this a try. Like I said I was hoping for something easy and I am confused on how to set it up but I will give it a go. Are there any simpler step by step instructions somewhere?

Never mind got it working, thanks for letting me know about this.

antihero 04-19-2017 02:23 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

hi guys, I'm working on a java recording tool. :)


+ capture in HD (800x600px)
+ filter model-list
+ cam preview
+ auto update model-list
+ record list (auto-record when model goes online)
+ ignore list (models are never recorded)
+ ffmpeg + ffplay
+ output shows full date
+ mac, win & unix support

Are guys you interested?


guestbuy 04-19-2017 03:24 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Looks nice!


Originally Posted by antihero (Post 90999)
hi guys, I'm working on a java recording tool. :)


+ capture in HD (800x600px)
+ filter model-list
+ cam preview
+ auto update model-list
+ record list (auto-record when model goes online)
+ ignore list (models are never recorded)
+ ffmpeg + ffplay
+ output shows full date
+ mac, win & unix support

Are guys you interested?


CristianoA 04-19-2017 03:29 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

@antihero your app use rtmp stream or mobile feed HLS ?

supersonic80 04-19-2017 03:54 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by CristianoA (Post 91004)
@antihero your app use rtmp stream or mobile feed HLS ?

He mentioned ffmpeg, so, I more than sure, it will be HLS.

But, I would like to say, I don't think there is any benefits of using rtmp. For test purpose, I recorded several models in rtmp and HLS for a coulple days, and the final files were almost the same. I did not find any difference in resolutions and the difference in file sizes was close to call it the same.

Rohzai 04-19-2017 03:57 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by antihero (Post 90999)
hi guys, I'm working on a java recording tool. :)


+ capture in HD (800x600px)
+ filter model-list
+ cam preview
+ auto update model-list
+ record list (auto-record when model goes online)
+ ignore list (models are never recorded)
+ ffmpeg + ffplay
+ output shows full date
+ mac, win & unix support

Are guys you interested?

Definitely interested! Looks like a clean UI, and I like that "ID or ModelName" button you've got.

If you happen to be taking feature requests right now, I'd love to see a Bookmark List to sort for bookmarked models when you don't always want to be recording.

guestbuy 04-19-2017 04:33 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

I have followed all the information here, but still can't get the record to start. I get the following error when adding a model. I've tried installing node several times, different versions of ffmpeg, running as admin. If anyone could point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.

EDIT: Fixed by installing older version of Node.


Originally Posted by Damianonymous (Post 90991)
There is no better chance of updating MFCRecorder. I'd like to introduce you to updated applications that support high-definition broadcasts. For example repaired after several hours by supersonic80:

From the application I have installed on my Windows, it still works:

supersonic80 04-19-2017 04:43 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by guestbuy (Post 91007)
I have followed all the information here, but still can't get the record to start. I get the following error when adding a model. I've tried installing node several times, different versions of ffmpeg. If anyone could point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.

My guess is that your config file has an error. Yaml syntax is a bit tricky, especially when you define an array. Try to get the original config file, start with an empty list of models then add models via url requests.

Btw, empty array declaration is
models: []

guestbuy 04-19-2017 04:50 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by supersonic80 (Post 91008)
My guess is that your config file has an error. Yaml syntax is a bit tricky, especially when you define an array. Try to get the original config file, start with an empty list of models then add models via url requests.

Btw, empty array declaration is
models: []

Thank you for posting super. I actually noticed I had a later build of Node. Installed 6.10 and it is now working!

paul.ymer 04-19-2017 05:00 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by supersonic80 (Post 91008)
My guess is that your config file has an error. Yaml syntax is a bit tricky, especially when you define an array. Try to get the original config file, start with an empty list of models then add models via url requests.

Btw, empty array declaration is
models: []

Looks like there is a typo in main.js

check here: https:**//
remove the ** in the link

marabu88 found it

guestbuy 04-19-2017 05:15 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

I see there is a convert.js like chaturbate-node. Is there a good/automative tool to use to fix time stamps or a way to properly stop the capture so they are showing 24hr time stamps?

poose22 04-19-2017 06:29 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by antihero (Post 90999)
hi guys, I'm working on a java recording tool. :)


+ capture in HD (800x600px)
+ filter model-list
+ cam preview
+ auto update model-list
+ record list (auto-record when model goes online)
+ ignore list (models are never recorded)
+ ffmpeg + ffplay
+ output shows full date
+ mac, win & unix support

Are guys you interested?


Yes! We're interested

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