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-   - How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


horacio 02-23-2019 02:52 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by Syl0pt (Post 96878)
I have a few questions i'm hoping someone can help me with. I'm trying to use the convert.js script from Horacio's v3.0.2 node, but I'm getting this error:

user ~/Videos/mfc-node-2 $ node convert.js
: [ // speex or something else'-i', srcFile,'-y','-hide_banner','-loglevel','panic','-movflags','+faststart','-c:v', 'copy','-c:a', 'aac','-b:a','64k',dstFile])}

Sorry my error. I use my simple script for that so I have not tried convert.js.
I switched this script to all three formats ('flv', 'mp4' and 'ts') to 'flv'. Originaly only 'flv' and 'ts' switched to 'mp4' but that converted 'mp4' is in fact 'flv'.
I see that the converted directory needs to be released immediately to not convert the converted file again.
Mostly upgraded version I uploaded at

supersonic80 02-23-2019 05:40 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

There is an error in the script (lines: 74 and 75), I assume horacio made it when he was "beautifying" the original script because the original code does not have this error (

The main purpose of convert.js is to convert .flv and .ts files to .mp4. It should never be used for .mp4. The problem here is that horacio's version of mfc-node gives the wrong extension to the files (.mp4 instead of .ts), therefore there is a confusion. The whole thing works only because most of the video players ignore extension and detect the container automatically.


Originally Posted by Syl0pt (Post 96878)
I have a few questions i'm hoping someone can help me with. I'm trying to use the convert.js script from Horacio's v3.0.2 node, but I'm getting this error:

user ~/Videos/mfc-node-2 $ node convert.js
: [ // speex or something else'-i', srcFile,'-y','-hide_banner','-loglevel','panic','-movflags','+faststart','-c:v', 'copy','-c:a', 'aac','-b:a','64k',dstFile])}

SyntaxError: Unexpected token :
at new Script (vm.js:79:7)
at createScript (vm.js:251:10)
at Object.runInThisContext (vm.js:303:10)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:656:28)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:699:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:598:32)
at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:537:12)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:529:3)
at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:741:12)
at startup (internal/bootstrap/node.js:285:19)

This is my first time trying to use the convert script, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, if anything.

horacio 02-24-2019 03:12 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by supersonic80 (Post 96887)
The main purpose of convert.js is to convert .flv and .ts files to .mp4. It should never be used for .mp4. The problem here is that horacio's version of mfc-node gives the wrong extension to the files (.mp4 instead of .ts), therefore there is a confusion. The whole thing works only because most of the video players ignore extension and detect the container automatically.

Well good @supersonic80 whay you're so jealous on my work. I'm not hiding, my nick here on '' is @horacio and on '' is @horacio9a.
Come on tell us your nick on the '' so maybe some things will be clearer to us.
As far as ts, mp4 and flv I believe more VLC than your hollow theory.
Here I am struggling and sorting all three formats and I hope that at least some people will now be clearer about what is going on.

I'm sorry to have to explain it again, because I have been in similar controversy over the past years.

supersonic80 02-24-2019 05:29 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

I'm not jealous, I'm just disappointed what you've done to the original script.

With all your desire to improve the script, there are clear signs that sometimes you have no clue what you are doing.
You added stuff and this is GREAT however you made some changes that "ruined" the script. Js formatting is one of these changes. The original script was made according to well known "Airbnb JavaScript style guide" (easy to read, easy to lint), however, your js formatting is completely unreadable and impossible to lint.

As for TS and MP4, you need to read about "containers" and "codecs". Looks like you are confusing them and your mentioning of VLC just confirms this.

I'm not gonna argue with you, but I'll give you advice, use


ffprobe -show_format <filename>
If it shows you MPEG-TS then use .ts extension.
If it shows you FLV then use .flv extension.
If it shows you QuickTime / MOV then use .mp4 extension.

Best regards,

And don't forget to swap lines 74 and 75 of convert.js (but keep "?" and ":" at its lines).


Originally Posted by horacio (Post 96888)
Well good @supersonic80 whay you're so jealous on my work. I'm not hiding, my nick here on '' is @horacio and on '' is @horacio9a.
Come on tell us your nick on the '' so maybe some things will be clearer to us.
As far as ts, mp4 and flv I believe more VLC than your hollow theory.
Here I am struggling and sorting all three formats and I hope that at least some people will now be clearer about what is going on.

I'm sorry to have to explain it again, because I have been in similar controversy over the past years.

Damianonymous 02-24-2019 04:08 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by horacio (Post 96888)
Well good @supersonic80 whay you're so jealous on my work. I'm not hiding, my nick here on '' is @horacio and on '' is @horacio9a.
Come on tell us your nick on the ''


Originally Posted by supersonic80 (Post 96889)
I'm not jealous, I'm just disappointed what you've done to the original script...

I'm not gonna argue with you...


Guys, "I grew up" on your applications. You are doing an amazing job for us, perhaps it will be better to cooperate and exchange experiences than such misunderstandings. Nowadays, it's difficult to find people who do something for people selflessly, just like you ;)

horacio 02-24-2019 04:46 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)


Originally Posted by Damianonymous (Post 96891)
Guys, "I grew up" on your applications. You are doing an amazing job for us, perhaps it will be better to cooperate and exchange experiences than such misunderstandings. Nowadays, it's difficult to find people who do something for people selflessly, just like you ;)

I agree entirely with @Damianonymous. Here I am in goodwill to increase the size of my 'main.js' from 19.3 to 20.5 kb in the hope that it will not look rough anymore. If 'ffprobe' is a reference then the streamlink stream is '.ts' but then the converted file is not '.mp4' is already '.flv' :)
I have long assumed who is hiding behind nicknames @supersonic80 so i'm glad we've barred it :)

troller12 02-24-2019 05:33 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

Hi guys,

only to change file extensions (by hand) makes of course no sense.Important is put the video / audtio strams (codecs) into right container format.I dont like the MPEG-TS container because its getting handled pretty bad by player / editors etc so in this case I just give them a MPEG-4 container or just force the container already on a download / livestream.For videos using Flash Video container I keep them (for myself) and dont change it but you can do this too of course but it could make trouble (if speex audio used and tags not found = fails to set MPEG-4 container).

I am not into JS so I cant read that script very well but if horacio does use already the mp4 extension with ffmpeg as output for new file then the mp4 container is also set for the new file and it seems so...

let dstFile = path.basename(srcFile, path.extname(srcFile)) + '.mp4'
....also the speex issue gets checked and aac is set in this case.If ts or flv then set extension to mp4 = container format / execute ffmpeg.On first view into script it looks ok so far.

All in all its also no script what does convert the video (only if speex audio was found does it convert to aac) and just does copy video & audio streams into MPEG-4 (.mp4) container without to re-encode.

Anyway,using MPEG-4 container for files using MPEG-TS container is fine so I would also do that.I think thats also the sense of the script from horacio to change the containers into MPEG-4 one which gets handled best by most players and other tools.


wizard 02-25-2019 01:41 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

After following latest replies from this thread I see that we have come to a best point we could, collaborate instead of compete. Being a member here for who knows how many years from time to time I got impression that some members tried to outsmart the others because reasons only known to them. The same, there were some members that were helpful to the community (and the "scene" in general) and have contributed with their knowledge and apps more than some of us could imagine someone will.

Among some really great members here that were friendly, polite and willing to share and especially who had outstanding coding and programming skills I must say that over the time Horacio showed persistence and consistency like not many others. He was here from the "beginning of time" and he still is. It was amazing to see how he was managing to create many scripts and files even he was almost a noob at the start (like many of us did), especially knowing that his English is not the best which makes it a lot harder to understand whatever you are learning. So even his script sometimes looked bad, had some errors or were complicated more than necessary they have been doing what their job. Despite how ugly they looked sometimes they were helpful. Beside, from my point of view, as long something is doing what I need I don't care how bad or ugly it is written. Unless it kills my pc I am more than pleased with it and I am more than respectful to the author, his work, efforts, spent time and willingness to share.

So, just as someone else above mentioned, it is far more better that we all collaborate. Help others by suggestions, advice, tips, hints where, how or what to learn and to combine our knowledge in order that we all benefit more. Speaking honestly, most of the time that was the case in first place. It is really awesome to see some great posts here by troller, demianony, superson, coolguy and few others (sorry for not naming you here). It's just pity because this board has gone under cam site owners, admins, tech staff radar long time ago so who knows how many members are there here that aren't feel comfortable to contribute with their knowledge.

Sorry for going "off topic" a bit but it's just what I felt need to say. By the way, I hope my reply won't take this thread in a wrong direction.

Cheers, thanks and keep up the good work !

supersonic80 02-25-2019 05:01 AM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

convert.js with small fixes

* skips files without audio stream (doesn't crash)
* does not delete but preserve the original file by renaming it, in cases where the resulting file is 10% smaller in size than the original one.

Works only with .flv and .ts files.!kmZxVKzL!iMSVVVGPv...N30cpHDN Bs5k

ktthuedv19 02-25-2019 05:52 PM

Re: How can I record free sex web-cam chat (rtmp:// .flv)

C?´ng ty dịch vá»? ká?? to??n thuá?? cá?§n tuyá»?n 3 bá??n ká?? to??n há»?c việc tá??i khu vá»±c Du Ná»™i - Mai L??m - Ä??´ng Anh - H?* Ná»™i

C??c c?´ng việc thá»±c hiện:

- Sá??p xá??p ph??n loá??i h??a Ä‘??n, chứng từ ká?? to??n.
- Cá?*p nhá?*t c??c loá??i h??a Ä‘??n, chứng từ thu, chi, nhá?*p xuá??t kho, ng??n h?*ng l??n phá?§n má»?m ká?? to??n Fast Accounting, Misa SME
- Ho?*n thiện bá??ng l?°??ng, hồ s?? chứng từ lao Ä‘á»™ng tiá»?n l?°??ng
- Cá?*p nhá?*t đối chiá??u c??c tá»? khai, sổ s??ch, b??o c??o theo sá»± h?°á»›ng
- L??n c??c tá»? khai thuá??, b??o c??o t?*i ch?*nh cuối nÄ?m
- Thá»±c hiện c??c c?´ng việc chuy??n m?´n kh??c
- Sau 3 th??ng há»?c việc Ä‘?°á»?c t??y theo c?´ng việc v?* nÄ?ng lá»±c há»?c vi??n c?? thá»? xem x?©t Ä‘á»? trá»? th?*nh nh??n vi??n ch?*nh thức của c?´ng ty


Quyá»?n lá»?i Ä‘?°á»?c h?°á»?ng
- Ä??°á»?c h?°á»?ng phá»? cá??p h?*ng th??ng: 1,5 tr + Ä?n tr?°a
- Ä??°á»?c há»?c c??ch sá»* dá»?ng c??c phá?§n má»?m ká?? to??n th?´ng dá»?ng Fast Accounting, Misa Sme
- Ä??°á»?c tham gia thá»±c tá?? v?*o c??c c?´ng việc ká?? to??n n??ng cao nghiệp vá»?.
- Ä??°á»?c há»?c há»?i c??ch l??n c??c tá»? khai thuá?? th??ng, qu??, nÄ?m
- Tá?*p huá??n c??c ká»? nÄ?ng má»?m, biá??t c??ch quá??n l?? c?´ng việc, l?°u trá»? bá??o má?*t số liệu hồ s?? chứng từ
- Ä??°á»?c há»— trá»? xin dá??u x??c nhá?*n thá»±c tá?*p

Y??u cá?§u c?´ng việc
- L?* sinh vi??n hoá?·c c??c bá??n má»›i ra tr?°á»?ng chuy??n ng?*nh ká?? to??n tá??i c??c tr?°á»?ng trung cá??p, cao Ä‘á??ng, Ä‘á??i há»?c hoá?·c t?°??ng Ä‘?°??ng tr??n địa b?*n h?* ná»™i, Bá??c Ninh.
- C?? khá?? nÄ?ng l?*m việc Ä‘á»™c lá?*p v?* l?*m việc nh??m
- Nhanh nhá??n, nhiệt t?¬nh, chÄ?m chỉ

Y??u cá?§u hồ s?? (Copy kh?´ng cá?§n chứng thá»±c):
- Ä???n xin việc.
- S?? yá??u l?? lịch.
- chứng minh nh??n d??n.
- C??c bá?±ng cá??p c?? li??n quan.

Bá??n n?*o c?? nhu cá?§u há»?c việc th?¬ gá»*i CV tá»›i email:

Thank c??c bá??n

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