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jh82 10-30-2016 07:48 AM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos


Originally Posted by ihryjfbd (Post 88277)

for %%a in ("*.flv") do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -vcodec copy -c:a aac -b:a 128k -bsf aac_adtstoasc "newfiles\%%~na.mp4"

I'm getting "%%a was unexpected at this time." I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong?

jh82 10-30-2016 09:04 AM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos


Originally Posted by jh82 (Post 88378)
I'm getting "%%a was unexpected at this time." I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong?

Ok, I put this in a batch file which seems to work better but now I'm getting "Codec 'h264' (28) is not supported by the bits
tream filter 'aac_adtstoasc'. Supported codecs are: aac (86018)
Error initializing bitstream filter: aac_adtstoasc"

jh82 10-30-2016 09:32 AM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos


Originally Posted by jh82 (Post 88381)
Ok, I put this in a batch file which seems to work better but now I'm getting "Codec 'h264' (28) is not supported by the bits
tream filter 'aac_adtstoasc'. Supported codecs are: aac (86018)
Error initializing bitstream filter: aac_adtstoasc"

Alright, after searching around here and on the web, I changed the code to this and it works



for %%a in ("*.flv") do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -vcodec copy -acodec libmp3lame "newfiles\%%~na.mp4"

I can hear audio now in kodi which is what I use for watching on my tv. Kodi didn't seem to recognize the CB audio codec. I'm not sure why the aac_adtstoasc didn't work, though and I'm not sure this is the best options?

Thanks for the help.

mutation 10-30-2016 01:09 PM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos


yes you can run it in windows too
just install python 2.7.x for windows
open cmd and type pip install requests to install requests module
just execute when chaturbate.txt is ready in the same folder

Rhawb347 10-30-2016 10:19 PM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos


Originally Posted by mutation (Post 88386)

yes you can run it in windows too
just install python 2.7.x for windows
open cmd and type pip install requests to install requests module
just execute when chaturbate.txt is ready in the same folder

Thank you for this script. It does work great. Could you possibly have it read the chaturbate.txt file occasionally during its run? I believe right now if you add URL's to the file after initial execution they will not be recorded until you reboot the process.

mutation 10-31-2016 02:08 PM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos

it is reading chaturbate.txt every 3 seconds

while self.ok:
r = self.read_file()

time.sleep(3) = sleep 3 seconds
read_file() = generate unique url list from file

if it cant find any url in first execution, it will exit
if it starts to download one, it wont stop even if u remove it from chaturbate.txt (until error)

like i said, this script is very ugly now
when i get free time, i'm thinking adding a basic ugly webpanel instead of .txt stuff to it

i didnt check it but you can run this script in android via qpython
(only module that i didnt test multiprocessing)

ihryjfbd 10-31-2016 04:21 PM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos


Originally Posted by jh82 (Post 88383)
Alright, after searching around here and on the web, I changed the code to this and it works



for %%a in ("*.flv") do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -vcodec copy -acodec libmp3lame "newfiles\%%~na.mp4"

I can hear audio now in kodi which is what I use for watching on my tv. Kodi didn't seem to recognize the CB audio codec. I'm not sure why the aac_adtstoasc didn't work, though and I'm not sure this is the best options?

Thanks for the help.

Strange kodi supports aac and ac3, i'll take a look in kodi.

bumsoup 11-01-2016 03:35 AM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos

Since Chaturbaterec doesn't work anymore i think i'm going to switch to tubedigger.I tried it and it doesn't freeze every 2 seconds. It's weird because they both use ffmpeg.
Does anyone know if they can track your ass if you use a capping software?:confused:

jh82 11-01-2016 06:49 AM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos


Originally Posted by bumsoup (Post 88416)
Since Chaturbaterec doesn't work anymore i think i'm going to switch to tubedigger.I tried it and it doesn't freeze every 2 seconds. It's weird because they both use ffmpeg.
Does anyone know if they can track your ass if you use a capping software?:confused:

Does Tubedigger use ffmpeg for the recording? I'm pretty sure it's used for the converting tool.

jh82 11-01-2016 06:52 AM

Re: - HowTo record 100% free XXX/adult web-cam videos


Originally Posted by ihryjfbd (Post 88403)
Strange kodi supports aac and ac3, i'll take a look in kodi.

Those Chaturbate files were the first media files that I can recall it not playing correctly and it played the file fine there was just no sound until I converted them.

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