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Old 04-24-2017, 01:25 AM
helin helin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2017
Posts: 6
helin is on a distinguished road

Powerful video capture tool

HDML-Cloner Box Pro is an advanced version of HDML-Cloner Box. It is a versatile video capture box to record streaming videos/gameplay from any video source. While keeping all functions of HDML-Cloner Box, it can play back the recorded videos on TV directly, define the output resolution and browse all contents (picture, music, movie, text) in the USB storage device with the included remote control. What's more, with a specially-designed USB port on the capture box as well as the management software HDML-Cloner Pro Helper, streaming videos can also be recorded to PC directly. HDML-Cloner Box Pro supports HDMI, VGA, AV and YPbPr input signals and can record videos automatically at a scheduled time.

HDML-Cloner Box Evolve is a standalone video capture box to record videos from any video source to your USB flash drive/TF card/PC. The lag-free passthrough to your TV will let you focus on enjoying videos while recording. Besides, you can manually adjust the recording bitrate to decide whether to save as one complete video or split into several 2GB files. The schedule recording feature makes it possible to record videos automatically.

HDML-Cloner Box Suite, including HDML-Cloner Box and HDML-Cloner Helper, enables you to record streaming videos from any video source including your Xbox 360/Xbox One/PS3/PS4/Wii console, DVD/Blu-ray player, set-top box, and VCR onto any USB memory stick and hard disk via HDMI with just pressing one button.

HDML-Cloner Wand is a mini video capture tool to record DVD/Blu-ray movies, gameplay or HD videos from any video source via HDMI to your PC or laptop under Windows OS without capacity limit. It is also the world's first tool to record HD videos via HDMI to Android phones directly.
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