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Old 08-29-2008, 04:03 PM
letsjam13 letsjam13 is offline
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Need some help recording from

I am trying to download the videos from

I used Grab++, Orbit, WM Recorder and URL Snooper.
I did manage to download the video through WM Recorder (It was under 5 minutes to begin with). However the video recorded as it played - example, the video had to bugger twice in IE (not using silverlight) and was choppy and lagged, thus the final .wmv does the same thing. However the final WMV is a full 11MB+ file. Is there a reason as to why it did that? (I have a Cable connection so the buffering is relatively fast) however when I had silverlight it did not need to buffer and loaded quickly with no lagging..

I have spent hours trying to get these videos and I am still at a standstill.

Are there other programs I should try?

Grab++ finds the URLS, they are mms and rtsp BUT the file size is not specified. Nothing shows up in my Temp Internet files.

I also get errors in WM Player - first i can play the file and then later i get an error video.

n b c has these URLs tighter then a drum >

Last edited by Stream Ripper : 08-29-2008 at 07:58 PM.
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Old 08-29-2008, 07:52 PM
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Re: Need some help, it works but then it doesn't , playing errors...

This year NBC has teamed up with Microsoft (MSFT) to provide a wealth of Olympics footage at If you're really into specific events that aren't shown over your broadcast TV station, then you can likely watch them online. Very cool.

The Microsoft contribution is via the Silverlight video player, which you must install in order to watch video. Few video providers use Silverlight, which is why there are no programs (yet) that can record those feeds via stream capture.

Anyways, If you're looking to record some of these events and save them forever, the best program to use is WM Capture. This on-screen recorder makes great quality videos from the Olympic feeds.

To burn these recordings to DVD, try the new Replay Converter 3.0, which is currently in beta. You can also make iPod format videos, or AVI files to import them into your favorite video editor.

Oh, I noticed that you need to enter a zip code and your Cable provider to watch some online feeds. Try 94118 and ComCast Digital if you're disallowed access.

If this is a NON silverlight example, i'd like to test this for you: Can you please provide me with the URL of the video you're trying to record, so I can trouble shoot the issue?

Stream Ripper
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Old 08-30-2008, 11:15 AM
letsjam13 letsjam13 is offline
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Re: Need some help recording from

Thank you for your reply and for that information (I appreciate it)

Here is the link to the video (embedded video player):
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Old 08-30-2008, 01:49 PM
Stream Ripper Stream Ripper is offline
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Re: Need some help recording from

Maybe my internet is having issues, but I wasnt able to load that page. Is that a NON silverlight link you're having trouble recording?

And my pleasure for the help.
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Old 08-31-2008, 10:19 AM
letsjam13 letsjam13 is offline
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Re: Need some help recording from

Originally Posted by Stream Ripper View Post
Maybe my internet is having issues, but I wasnt able to load that page. Is that a NON silverlight link you're having trouble recording?

And my pleasure for the help.
Thank you!
yes that is a non silverlight link, I did not install the silverlight and use Internet Explorer so it gives me the option of using a regular flash player.
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Old 08-31-2008, 11:43 PM
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Re: Need some help recording from

Originally Posted by letsjam13 View Post
Thank you!
yes that is a non silverlight link, I did not install the silverlight and use Internet Explorer so it gives me the option of using a regular flash player.
Hmm, I hate to say, but being that I did install silverlight, it's ONLY streaming for me via silverlight and not giving me other options

You might want to try Replay Media Catcher for this, as it's able to record more than most other programs out there, including the new flash version. WM Recorder would be another one to try as well...
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Old 09-05-2008, 04:17 PM
letsjam13 letsjam13 is offline
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Re: Need some help recording from

Originally Posted by Stream Ripper View Post
Hmm, I hate to say, but being that I did install silverlight, it's ONLY streaming for me via silverlight and not giving me other options

You might want to try Replay Media Catcher for this, as it's able to record more than most other programs out there, including the new flash version. WM Recorder would be another one to try as well...
I was having trouble when I installed silverlight. But I uninstalled it and ran Internet Explorer and got the regular flash player option.

Thank you for all your help!
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Old 10-28-2008, 02:20 PM
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Re: Need some help recording from

I refused to install Silverlight plug-in, but I was able to watch these streams in the Internet Explorer. Besides Replay Media Catcher was able to download mms:// .wmv Windows Media streams from NBC Olympics. Windows Media stream URLs on this web-site look like
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Old 06-16-2009, 05:21 AM
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Re: Video stream capturing from silverlight from the website

Is there any web video downloading software that can rip streaming videos from ???
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