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Old 09-02-2016, 10:05 AM
newbiejaja newbiejaja is offline
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need help!, ffmepg and php adobeHDS

I'm very new to using FFMPEG and other streaming devices.
I've got ffmpeg og ism downloader. If that's info you need.

The command that used to work looks like this:
ffmpeg.exe -i "" -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc "Video.mp4"


I just changed the numbers for each video. The numbers that's in bold.
But now the website changed their webplayer.

And I get the error message:
Http error 403 forbidden
server returned 403 forbidden (access denied)

I've tried everything from the source code (that's how you get the numbers). I didn't need subscription to the side to get it. All the info I need is "IDxxx" and on_demand_time_begin and on_demand_time_end

Here's an example from the site:

You just right click near the playbutton and goes down to the source code. Then you get this link:

Can you see what I need to change?
I tried URL sniffer, and found this:
It doesn't work, I get this error: Invalid data found when processing input

I do have Php AdobeHDS too. Tried this:
php AdobeHDS.php --manifest "" --delete


Still didn't get through. "No media entry found".

I do find chunks of video files too, with the sniffer.
But again doesn't work for anything. and it's in stupid m4s files.

Do you know what to do? What command do I need? what info? help! I'm completely lost here.
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