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Old 03-05-2013, 02:27 AM
vidyava vidyava is offline
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Multiple rtmpsuck instances?

Hello all,
I've been using rtmpsuck in linux to very handily capture rtmp streams, but I'm wondering if there's a way to capture multiple simultaneously running streams (each running in different tabs/windows).

As-is, I can capture one, and all of the others fail to load. I've tried crafting some rtmpdump commands, but I'm pretty new to this and apparently the server I'm trying it on is notoriously difficult to work with, so rtmpsuck would be preferable. Any help/guidance is appreciated.
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Old 03-05-2013, 03:17 AM
oelk oelk is offline
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Re: Multiple rtmpsuck instances?


rtmpsuck will handle many connections at once for you. It's maybe a problem with the server. Are you able to play more than one stream in your browser simultaneously?

btw: It would be helpful to know, about which website you're talking about.
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Old 03-05-2013, 03:45 AM
vidyava vidyava is offline
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Re: Multiple rtmpsuck instances?

If I'm not running rtmpsuck (and not using iptables for routing), I can view as many streams as I want. If I am running it, I can run multiple at a time, but it only records the first one it picks up.

The websites I've tried: (which actually will only load one stream at a time, and must be the one rtmpsuck is recording first to even show in the browser)

I'm also using rtmpsuck 2.3 because when I've tried to compile 2.4 from git or svn, I get segfaults from rtmpsuck and rtmpsrv.

Side question: Is there a way to not overwrite files by default in 2.3? I see a patch for it in 2.4, but like I said, segfaults.
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Old 03-05-2013, 04:23 AM
oelk oelk is offline
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Re: Multiple rtmpsuck instances?

Maybe the problem is the old version.

I got segfaults with rtmpsuck, too. The solution was, that an old shared library was used.
There are two options to overcome this: Use a static build of rtmpdump or install the built librtmp.
I would advice to follow the instructions of KSV from here.

The last question wouldn't be relevant if this works for you.
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Old 03-05-2013, 03:04 PM
vidyava vidyava is offline
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Re: Multiple rtmpsuck instances?

That solved almost every issue, thanks! Unfortunately it still overwrites files (fix at the end of this post), and in my stress testing of opening and closing 6 different streams at random I managed to crash all of them, but it works far better than it did previously.

For anyone coming across this, on Fedora 17 x64 I had to install from git and patch as the link oelk posted says, then download the binary from later in the thread.
I had two "missing" static libraries, libcrypto and libssl, which were in my folders but with the wrong name, so I did
cd /usr/lib64
sudo ln -s
sudo ln -s
I then took this patch and attempted to patch it. When it failed, I had to go in and add the last part (/*check for duplicate...) manually, but now the files aren't automatically overwritten anymore.

Thank you for the help, oelk.
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