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Old 05-11-2011, 12:54 AM
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How I met your mother:funniest show ever

I followed HIMYM since day one, so I'm a big fan. two of my favorite episodes of this season "playbook" and "bride". I esp love cigarette voice of Lily in "the last cigarette ever" episode. how i met your mother dvd The acting is excellent, the jokes are funny, and they are New Yorkers very well (I am a New Yorker). def this season make you laugh, and is an ideal add esp if you have all the seasons.
the show is absolutely hilarious, and there are serious moments. It 's definitely got me through a bad break up lol. But I still own all the seasons, and is always a fun show to bring people too
This season on How I Met Your Mother is held to high standards. This season has great music. All songs are in the features section. Wonderful DVD. How I Met Your Mother is one of those performances that grew on me over the years. Season 1 had a semi-strip writing, but the show has grown over the years have passed. Season 5 is definitely one of the funniest seasons, and I lay members have ventured into musicals. I highly recommend it!
Yes, even if we have walked the valley of the shadow of death was an obsession for the network TV "reality", we feared no evil, because we knew that comedy would be resurrected, and he did!
My wife and I actually boycotted television network entirely, when enthusiasm TV "reality" has swept the airwaves after the success of "Survivor" show. We had no interest in "CSI" or crime drama shows, or shows the marriage or any other nonsense that came out crazy mad TV "reality". When CBS launched the How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM), and we got wind of this, we were immediately struck by the quality of writing and the stellar cast of actors they got for the show, now in its Fifth Season.
HIMYM is a great successor of friends. It's the same type of cast for the romance and pain and tragedy. But what trumps all of this is comedy. The show is fun, and packs each episode with tons of humor. Neil Patrick Harris steals the show with their antics, and he should be commended for its excellent hardware performance to give the editorial team to work with.
We'll see HIMYM as he is on the air, and we hope that this is a very long time!
How I Met Your Mother comedy manages to break free from the banal and stereotyped something new and fun. This show is wonderful. Each character, each episode. Intelligent, well written. and all the characters are mutually reinforcing. Absolutely hysterical!
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