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Old 08-06-2009, 07:26 AM
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Lots of problems with Jaksta

I have lots of problems with Jaksta. I don't care much about the fact that I can't maximize its windows, but I do care about its recording abilities. I bought the program after reading a review on this web-site and I wish I tried the program myself first.

I can't record simple http flash video streams with it including videos
That's weird, because the developer claims about fast speed, but I don't need that when I can't download videos fully. I don't want to see any errors with 'segments' or that I have downloaded 140% of the video.

Another problem is that sometimes the program gets all my memory and I can't do anything on my computer because of that.

You suggested me the program, so please advise how to get a refund.
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Old 08-06-2009, 08:12 AM
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Re: Lots of problems with Jaksta

Sorry for making you unhappy. It is always a good idea to try software before buying it. We always suggest that. What works good on my PC might not work well for others.

Jaksta is one of the best RTMP stream recorders, but it is not ideal. I also have problems with HTTP streams when using it. And it is way of maximizing the windows is whimsical (I thought it was happening on my PC only). I had a memory problem as well, but it was only once.

I don't really know about their refund policy. Please contact their support through the Jaksta web-site or send a PM to crs through the forum.

If you are interested in downloading HTTP flash videos streams only, you may use freeware Ask & Record Toolbar.
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Old 08-07-2009, 09:54 AM
crs crs is offline
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Re: Lots of problems with Jaksta


Sounds very strange. That site downloads fine here. Please contact support AT and will will sort you out.

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Old 08-07-2009, 01:02 PM
noob2001204 noob2001204 is offline
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Re: Lots of problems with Jaksta

their GUI is the reason why i'd prefer Replay Media Catcher (RMC) over Jaksta

any program built with .NET 2.0 framework uses a lot of memory
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Old 08-18-2009, 07:10 PM
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Re: Lots of problems with Jaksta

Hi, Two points.

I use Replay Media Catcher, and it is fine bar one thing - it has problems downloading BBC stuff. I have contacted Applian, who were very nice, and said they are aware of this problem, but have no solution.

I used TubeHunter, which worked very well on all sites, but since I have changed computer, I am unable to reload the program with the "old" paid-for code. They do not answer emails, which is a shame.

Can anyone be specific about problems with "Jaksta" as it looks very tempting?
Any help much appreciated.
Cheers, Les (UK)
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Old 08-19-2009, 08:00 AM
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Re: Lots of problems with Jaksta

Hi, Further to my comments yesterday, I have to say that I was swayed, and bought It might be different for an x64. I have Windows 7 x64 and both Replay Music and Ask & Record Toolbar don't work on it. Obviously it takes some time for new OSes to be supported by the software.

After successfully installing the program, with assistance from Craig, I have found that up to now, it does all and more than I expected of it - including successfully recording "difficult to record" BBC items.
I'm intrigued as to the problems others have experienced, because it works fine for me.

I might add that customer support is A1, and is heaps better than the supplier of TubeHunter that I had used before . Recommended.
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Old 08-19-2009, 09:36 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Lots of problems with Jaksta

Jaksta is a very good program. I had some problems with HTTP streams, but there are lots of free programs that I can use to download/capture them. Besides few people have this problem.

As for .NET framework you can only notice problems with it on a slow computer.

I do recommend Jaksta and Replay Media Catcher.

It's tempting to recommend GetFLV that started supporting Hulu and other web-sites using RTMPE, but the program is at an early stage of development plus nobody knows whether the program will be updated regularly and whether high quality support will be provided.

p.s. The more popular the program, the more negative comments you will see about it. There will always be some unsatisfied users whose problems can't be possibly fixed because it is next to impossible to replicate them.
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